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File: 222 KB, 889x719, Screen Shot 2021-02-23 at 12.24.10 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29430567 No.29430567 [Reply] [Original]

You've probably noticed seething nocoiners talking about this.

That said, lets say what they're saying is actually true (its not) - what can be done to reduce the energy required to maintain the ledger and mine new Bitcoin, so at least these fucking seething leeching faggots shut up, because we need to take away a reason for these leeching seething assblasted faggots to slap some bullshit tax on BTC for some exaggerated reason.

>> No.29430625

Proof of stake

>> No.29430686

If you're a climate change denier you've got nigger IQ

>> No.29430728

It literally comes down to how we hash bitcoins, requires a radical and different computing architecture. Quite possibly achievable with quantum computing but puts 51% proof of order at risk.

>> No.29430731

Also, I hate this argument because sure, say Bitcoin does use .5% of the worlds electricity. Congratulations, that's 1/200th of the entire world. Invest in greener tech a bunch if you want to offset it libcucks

>> No.29430753

>bitcoin bad
>also i buy all my shit from china and Bangladesh who pollute like hell

>> No.29430770

Yes but if bitcoin became a decentralized currency used by the whole world(except India) people will stop talking about the carbon emissions as if their the fault of the United States.

>> No.29430822

Nocoiner holocaust when

>> No.29431028

proof of stake retard. if you don't like that, then for god's sake at least make the "work" useful because right mow it is nothing more than burning electricity to win the golden lottery ticket and make the next.

>> No.29431079

Cardano does everything x1000 times better than BTC and only needs a few kw/h on energy.
This is called effincy, science and tech progress.
So pls fuck this POW shitcoin .

>> No.29431097

never gonna happen.

>> No.29431181

Im not denying it, the problem is there's a huge bias, companies are profiting off climate change by raiding populations wealth to do so, companies who don't actually give a fuck about climate change, they just realised they can make more money under the guise of "muh climate change" and increase their profits.

I work in air conditioning installation and the gases I use have all skyrocketed in price. Gas I would charge a client $50-100 for 10 years ago I now charge $1500 because thats how much the gas costs now. In many cases its actually cheaper for the client to buy a new aircon. People are shocked when they hear the price just to refill the gas in their aircon thats leaked/expired. The industry providing these gases is profiting like crazy off this bullshit, and all those profits come from YOU for being brainwashed into believing the world is over and the only way to save it is to make some other guy rich.

Its fucking pathetic.

>> No.29431213
File: 93 KB, 1522x1867, 1611663548177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoin uses energy!

>> No.29431216


Based chart time to buy more BTC to feed the machine

>> No.29431232

>bitcoin wastes energy
the united states burns 14 million barrels oil of every single day on personal transportation alone, so 85 IQ debtslave nigger cattle can spent 8.5 hours a day in the wage cage.

>> No.29431293

now do this but for cars

>> No.29431385

US oil and gas industry will revolutionize bitcoin mining. Screenshot this.

>> No.29431532

Most hashing is renewable because it’s the cheapest (eg hydroelectric). For those who claim it’s a waste are proven wrong by the market. If there was a better use for that electricity, they would pay more use it over the miners. Simple as.

>> No.29431594

Je i'm from Buenos Aires and i tell you BUY THE DIP!!!

>> No.29431656

This is the exact kind of shit (((the US))) would ban it for -- you can just picture the xiao bideng administration doing it, can't you?
>MUH ENERGY MUH POLLUTION bitcoin trading is now restricted to trading to accredited institutions

>> No.29431686

Based, I'm tired of living in cold, heat it up.

>> No.29431755

so the gas suppliers are just randomly raising the price and claiming climate change or is there some sort of regulation that adds cost to processing the gas or something like that?

>> No.29431795
File: 386 KB, 2000x1331, Civaux-Nuclear-Plant_France_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>greener tech


>> No.29431812
File: 54 KB, 346x482, 1607057796026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He actually believes this shit
Wait until you grow up a bit more and realise all the dooms day predictions and fear mongering are completely false. They've been crying about global cooling/global warming/ climate change longer than you've been alive, they have to rename it and move the goalposts every 10 years or so because they keep getting BTFO

>> No.29431885

climate change is a marketing campaign to reduce the inelasticity of oil

>> No.29431934
File: 5 KB, 239x234, 7725e879-4159-47a4-9224-1a9412541ccd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wave magic wand and remove all bitcoin mining here and now
>china's pollution drops below USA

>> No.29431955

i love nuclear, it really is the greenest tech

>> No.29432053

cardano is a cringe centralized tranny project literally fuck off with your bullshit opinions.

