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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29371339 No.29371339 [Reply] [Original]

>monopolistic practices & corruption
>integral to the New World Order / Great Reset plan
>accelerating globalism & the death of Western Civilisation
>implicit last stand of the White man
If monero falls it will signal the definitive end of an era and a new age of unending darkness will be upon us that we'll never come back from. You will have to make a choice - do you want to escape this suffering and doom your children, push off the issue until it's too late? or do you want to take a risk and stand for something greater than yourself? This is a decision only you can make. Goodbye /biz/.

>> No.29371454

Lol monero is great but who gives a shit about muh white man

>> No.29371480

>Lol monero is great but who gives a shit about muh white man

>> No.29371506

Have fun getting cucked then I guess

>> No.29371587

Maybe you can suck ops dick and make a white baby that way, or something just as useful anyway

>> No.29371595

>Have fun getting cucked then I guess

>> No.29371667

White man's days are over get with the times old man ;) how have you not realised it's way too late, you already lost

There's a chance to make a decent life for yourself if you submit

>> No.29371724

>White man's days are over
Strange, I'm surrounded by white people and have a white family.

>> No.29371775

Me nigga

>> No.29372457

Kys kike

>> No.29372558
File: 15 KB, 448x500, dooomp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looked at BTC chart
>doomped half my poorfolio

if you believe in hodling you are an utter retard mongoloid who deserves his losses. we are gonna suffer the same 90% loss as each year

>> No.29372568

I do