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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29439691 No.29439691 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone wanna try and get some questions to him?

>> No.29439712


>> No.29439912


>> No.29440107

>Q: Any help for Zimbabwe, proud Zimbabwean here!
>A: It will always be Rhodesia to me


>> No.29440446

Holy Shit this guy is a faggot.

>> No.29440763

why hasn't cardano produced anything in 5 years
its like going to the moon for water

>> No.29441101

He answered my question. He doesn't know Radiohead. He doesn't know the most critically acclaimed band of the 21st century. :(

>> No.29441364

He genuinely had no idea lmao

>> No.29441462

They produced superior staking, and they take so long to do everything that ethereum hasn't.

>> No.29441468


>> No.29441520

Is Algorand better than Cardano?

>> No.29441861

tfw he answers ur question c:

>> No.29441892

You can ask him, but I think I know how he'd respond lmao

>> No.29441948


>> No.29442046

superior to what?
5% apy is pisspoor

>> No.29442149

Why don't you have a product yet?

>> No.29442223

they use staking instead of proof of work which makes the tps and fees way more efficient. Plus you do not have to lock your cardano.

>> No.29442296


>> No.29442354
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>> No.29442389

Because any time there's a bear market he jumps on and does an AMA and is friendly and people get in on it.

>> No.29442407

Radiohead is for fags

>> No.29442453

algo - works, makes deadlines, creation of the leader that created cryptographic computer science at MIT
cardano - 5 years, only a wallet & staking to show for it, creation of a charlatan who got fired by vitalik for being an unproductive meglomaniac.
it's such a toss up

>> No.29442508

wait till march the 1st until smart contracts and the erc token convertor gets on and you'll miss out

>> No.29442512
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>Q: What is the biggest mistake you've ever made?
>A: I helped create Ethereum

>> No.29442519

Well for starters its variable and the APY isnt what makes they system work well

>> No.29442717


>> No.29442770


>> No.29442773

and that is called 'staking'
why is cardano's staking superior to anything else?
it isn't because it's still testnet & there aren't even ada moving around on the chain. It's really just 'number go up' like pi network right now.
at least dot & kusama aren't stingy kikes - they offer higher apy on staking & the underlying asset both works & 50x'd by now.
ada is still without a product & fucking around trying to get african countries on board because charles knows he can only dupe dumb niggers at this point.

>> No.29442835

Why has it been 4 years and Cardano can't still execute a smart contract?

>> No.29442868

This gives me concern too. Not being concerned about profits and building the best platform is 100% ngmi attitude

>> No.29442874

then we'll see at march the 1st

>> No.29442879
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>he thinks there's actually a system

>> No.29442910


>> No.29443143

It's because he doesn't know what Radiohead is. I brought this on. I'm sorry.

>> No.29443229
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Charles Hoskinson, I know you're reading this

I just wanted you to know that I know

>> No.29443515

Staking rewards are just produced by inflation, you don't actually get anything. They could set it to 1000% if you want. The only reason the price doesn't drop is because there is enough new money coming in to make up for the inflation.
No one on this board realizes this it seems.