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File: 70 KB, 655x509, 3e27266608a20f077e041114b8031d14d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29390003 No.29390003 [Reply] [Original]

Why does everyone laugh at people who've lost money? I'm going to end up being homeless. I need support, not mockery.

>> No.29390044

Dude I'm laughing at myself losing money too

>> No.29390111
File: 78 KB, 750x721, 920D599D-4C19-4670-BE68-912BD550EF9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay strong and hold, anon. We are going to make it.

>> No.29390120

Most of them are just mad about Trump losing and need to take it out on someone else.

>> No.29390141

People like to feel better than others. "look at that loser kek". That's why people only talk about their success and never their failures. If you talk about your failures you are an idiot. People get off on your demise.

>> No.29390149
File: 6 KB, 288x175, smoothbrainbitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cause you're a fucking degenerate gambler. stop putting so much into crypto if you can barely afford rent/food

>> No.29390158


>> No.29390187


>> No.29390208

true and based.

>> No.29390209

Kek good bait.

>> No.29390248

I feel you bro. Lost all my money on BSC shitcoin. Don't even have enough for BSC fuckin gas which is cents. FML

>> No.29390249

If you're putting what you need to literally survive in crypto instead if paying your bills, you have a gambling problem.

>> No.29390257

Because most of the time it's retards putting their life savings into one thing.

>> No.29390298

You didn't sell at a loss yet, did you op? I did one single time this run, and I'm still very angry at myself.
Hang in there bro.

>> No.29390331
File: 525 KB, 498x374, greed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laugh because I got your money

>> No.29390438

Lmao are you the dude that sent 35 BNB to a scam?

>> No.29390485
File: 117 KB, 812x800, 3f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mind telling how did you exactly lose all of your money, fren? Did you attach your house as part of some degenerate gamble?

>> No.29390516

The anon brings out the trash. Silent majority are not laughing at you.

>> No.29390573

Most common advice is don't invest more than you can afford to lose

>> No.29390625

It sucks hope everything goes well for you anon. I honestly just laugh at people who invest all their savings or take loans, people should be responsible and only invest what they can afford to lose.

>> No.29390634
File: 53 KB, 781x584, bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whales are shaking some hands. Good luck guys.

>> No.29390833

I hope you pull through OP.
You may not be one of them, but there were lots of cocky zoomer newfags coming in here recently saying shit like 'Is it this easy? Just started a month ago and 4x'd my money ;)' I want these guys shaken out.

>> No.29390853
File: 120 KB, 1013x757, 1613921397227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29390996

It's hilarious watching greedy fags lose money in a bull market because they invest in obvious rugpulls

>> No.29391027

It's mean. But we're all losing together, fren.

>> No.29391036


if you need a quick buck and can't just post up your money in BTC and ADA for 10 years, then you need to go back to school or something.

>> No.29391195

>have a plebbit award

>> No.29392018

Me too anon I’m gambling the rest of my money in stocks hoping I make it big kek

Shill me shit to buy btw thanx
Good luck

>> No.29392359
File: 25 KB, 378x378, cryeyespepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up dad...

>> No.29392456

Usually because the reason you lost money was that you were a retard

>> No.29392540

You have to find good opportunities early or you will lose everytime.
There's this one and I haven't seen it on reddit yet, just came out a few hours ago, pokefarm.finance
Make of it what you will but apparently some anons are already making money and there's no rugpull in the code possible especially since its just one single contract.

>> No.29392598

Anons, give me a tip on a coin to make back 300-500 $

>> No.29392610

You guys have failures?
LOL, useless faggots.

>> No.29392880

Why would you risk more than you could afford? Silly boy.

>> No.29393082

>Lost money
Me too, nothing much to do, just don't give up WAGMI frens

>> No.29393245

what a kind and generous man

>> No.29393598

>Why does everyone laugh at people who've lost money?
because they probably lost more

my linkies lost 50k value and i still laugh at linkies who cant even buy 10

>> No.29393747
File: 97 KB, 746x512, pphug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's okay fren we'll get through the hard times together. might as well hold there's no point in selling at a loss

>> No.29393992

I'm still up 2.5x thanks to my shitcoins

>> No.29394088

only if you get out taking not much damage to still be worth 2,3x buying the dip, it is risk, it is hurtfull but it is a way.

>> No.29394127

Because you're stupid degenerate gamblers and you deserve it