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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29460569 No.29460569 [Reply] [Original]

This faggot got a loan, quit his job and was trading on margin, and his portfolio got liquidated (I'm almost bankrupt now)

>> No.29460604


>> No.29460644

when you try to out jew the jew, sometimes you still get chinked

>> No.29460651

you longed above 50k? what?

>> No.29460682
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>he bought the top
>with a loan

>> No.29460684

natural selection

>> No.29460713

Are you me?

>> No.29460742

Are you in a hurry or something?

>> No.29460744
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Thanks for playing.

>> No.29460872

C'est la vie
The worst part, I'll have to go back to work at amazon or something
Alts :/
tried to outjew the jews
I'll be back

>> No.29460989

>tried to outjew the jews
The only way to do this is to hodl

>> No.29460991

at least we're not alone in our faggotry

>> No.29461067

good lessons are expensive
I guess, I'mma start buying and hodling for the 23-24 bullrun

>> No.29461113

why do people do fucking margin calls? FUCK

>> No.29461218

it's not over until you say it is. there's no way the top was less than 3x of ATH this cycle.

>> No.29461226
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I actually never truly knew what margin calls were. Is it similar to how options is almost considered to be gambling more than investing?

>> No.29461290

>Margin trading near March when it's obvious that structure is breaking down
How new?

>> No.29461307

don't give up hope for this cycle. and dont kill yourself kek

>> No.29461336

why did you get greedy jew? no sympathy

>> No.29461350

It's borrowing money to speculate with more than you have.
If you lose a lot, they liquidate your stuff to pay it back.

>> No.29461375

Kinda, it's more or less like leverage
Ex. if I'm trading at x4, and my GRT went down 25% I'll lose 100% of my balance
(fucking kill me plz)

>> No.29461381

no you didnt because nobody is this dumb

>> No.29461402

>he thinks this bullrun is over

>> No.29461466

OR you can make it all back during this alt season.

>> No.29461494

Tbh, I think the market will recover from this over the next few days so it's a shame you got liquidated. I'm all for excessive risk taking when going long with my own money but I'm a risk averse bitch when fucking with leverage

>> No.29461530

have you heard about a stop loss anon?

>> No.29461729

Should have listened to bobo when he warned you.

>> No.29461736

Nope, my fucking issue since 2017, has always been that I'm so loss averse, that I ride shit down to 0

>> No.29461741

It doesn't hurt me
Do you want to feel how it feels?
Do you want to know, know that it doesn't hurt me?
Do you want to hear about the deal that I'm making....

>> No.29461799
File: 34 KB, 931x179, screenshot-www.binance.com-2021.02.23-05_25_27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't doubt my stupidity

Bobo warned me all fucking days since November, kinda difficult to take it seriously

>> No.29461870

you're a wise risk averse bitch

>> No.29461999

How much was the loan OP?

I'm guessing it's between 5-10k if you're margin trading.

>> No.29462076

Aah nice you went for alts which you can 75x-125x on, do you have any alts you recommend which can go 100% in 2 weeks? I would have leveraged Chainlink when it was 1$ but I didn't bother. The problem with these large cap alts is that they barely move.

>> No.29462287

around 5k, or a little more than a year of min wage in this third world hellhole
honestly, right now GRT, I was in for the long run, but I just happened to get wrecked while taking a very high risk position

>> No.29462449

I know that feel anon I was liquidated twice because of this (small amounts)
but you have to conquer this feel if you want to leverage trade

>> No.29463287

Prove it

>> No.29463442

>I just happened to get wrecked while taking a very high risk position
that's right bro just bad luck

>> No.29463468

Buy XRP, you'll recover.

>> No.29463481

So I'm guessing you hated your job and wanted any excuse to quit but the euphoria got to your head?

>> No.29463584

Kate is so lovely.

>> No.29464096

I didn't even hedge, part bad luck, but also my fault

>> No.29464187

With XRP you have to leverage 10,000x to see any significant gains.

>> No.29464255

Apparently it is for op. He's back at 0.

>> No.29464323

you fucking deserve it

>> No.29464404

show ur what your portfolio looks like now

>> No.29464501
File: 1.08 MB, 275x206, eyJfdHlwZSI6ImNvbW1lbnQiLCJjaGlsZF9wYXRoIjoiMTIxMDY1NTE0NjQ2ODk1NDExMjowOjAiLCJlbnRpdHlfZ3VpZCI6IjEyMTA2MTI3MjI1MjExMjA3NjgiLCJndWlkIjoiMTIxMDY1NTE0NjQ2ODk1NDExMiIsInBhcmVudF9wYXRoIjoiMDowOjAiLCJwYXJ0aXRpb25fcGF0aCI6IjA6MDowIn0=.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you wanna out Jew the Jew = Don't borrow money from the bank, ever
Pay cash for everything

>> No.29464523

thats brutal bro, what were you thinking?

>> No.29465176

Stonks only go up

>> No.29465284

reef and sadness
Almost bankrupt, not totally, can still yolo, now, how wise would that be? not much

>> No.29465295
File: 37 KB, 704x704, dont_be_a_bag_holder_for_stock_or_day_traders_t_shirt-r8b4b5a41740449b986a57ecd5013b755_k2grt_704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure I have your money now. And you know what, I do not have to pay any loan back. How awesome is that?

>> No.29465405

Pretty awesome,
spend some of it on blow,
in the name of all the faggots
whose money now you got

>> No.29465419

Wow, you are fucking stupid. This isn't for you

>> No.29465575

Thank you :3, but is the only thing that gets the dopamine running

>> No.29466106

The absolute state

>> No.29466163

The sun will shine again brother. It's just a matter of time.

>> No.29466208

i was doing 44x longs and shorts on btc yesterday riding the dips, got in at the bottom and it fucking mooned up 5% and liquidated me, lost over 2k which is half my stack, im fucked

>> No.29466339

Truer words have never been spoken

>> No.29467140
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long drop or short drop, anon?