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2941018 No.2941018 [Reply] [Original]

This is one of the scariest things I've ever read /pol/

I'm seriously considering the possibility that the End Times are about to begin.


>hey received a microchip implant in their hand that will allow them to open doors, log onto computers or buy breakroom snacks by simply waving their hand.
>The company hopes the microchips eventually can be used on everything from air travel to public transit and storing medical information.
>Noelle Chesley, an associate professor of sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, said she thinks implanting microchips into employees — and all people — is the wave of the future.

Will this make blockchain technology more widespread?

I have bags of shitcoins I want to sell.
Or can we create an algorithm which can be used to detect people who don't have a chip yet?

>> No.2941026

if I was asked to do this, I would quit. I dont give a fuck If i was paid 500k a year. This is straight fuckery

>> No.2941034

We can surely milk this cow?

>> No.2941041
File: 35 KB, 420x579, theeconomist-phoenix_get_ready_for_world_currency_by_2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you new? This has been in place since 1988.

>> No.2941051

Revelation 13:16

Souls are not for sale.

>> No.2941052

the blockchain and mark of the beast go hand in hand. crypto is straight evil when you get down to it. but for now its in (relatively) good hands, so use it to your advantage

>> No.2941070

If mental gymnastics olympics existed,you would win gold for every event

>> No.2941079

I would be ok with it if it were to only hold medical information. If only.

>> No.2941080

Rfid rings

Rfid necklace

Rfid bracelet

Your phone

Rfid implants is unnecessarily intrusive

>> No.2941084

drug traffickers and assorted criminals are good compared to the government my man
how is that mental gymnastics

>> No.2941090
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There going to put people in the blockchain using IOTA, which will control you're car, licenses, digital money. They won't need police they will just shut down all you're electronics and access to things if you fuck up or maybe even buy something online you're not supposed to buy.

There are lots of things you can improvise what I said above.

>> No.2941093

>Drug traffickers and assorted criminals are better than the gov
Unless you live in a third world shithole or USA,there is no way this is true

>> No.2941103

take the opportunity and kill yourself christfag

>> No.2941109
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2018 supposed to be the announcement of the new global currency after everything fucks itself economically.

**They** claim automation will fuck 50% of jobs in the world by 2025, so im assuming all of these come into effect around 2030.

>> No.2941111

cultural marxism. normalization. start with the computer, then phone, then wearables, then fuck it its normal put it in my fucking hand. its so convenient don't you know. 30 years later you fuck up we will just switch your chip off. Poof you don't exist anymore.

>> No.2941128


Seems The Circle is already pretty close.

The Circle

>> No.2941147

pretty abstract version of it

>> No.2941153
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>crypto is the mark of the beast

is this paid IMF shilling?

>> No.2941167
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>> No.2941171

1111 hail the all-father 1111

>> No.2941181
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They say pink wojak is memetic warfare directed against us to sow anxiety

>> No.2941193

>neets won't be marked

>> No.2941198

Feb. 3, 2018

>> No.2941201

How do I short this?

>> No.2941206
File: 97 KB, 500x733, Georg_von_Rosen_-_Oden_som_vandringsman,_1886_(Odin,_the_Wanderer).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1171 all hail the all-father

>> No.2941218
File: 38 KB, 500x500, 337274501c2d3e4eeb0412dbb9cda8b7--illuminati-symbols-the-illuminati-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

memetic infiltration ..

>> No.2941247

Anon... you already carry the RFID chip... it's in your phone

>> No.2941257

Wait, are you telling me if a corporation permanently implants a chip into my body I will be able to...

wait hol up...




Leddit faggot detected, because a device is = to implant.

Go fuck your mother you nihilistic atheist scum.

>> No.2941276

Nice digits, will kill myself in 20 years

>> No.2941592

> criminals no longer steal your wallet
> cuts off your hand instead


>> No.2941609

People are making an ant into an elephant, this is no different then an rfid card/credit card/ id card. You are all overthinking this and look exhausted, go to sleep people it will do you good.

>> No.2941745
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Can't wait for those credit card implants. You can only use them with an implant. Once they're turned off you have no more money and are immediately homeless.

>> No.2941776

this is why i plan on getting rich off crypto and building a mansion in Siberia or Alaska
humanity is fucked

>> No.2941947

I always had a thought at the back of my head that cryptos could be used in the end times.

>And he cannot buy or sell if he doesn't have the mark of the beast
It's pretty easy to conceptualize this using blockchain

>> No.2941983

This has nothing to do with the end times.

If it was, it would still require you to kneel and worship the antichrist and swear allegiance to him.

Its still a real niggering of our freedoms though, it's basically the internal equivalent of smartphone tracking.

Anyway, get gnosis (the actual knowledge of God, not the coin) and all will be well.

>> No.2942022

I want to be chipped and tracked like a stray dog. It is for the betterment of humanity and it will prevent rape and racism.

>> No.2942024

That's some really terrible astroturfing there.

>> No.2942085

This, I don't give a fuck about the religious implications, though on a personal level this deeply concerns me as if these sort of transactions become ubiquitous to the point not having one would disadvantage it would make you disturbingly vulnerable to whoever it is that happened to control yours.

>> No.2942131

It's pretty much like a smartphone so you are already part of the botnet.

Of course this is worse since you can simply smash your smartphone, however, try to smasha RFID chip by yourself.

>> No.2942179

Good Lord, how brainwashed can one get?
But yeah, let's ban everything that is useful and frees man of his burdens in case a minority of people misuse it. Let's ban chefs from having knives so nobody gets stabbed. Let's ban people owning trucks in case they want to use it to kill like in recent attacks. Let's ban lighters to deter arson. Let's ban free speech to stop 'bad' ideas coming out. Let's monitor the population and control their every thought. Let's give every power to regulate our lives to a few politicians and law-makers who I'm *sure* can be trusted.
1984? Yay!

Cryptocurrencies have the ability to free people from central banking systems and allow a people to actually own the currency of their land, rather than it being the tool of bankers, financiers and politicians to burden the innocent citizens with debt and misery.

>> No.2942282

Yep, it's terrifying that most people have no issue with, and don't consider, the possible consequences of these things. There is an active attempt being made to phase out physical money, and when that's done there will be real trouble.
Dissenter? Chip switched off/accounts frozen. Oh well, I'll borrow money from friends/relatives. Nope, no way to hand it to you. I'll just use the stash under my mattress. Nope, physical cash hand over money. I'll work cash-in-hand to avoid the system. Nope. I'll beg/panhandle for spare change. Nope. Fucked.

>> No.2942290

*physical cash banned

>> No.2942330

16And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark

>> No.2943627

Indeed, but we all know

>> No.2943742
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Invest in small prosthetics companies now. This is always my first thought when I hear about implanted "multipass".
A future where mugging victims commonly lose a hand is going to be a bright one, anon :)))

>> No.2943768

This is what I was thinking. From what I understand, with blockchain technology, it would be very difficult to to hack or otherwise falsify a currency and somehow get around a government system. They can limit your ability to buy and sell and there's nothing you can do about it if there is no recognized currency other than crypto.

>> No.2943823

>A rock can be used to throw at people so it is evil

>> No.2943934

Confirmation bias

>> No.2943974


I would fucking quit the moment any my company ever so much as suggested even trying this fucking terrible, terrible idea.

Everyone should be shorting whichever fucking company did this to its employees.

>> No.2943989

It won't ever be a requirement for employment, at least not in the US. The mania about DA MARK A DA BEEST (which is post-rapture btw) will keep that kind of shit from being enforced for at least another century.