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29410316 No.29410316 [Reply] [Original]

what is stopping you now from walking to a hot girl in comparison to when you get rich?

>> No.29410438

gucci loafers

>> No.29410483

>t. Already rich

>> No.29410520

that would be the money anon,
lack of

>> No.29410596

both men

>> No.29410608

> already *have a* rich daddy

>> No.29410640
File: 2.95 MB, 1244x700, momo_beanpole.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant wait for white ""women"" to finally be bred out of existence, asians are the real aryans

>> No.29410653

confidence probably

>> No.29410705

post proof you fagg
what difference does it make?
are you going to instantly tell her like "hey babe i'm rich you wanna come to my place?"
fuck it's hard to be normie maybe you're right anon

>> No.29410762

a balanced life

>> No.29410783

What's stopping you from writing a proper sentence?

>> No.29410799

When they falsely accuse me of rape now, I'm fucked. When they falsely accuse me of rape when I'm cryptorich (they won't know I am cryptorich), I can lawyer the fuck up and countersue.

>> No.29410883

You sound like a Christian/Jew/Mudslime.

>> No.29410891

Correct. Anyway, if you have any amount of experience with women, you'll know that they don't care about money even as close as much as you think they do. And the ones that care about it the most are the ones you want to stay far away from, no exceptions

>> No.29411055

are you a fagg?
is that really your reason?

>> No.29411246

??? I'm just am average 22 y/o American guy who has seen lives ruined over that kind of shit. America is a litigious and hostile culture, especially against white males. I'd like to know that I can afford a legal team if anyone tries to pull a fast one on me.

>> No.29411451

Obviously its easier to pull pussy when you have a nice car. Also making it, means you have a shitton of free time for lifting and grooming and socializing.

Also if I make it I still would probably mostly order luxury escorts and do degenerate stuff with them, because its easier and they do what I say.

>> No.29411464

so many virgins on this board.

>> No.29411480

hostile more like hoe style lmao

>> No.29411593

My wife

>> No.29411672

i live 100 miles from any hot girls

>> No.29411872

Alright listen up Rakesh. Girls respond to things like appearance and social status. If you are jacked, well dressed and groomed, you signal that you have high social value, even outside of having actual social status via friends/network. If you look and act like a beta but try to flash your wealth to get women, they will see right through it and take advantage of you at best

>> No.29411927

Once you're rich you have that sense of superiority, confidence and self entitlement. You're not needy anymore.

>> No.29411973

garbage fucking taste

>> No.29412031

I am ugly. Getting rich wouldnt even fix it.

>> No.29412046

absolutely nothing at all

the money just lets you keep them

>> No.29412114

if i was rich girls would at least give me some attention even if just to fuck with me
better than nothing yo

>> No.29412352

>this pic

>> No.29412636
File: 11 KB, 234x204, 1589563458508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walk up to hot girl
>say hello
Then what?

>> No.29412794

fpbp, city slickers wouldn't understand

>> No.29412805

Asians are dogs

>> No.29412825

She turns 360 degrees and walks away

>> No.29412952

>hot girl
>posts 5/10 average children
are you under 18?

>> No.29412962

I'm sober

>> No.29413051


>> No.29413198
File: 2.76 MB, 1122x1080, 863636532434.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it

>> No.29413201

the prada
the louie
the fendi

>> No.29413682

trippadvice yt channel

>> No.29413689

i let them come to me. when they come to me first i have a 100% success rate

>> No.29414296

my gf was on 1st page of ELLE Bulgaria last year

the 2 kids in OP's pic are not even datable neither on my league

>> No.29414547

Nothing, anons just like to find a goal or reason for why they currently can't. Money wont change anything.

>> No.29414655

I’m too based for that shit.

>> No.29414791

plastic surgery

>> No.29414799

Some like to play hard to get, I like to play hard to want

>> No.29414809

Nothing, but it keeps them around. Stacy might give you a blowy for a night but if you’re tryna lock that bitch up you at least need to provide a g wagon and at minimum one vacation home.

>> No.29414861

Because i'm married and i believe in strict monogamy. So talking to a random girl for no reason makes no sense.

>> No.29414888

Yeah, money is not that big a deal, especially for young women. They care more about status and confidence, which money can buy

>have several million dollars
>use it to travel, get educated, have great experiences, buy nice clothes
>use it to buy a prime apartment near city center/downtown/clubs/etc
>"hey femanon, let's check out my travel pics, also my balcony has a super cool view, let's go check them out for a second before we hit the town"

>> No.29414984
File: 2.89 MB, 960x540, MyTendiesGirl.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see only two kings with divine taste

>> No.29414992

I'm a thousand times more likely to approach them than a hambeast

I really dont get people making the emotional risk for an ugly/fat 4-5/10 theyre just as likely if not more so to cheat

>> No.29415063
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>when you get rich
I missed crypto :'(

>> No.29415884

When women think you've got money, they will pursue you. Once you're not a complete creep and weirdo.

>> No.29415931

will whites keep taking it?