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29367047 No.29367047 [Reply] [Original]

All of you are bad people. I'll tell you why. Do you know how many Big Macs you could buy with a single Bitcoin (~$54,000)? I'll tell you. Let's assume a Big Mac costs around $4.50 (varies depending on which state you are in), you could buy 12,000 (TWELVE THOUSAND) Big Macs. Lets assume the average person needs 2000 calories a day. There's 550 calories in a Big Mac which means a person needs 4 Big Macs a day to live.

You could feed 3000 Africans for a day with a single Bitcoin and you guys are hoarding them for your own selfish gain.

>> No.29367280

But anon, if we feed that many africans we'll end up with even more africans to feed later on.

>> No.29367305

Or you could feed one American.

>> No.29367375

Nobody is rich enough to keep feeding those niggers forever

>> No.29367384

>being an average person

>> No.29367506

every african that starves is another 10 minutes for humanity to save itself from ecocide. If we could starve all of them we would have 69k days or 190 extra years of time to figure out a solution.

>> No.29367567

>caring about 75IQ normie breeders