>> No.29432224

You’ve got retard IQ buddy

>> No.29432302

Seems more like a problem with energy not seeing any innovation in 80+ years.

>> No.29432359

>he actually believes in this shit
top kek

>> No.29432712

I hope you’re right anon but there are some pretty glaringly obvious signs it’s happening. I could see the danger being overhyped though, covid basically ruined my trust in anything “science” has to say

>> No.29433266

And what are these signs exactly? Give me hard evidence of a physical change.

Also, I stopped believing in global warming the first time I went to Yosemite national park. There used to be a glacier that extended a mile above the valley floor, and it has been receding for thousands of years. The glaciers have been disappearing since before we had written record, and will continue, because we are in the tail end of a fucking ice age

>> No.29433348

youre fucking retarded lol look at satellite images of the arctic ice decreasing a fuckton every year and look into what happens when its gone entirely, keyword BLUE OCEAN EVENT.

>> No.29433857

I think he's referring to R22 aka freon being banned. Can't get it now so if you need to refill your old AC, it's expensive as fuck, or you just have to buy a whole new ulnit.

>> No.29433910

Arctic sea ice decline is what I watch to keep an eye on things. The weather changes in my area are hard to ignore too, I know anecdotes aren’t “proof” but things are very different than when I was younger. We’ve had one or two 65+ degree winter day in Massachusetts every year for the last 4 years. Christmas was 65, humid and rainy at midnight this year it was eerie. Who tf knows though all info on this stuff is filtered through mainstream media agenda, I’m just observing the changes in my own environment

>> No.29434054

damn thats a lot of pollution for something pointless

>> No.29434129

BOE theory is frightening anon but wasn’t it invented by that old coot Guy McPherson who says CC will make humans extinct by 2026?

>> No.29435450

The fucking religious zealotry of you people is infuriating. I actually agree with your statement -- anyone who says the climate isn't changing is most certainly a retarded nigger -- but I'm sure what you mean is "anthropogenic climate change deniers," to which i must respond that you, in fact, are also a retarded gorilla nigger. Humans very likely saved most life on the planet by reversing carbon sequestration by microorganisms in the oceans, thereby reversing the course of declining atmospheric CO2 (you know, plant food) that the planet had been on for the last 800 million years, the last trough of which actually killed high altitude forests. If anything we need MORE emissions

>> No.29435647

>climate change
Oxymoron, climate is supposed to change. Retards.
Tell me more about how the Western world should sacrifice its prospects of life and wellbeing just so China and India keep shitting 80% of the pollution in the planet.
Suck my dick, tree hugger fags.

>> No.29436258

Of course the climate is changing, it always has. The question is how much of it is anthropomorphic vs varying solar output, changes in proximity to the sun based on our orbit, shifts in the poles affecting the upper atmosphere, etc.

Focusing so much on climate change rather than general pollution and sustainability is a mistake.

>> No.29436362

does the climate change, sure. DO humans have anything to do with the current changes I don't have any Idea nor do I think anyone can be sure. But I do know that ruining our economies and investing in "green energy" is dumb as shit

>> No.29436488

>Let Nikolai Tesla die and discredit all his research
>FUD the nuclear industry even though it's cleaner and more efficient

>> No.29436619

If libtards shut bitcoin down because muh climate change, I want Facebook and Twitter to be shut down as well.

>> No.29436699

>muh nuclear
This shit pisses me off the most. We have our solution right in front of us you niggers.

>> No.29436890

giving a shit about climate change wouldnt bother me so much if it wasnt basically SJWfags hating themselves

>> No.29436930

I don’t deny it, the climate changes. I don’t give a fuck though.

>> No.29437009

all coins that rely on mining are going to be declared illegal in the next year. get out while you still can. you can't change the world over from the petro dollar to the Energy Credit, if the energy credit costs 200 megawatts just to send a high fee, slow transaction. sell bitcoin now. sell sell sell sell sell sell

>> No.29437094

Are you against climate change? Great, when do we march to sterilize and genocide Asia or Africa?
Oh, that's too much for you? Guess you don't care that much about the wellbeing of the planet lol

>> No.29437360

ah good ol' convenient nihilistic approach