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29428292 No.29428292 [Reply] [Original]

>only 4000 LINK
>could have bought 40k in 2018
>absolutely paralyzed
How the fuck do I move on from here?

>> No.29428381

hindsight is always 20/20, retard

>> No.29428528

this, are you fucking kidding me man? shape the fuck up, you have six figures in crypto which puts you in the top 97% of the fuckers who own these coins. i came so late to the game that i now have to accumulate link for what, 10, 20 times what you bought it for? i literally own 45 fucking chainlink and you have 4000. the shit has barely even started, its gonna have a market cap of at the very minimum 100 billion within the next 3-4 years. chill out man, you literally already made it, just keep doing what you are doing. when staking comes out youre gonna have passive income of high 4 to five figures. this is growing into a rant but jesus christ man look at the success youve had

>> No.29428569

You don't. Should've listened to the stinkie linkies

>> No.29428581

You could keep whining like a faggot or you could buy a suicide stack of the next LINK (eRSDL)

>> No.29428593

The answer is in your question anon

>> No.29428614

Anon, I bought 1 single suicide stack. Just let go and be happy where you're at. Hold for a couple more years

>> No.29428626

Imagine being this poor.

>> No.29428681

4000 LINK is nowhere enough to make it. 10k is the minimum make it stack, stop buying chainlink, it's already too late.

>> No.29428723

>how do I move
you don’t

>> No.29428740

>jesus christ man look at the success youve had
Yeah anon I made a good investment. But I could have been set for life, you know? If I just would have done what all the other bigbrains did in 2018. So many anons with 50k stacks. I feel like an ant. Having to wait another 10 years to make it

>> No.29428775

When you say “could’ve” what do you mean? Do you mean you had the finger on the clicker to market buy 40k but didn’t? Do you mean you had the idea to buy 40k but didn’t? Or are you just looking back in hindsight?

>> No.29428860

Buy the next link. It's something that gets fudded just like link did. You'll have to figure out which one I'm talking about: RBC or ASKO.

>> No.29428897

i fell for a scam and lost 9k today, we all do bad decisions at some point anon

>> No.29428993

I have 1.5k and feel lucky to have gotten in when I did. Now I’m buying as much as I can of fantom. I’m not missing this one.

>> No.29428995

well idk what to tell you besides just wait it out. link is more of a viable investment now than it was when you bought it because now its proved it actually has legs (the team needs to fix their shit soon though). but compared to me man if youre an ant im not even a speck of dirt i'm practically an atom. wait a decade or two and you will be set for life. we are so fucking early on this shit man and you are set up. i know it sucks to have to have a real job/life and have other savings and be fiscally responsible instead of just being a multimillionaire chad who can beat his dick all day but you really gotta look at this and realize how good this is going to be in the next few years. i was super early on gme, bought in at 5 dollars. guess what? i only sold 1/3 of my position at 300. yes i made $50k but i could have made 150. there are ups and downs. but this is a once in a lifetime investment you have made that is only going to get better and better and better.

>> No.29429005

Buy ADA while it's under 2$ or regret forever

>> No.29429007

>When you say “could’ve” what do you mean?
It means I had the money in the bank, but had PTSD from the 2017 crash. I was afraid of putting more in, like a little bitch. I was not convinced that they could really pull it off. So I went with a 4k LINK stack, in case they would. But now I realize it was one of the very few right decisions I ever made, and I still can not retire from it. Not even at $1000 per LINK

>> No.29429049

Imagine if people posted threads all the time about
>I could have 21 btc if I didnt spend it all in 2015
are shitcoiners really this new and poor?

>> No.29429189

Thank you anon for cheering me up. You definitely /made it/ already, as /making it/ starts in your head.
I am still stuck in the past. Gotta have to get out of this mindset

>> No.29429456

I understand friend, though be thankful you bought any at all. There are anons trying to accumulate 100.

>> No.29429527
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not trying to bring you down, but this is a loser's mentality. your investment has outperformed most assets available, stop being so hard on yourself.

>couldn't retire from $1000 per link
you couldn't retire from 4mm..? lol okay anon. maybe go for a walk, drink some water, crank one out, and take a nap.

>> No.29429624

You get over it. FOMO is endemic to humans. You want to make it? Let go of missed opportunities, focus on new ones.

>> No.29429680

based as fuck, glad i could help you man

>> No.29429708

How fucking wierd will it be in 5 years when new anons browse the archives and see shit like this.

>> No.29429752
File: 46 KB, 800x450, 07B89120-B48D-45FB-AF1D-49AF6CD16790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres only gonna be one more bull market in crypto bruh.. better start learning

>> No.29429827
File: 73 KB, 640x392, DoYouLikeTheView.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought BNGO at .55 sold before it ran to $15
Bought BNGOW at .10 sold before it ran to $12 (120x)
Bought OCGN at .35 sold before it ran to $15-20
Bought FCEL at .25 sold before it ran to $25
Quit your bitching pussy and buy CFII, we all have stories of the big cheese we missed out on.
Seriously, for the stupid fucking ADHD having ass fucking fucks in here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4zOjHirQmY - The Holy Grail (Watch This)
Skip to 30 seconds into the vid, shut the fuck up, watch, then consider adding tomorrow. If you want extra leverage buy CFIIW, then enjoy your retirement in 3-5 years. You're welcome.
I don't mind missing out on huge runners, cause I'm always nailing huge runners.

>> No.29430416

You simply do just that, move on and find better opportunities. I browsed /biz/ for a long time and knew about link early and it's potential. But I simply wasn't into investing at the time, much less throwing my entire savings into crypto.

You've made six figures man, be confident!

>> No.29430536

>stop buying chainlink, it's already too late.
I can see your nose from here

>> No.29430596

It's already like that when you look at the 2017/2018 posts. 2024/25 will be wild.