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29385181 No.29385181 [Reply] [Original]

Im looking for a crypto that allows you to create sub private keys with specific permissions

As an example look at any modern website api

basically I want to be able to create a restricted private key for my wallet that only lets you send money to certain addresses. this way I can give my automated script the restricted private key instead of the real private key.

this is the core restriction imo but there are some other useful examples

Only transfer x amount per some timeslice
Only interact with addresses previously interacted with.
Disable all interaction until some real world condition is met

>> No.29385971

you are using an automated script....but don't know how to program? anon, your question doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. you can define whatever rules you want in your trading programs

>> No.29386466

Xlm is your best blockchain for this, but it doesn't support smart contracts. Look into that

>> No.29386588

hey retard
its called a smart contract
have you heard of ethereum and solidity?

i'll write you what you need for 1 eth

>> No.29386669

White people are beautiful

>> No.29386678

The script would need my private key to do anything with my wallet. If some skiddie pops my box and gets the private key they can drain that account.

I want to make a new key using that private key that only allows certain actions.

If they pop the box and get the new key they wont be able to drain the account.

Then I wouldnt even need to protect the new key.

>> No.29386849

I'll give you 100$ to set me up a yield farming website. I'll give you another 100$ if you fork a NFT project that works on BSC.
Fuck your scammer-tier prices you fucking lunatics. 5000$ for a token, seriously?

>> No.29387419

Beautiful people are beautiful

>> No.29387474

that's what he said

>> No.29387479

then make it yourself.

>> No.29387775

see 678

>> No.29388018

kek...wtf you mean pop your box? you mean if someone breaks into your house....logs onto your computer....and opens up your code editor?