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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2936267 No.2936267 [Reply] [Original]

More than an hour has passed and this shit didn't move from .28

What happened?

Also, P.S., fuck you to whatever biztard it was earlier today who called me a fuckin newb for pointing out how BCC has unseen volume, "hurr durr 60 million dollars is not unseen in crypto hurr durr" I would slit your throat if I knew who you are faggot.

173 million now and going up all the time, what the fuck.

>> No.2936274

sell now faggot

>> No.2936280

too much resistance, it might plummet

>> No.2936282


Why maggot?

>> No.2936284

Buy more! Just accumulation phase before the real moon to rocket! Sell BTC!

>> No.2936286

Get out while you can, the more people who figure out how to access their BCC to sell, the lower the price will go

>> No.2936289
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>> No.2936290
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>> No.2936292


Could it really plummet with this insane volume? It might dip...but not plummet...

The fall from ATH to 0.28 was scary...but it won't budge down any lower than this...I think.

>> No.2936297

Every second more BTC hodlers figure out how to access their BCC and they're just going to sell

>> No.2936299

i'm holding for a bit

>> No.2936306

There's already more than enough who are ready and waiting with bcc in hand to squash this parasitic worm. They can't keep us off the exchanges forever.

>> No.2936312

How the hell do I get my BCC on an exchange to sell? ViaBTC won't accept my BCC for some reason because Electron Cash gives me an error when I try to send it.

How the hell do I get my BCC on an exchange???

>> No.2936319

same problem anon.
guess I will just hold this shitcoin

>> No.2936337

You can't. Bittrex said they will open the wallet once 6 blocks are mined in 1 hour which can take a while since barely any blocks are being mined right now.

>> No.2936339
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>They can't keep us off the exchanges forever.


>> No.2936351

Gotta have the right exchange anon, I'm not telling you because I need prices to stay high until I have access to my BCC wallet at home

>> No.2936372

Deposited my BCC to HitBTC (which took 5 hours or something), and sold there. Got about 0.09 BTC per BCC, so about $250 each.

Sell this crap now or end up with crumbles.

>> No.2936404
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kek it took 12 hours to mine 1 block. It's never going to open.

>> No.2936427

>once 6 blocks are mined in 1 hour

oh man

>> No.2936437
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>> No.2936591

Where's the easiest place to exchange my BCC for BTC? I'm only on Poloniex at the moment

>> No.2936615

I've got a buy order at 20k Sats. I'm going to shit myself if deposits open and it gets hit.

>> No.2936694

hitbtc or viabtc

>> No.2936794

Got in at 0.293
Should I just sell at loss?

>> No.2936821


Hold it, I want as many kink wojak's as possible

>> No.2936826

Holding or cutting my losses will bring more wojaks?

>> No.2936858

Please hold, I want to see you live stream your sudoku when this shit goes back to 0.06.

>> No.2936865

How about I pray to chinks instead so they pump it for me?

>> No.2936875

dude sell it ffs, you dont want to hodl useless coins

>> No.2936884

Good luck with that.

>> No.2936909

just sold
from initial 0.373btc to 0.44btc
To finally sell it at 0.369btc

>> No.2936929


Well you probably did better than all the retards who legitimately think this is going to take BTC's place and bought all the way up to .48

>> No.2937780

fml i made some profit on the moon trip this morning then got greedy and killed my profit this afternoon
i didn't buy that high tho fuck