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29440084 No.29440084 [Reply] [Original]

What "assets" are weighed against debt, and does this mean that the USA is not technically in debt, the debt is basically a numeric placeholder?

>> No.29440235

the usd has value because since 1971 oil deals are settled in usd

>> No.29440299

properties like land, gold, tanks, airplanes etc etc. all the assets the state owns. of course it's just an estimation because if things go bad your assets will be worth less as well while your debts stay the same. the state is in debt the same way you can have a mortgage, but have enough assets to payoff the mortgage at anytime.

>> No.29440409

the debt is denominated in dollars which are not defined by anything

>> No.29440626

the debt is denominated in dollars, but confidence and trust is what you are selling. print too many dollars to wipe out debt will destroy confidence. not having confidence means less loans and higher costs. you can only print so much money before people stop buying it.

>> No.29440879

no, the dollars supply has not been defined by anything since 1971. Demand for the dollar is created by forcing opec to settle in usd https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petrocurrency

>> No.29441174

the dollar is not defined by gold since 1971. im not arguing it is. i am however arguing that the dollars value is based on its international relations. on how well the international community trusts the US to honor their obligations. if you print too much money, which they can, this erodes trust and confidence in the dollar. again, you can only print so much money before the other parties stop buying it and move on to other more reliable currencies.

>> No.29441374
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>i am however arguing that the dollars value is based on its international relations
because you don't know anything. The value of the usd is based on the extortion of oil producers and is only possible because energy is economically inelastic.


>> No.29441428

>However, the privileges associated with being able to run persistent current account deficits come at a price. As the reserve currency, the United States is obligated to run these deficits to fulfill reserve requirements in an ever-expanding global economy. If the United States were to stop running these deficits, the resulting shortage of liquidity could pull the world into an economic slump. However, if the persistent deficits continue indefinitely, eventually, foreign countries will begin to doubt the value of the dollar, and the greenback may lose its role as the reserve currency. This is known as the Triffin Dilemma.

>> No.29441717

the entire idea of the 'petrodollar' is that OPEC and other leading oil producing countries will sell their oil on the market for USD. but there is no mechanism aside from a treaty that forces them to continue this practice. if those countries agree to use the USD in global trade in oil, they can certainly stop using the USD as well. like i said, it's confidence in the US that OPEC and other oil producers rely on to continue selling their oil for USD. this can always change anon based on confidence and trust.

>> No.29441796

no one wants to hold something that loses 7%pa against gold, no one wants to be financially repressed by the US outside of the fact that the US secures the world against tyranny (nazis, ussr and now CCP). The us as world reserve is not some kumbayah diplomatic agreement it is forced by the military look what happend to Saddam and Qaddafi

>> No.29441855

>saddam eu oil deal
invaded and killed
>libya african gold backed dinar
invaded and killed
>syrian pipeline
still there