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File: 38 KB, 1223x638, Bitcoin-Rainbow-Chart-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29437019 No.29437019 [Reply] [Original]

How devastatingly bearish would it be for BTC if this chart got irrevocably btfo'd in the coming weeks?

>> No.29438294

20% of the dollars in existence have been printed in 2020, another stimulus package coming.
And you doubt between FIAT and a deflationary coin.
NGMI Fren.

>> No.29439165

it goes up I buy, it goes down I buy more
simple as

>> No.29439195

why are you posting something that's like a year out of date

>> No.29439331

Update your chart, faggy boi.

>> No.29440109

if you think bitcoin is going below 10k you are retarded

>> No.29440118


>> No.29440269

It won't, because people will buy more if it does.

>> No.29440289

50% of dollars in the USA actually, the money supply was doubled in 2020

>> No.29440423
File: 510 KB, 2208x914, CF9221F5-A715-4593-9E38-E143323CEE49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1$ = 0$ EOY

>> No.29440573

how the fuck are you going to pretend like thats the current chart?!

>> No.29440578

Buy the dip

>> No.29440581
File: 80 KB, 1216x664, btc-chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if you posted the actual chart?

>> No.29440702

Looking forward to buying a child in Weimar-America as my cup bearer. (That's a joke. Don't party-van me, feds).

>> No.29440711
File: 401 KB, 1242x2688, B7C56606-ADD2-4FC3-A8BE-9CA32D980EF7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need these corrections otherwise we’ll get a sub 100k bitcoin top. Need more time and less velocity

>> No.29440821

This, we may be going too fast.

>> No.29441041

I’d love a yearlong slow climb to 100k+ the market would be worth so much money

>> No.29442235

This. Give them time to spread those bitcoin profits around. Good opportunity for short term trading.

>> No.29442530

55% of dollars

>> No.29442564

the rainbow chart seemed great to me when i first found it but then i read more and it's apparently a linear regression fit after the 2018 crash? so it's really just a model built on two bull markets, one of which doesn't even fit in the rainbow. i'm not saying there's some truth to a gradual increase in btc's price due to halving, but this is a classic example of overfitting. bull market could be over here or it could run to 250k, truly no one knows

>> No.29442693

Good take

Cautious take but I like it.

>> No.29443207
File: 171 KB, 493x750, 1574088593770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not over. Near the peak of the last bullrun I was cashing out at an ATM and random normies were hovering around fumbling their wallets, nervously watching me take out cash instead of trying to shovel it in. The FOMO is truly going to start once we start rising again and pass 60K.

>> No.29443225

ive been saying this im glad its crashing. then again i hold ftm so all i did was get green dildos all day

>> No.29443290

Would be very bearish,like insanely

>> No.29443672

yea well, if tesla hadn't fucked us over we would've had a more normal rise past 50k. now we're going to see even steeper drops because of the amount of retards that fomo'd in because their autist twitter idol changed his bio

>> No.29443997

bitcoin is inflationary

>> No.29444218

Are you a nigger?

>> No.29444256

900 new btc created each day

>> No.29444375

I think you don't understand the point of the rainbow chart, it's a meme nub. The original one has us above $1MM by now

>> No.29444558

The dumb thing about log scale is that going back to $5k would be "just a little dip" and still wouldn't invalidate the "maximum bubble territory"

>> No.29444565


Imagine posting a chart from 2020 cunt

>> No.29444645

Babbys first bull run

>MicroStrategy completing yet another convertible note issuance for a total of $1.05 Billion. These funds are to be used for the explicit purpose of acquiring additional BTC for the company balance sheet

>over the past week, Grayscale products have taken in a total supply of 1,640 BTC (~$95M) and 27,480 ETH (~$53M).

>> No.29444646

The rainbow keeps getting flatter and flatter it's so stupid a rainbow is supposed to be curved

>> No.29444686

The supply is asymptotic and scarcity increases as a result of locked wallets

>> No.29444799

So that's $45 million worth of BTC created every day, vs $9 billion of actual USD printed every day by the federal reserve.

>> No.29444878

i really hope it happens, im tired of being priced out

>> No.29444886

except btc is a worthless unbacked ponzi scheme token while dollars are backed by the american economy
if you make a profit on btc someone loses the same amount

>> No.29444957

But then won't the crash be equally as devastating?

>> No.29445088

Yes but it will be easier to time because the whole thing will play out slower. Fast up, fast down.

>> No.29445089
File: 248 KB, 1555x811, hrddfshfhdafad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did i call that top or what, god damn.
run from 3122 to 58354 = 1769%

>> No.29445129

Why does history rhyme so well?

>> No.29445199

how low is it going, nigger. i want to time this dip perfectly and buy in

>> No.29445381

42k then 85k

>> No.29445524
File: 72 KB, 400x400, 123411324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> That's a joke. Don't party-van me, feds).

>> No.29445649

Based fire sale ID poster