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29355588 No.29355588 [Reply] [Original]

>invest money
>fly around a black hole
>come back to earth 10 million years later but due to relativity only aged a couple years
>investment grew to a trillion dollars
anything wrong with this plan?

>> No.29355658

XRP will still be $0.50

>> No.29355709


>> No.29355742


>> No.29355785

Time is universal, not relative, and Einstein was a brainlet.

>> No.29356512

>Time is universal, not relative
substantiate your claims

>> No.29356927

Five minutes in Florida passes exactly as fast as five minutes on Mars, even though Mars is farther from and thus experiencing less gravitational force from, the sun. There has never been any substantiation of the alternative view that cannot be attributed to fallibility of the mechanisms we use to measure time when exposed to extreme forces.

>> No.29357005 [DELETED] 

fuck jews

>> No.29357006

>sun is not a black hole dingus

>> No.29357189

You tried to sound smart, but that simply is not true.

The faster the relative velocity, the greater the time dilation between one another. So, OP doesn't necessarily need to be near a black hole. He just needs to be travelling very, very, fast.

Like near speed of light fast.

>> No.29357202

And it never will be if you believe in general relativity because as it starts to turn into one its mass will slow time more and more the denser it gets so it will effectively just stay a sun forever as it gets infinitely close to becoming a black hole. The mere existence of black holes should be enough to demonstrate how baseless that theory is.

>> No.29357206

Everyone you know and love will die before you get back, and there’s no guarantee that civilization or even any humans will exist in 10 million years.

>> No.29357252

Again, this doesn't change the rate at which time flows, it's just affecting the accuracy of your mechanical timepiece, giving you the illusion of time dilation. Moron.

>> No.29357276


>> No.29357447

Nah. I'd go for FUN & LINK. Time waits for no one. Rewards go to risk takers.

>> No.29357482

You might be legit retarded. There are literally experiments you can do at home to prove that time is relative (Google is your friend). Thinking that time is universal is like thinking the world is flat.

>> No.29357663

Those experiments do not prove time is relative, they simply exhibit phenomena that are easy to misinterpret as such given the fallibility of your measuring devices. They weakly try to establish causation from correlation but do not have sufficient controls to eliminate alternative explanations.

>> No.29357761

Nice, 20 cents above normal

>> No.29357948

you're legitimately retarded.

>> No.29359192

>XRP will still be 0.5
>XRP will still be 0.5
>XRP will still be 0.5
>XRP will still be 0.5
>XRP will still be 0.5
nice try fudder. not selling my rippelinos

>> No.29359322

No, he’s not. Well, maybe he is but he’s not wrong. We’re going to look back on quantum and relativity the way we look at spontaneous generation.

>> No.29359841
