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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 166x166, egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29427423 No.29427423 [Reply] [Original]

Did this get rugged yet?

>> No.29427469

no, it's going up.

>> No.29427665

just a slow mo rug
only braindead people are holding this

>> No.29427737

shitcoins like this is just asking for it. Wouldn't be surprised if the devs exitscam by next week with the site text reading not to put all your eggs in one basket or some shit

>> No.29427805

this. sold all my bsc scams except cake today. be wise, do the same. hodl bnb and cake for steady gainzzz

>> No.29428011

half my portfolio is in EGG, will not sell until 1k

>> No.29428033

you're no better than the types >>29427665 is talking about. enjoy your rugpull when whales dump on you infinitely after yield farming for more tokens for more yield farming for more tokens for more yield farming for etc. etc.

>> No.29428090

what's the point of holding cake when you can hold BNB? they rise/fall at exactly the same times and BNB increases by a bigger % generally

>> No.29428104

but the audit

>> No.29428242

can anyone answer this? people hold sushi to earn a percent of the fees on the exchange. why do people hold cake?

>> No.29428341

Cake is too closely connected to BNB for the chinks to let it sink. They'll artificially prop it up just like trannyswap, but with bugman levels of dedication.

Staking I guess?

Unconfirmed, not on hacken's twitter, and the admin that "confirmed" it was in a TG about the token, not company operations.

>> No.29428447

this isn't getting rugged, it's going to be the #1 PSC fork you dumb fucking nigger

>> No.29428601

In the hopes of selling it to a greater fool

>> No.29428678

>Unconfirmed, not on hacken's twitter,
It's literally their second most recent retweet retard

>> No.29428729

still doesn't mean they can't rugpull you retard

>> No.29428831


>> No.29428854

I'm not talking about any rugpull you fucking streetshitter. For all I care it could rug today. I am literally just proving the other retard's argument wrong that it isn't on Hacken's twitter. Now go and shit in a toilet next time like a civilised person.

>> No.29429018

literally rug proof and putting cakeniggers on suicide watch

>> No.29429138

>site text reading not to put all your eggs in one basket or some shit
I hold 300 eggs plus $20k in pairing but that would be funny.

>> No.29430035
File: 22 KB, 617x457, saltswap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saltswap is exit scaming.
Fuck whoever shilled this yesterday

>> No.29431161

what would possibly drive the price up this high though? what actual utility beyond ponzi scheme does this coin bring? they already had their audit and the price is already back down.

>> No.29432107

It's actually undervalued relative to TVL. The layered farming they're planning on implementing will be new on any DEX.

The layered farming basically allows degenerates to burn their eggs for the opportunity for greater APY. So it solves/mitigates the inflation problem.

>> No.29432329


I think you're lying, it seems ok.

>> No.29432604

