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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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29372239 No.29372239 [Reply] [Original]

Fucking piece of utter TRASH

>> No.29372307

Its over Ethereum bros

>> No.29372455
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Same, that fuck Wigger coin !

>> No.29372806

I should have sold after it broke 2k

>> No.29372863

Imagine investing in NIGGA COINF

>> No.29372942

Hindsight is always 20/20

>> No.29373023


>> No.29373075

Healthy pullback

>> No.29373448

Ppl are moving to dot

>> No.29373464

True. I’m still up on it but I’ve lost all confidence in it. I think it touches 1850 again before falling further. Might convert to DOT and BNB maybe ADA. I have this strange feeling that investing in ETH now is akin to investing in Blockbuster in 2010

>> No.29373527
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>> No.29373578

I will just accumulate more once it crashes again.
I hold 107 eth with a dca of sub 200$ so the gains have been good.
My dream would be having 1000 ether, I got time till 2.0 bros. Just accumulate.

>> No.29373605
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Lmao this shit is heading back to $1k

>> No.29373728

Like who? Who the fuck is building on Dot?

God Gavin looks like such a faggot, Vitalik looks like a pedo, and Charles is a faggot pedo.

>> No.29373776

ETH 's problem is incredibly simple, so simple that ETH maxis seethe whenever you mention it
Fees aren't the main problem
Decentralisation is.
>It is becoming harder and harder to run a full node on ETH and will become basically impossible for individuals and most corporations
>People and most companies, if ETH is still adopted, will need to trust full node operators that the network is running in a honest and clear manner
>You are trusting a third party to do what you can't do anymore since you can't run a full node
It is therefore not decentralised and cannot be.
This is why BTC is superior, running a full node is exponentially easier and people can verify their own txs for a true trustless decentralised network

Watch as ETH kikes refuse to adress this, call it FUD or try to shit talks to binance because they have no answer to it

Oh and something else, ETH had unironically a centralised group take decisions that affected it (Vitalik), like printing supply
It is also not a non inflationary scarce asset

TL.DR : ETH is a scam and will never be what VItalik says it is

>> No.29373899

Small brain larping as big brain, bet you don’t even know what finite space algebra means.

Eth @ 5k is guaranteed before summer

>> No.29374275


>> No.29374432

Provide literally any argument newfaggot
You know I'm right because everythign I said is absolutely factual
The very fact that ETH has a founder is a huge problem in itself, Vitalik has way too much weight on the project.

>> No.29374721

God damn. Went all in at 1900. finally breaking 2000 and now this. Should have stayed in BNT shits up AND making easy staking money. Fml
>560 eth faggot