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29355307 No.29355307 [Reply] [Original]

A major hit piece on btc will be released at 9am eastern. I would sell now if I was you.

>> No.29355374

Is it something to do with MUH WHITE SUPREMACIST NAZIS?!

>> No.29355449


>> No.29355723
File: 178 KB, 960x727, 1593640834780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 Tether fud
2 Korea fud
3 China fud
4 Duped transaction fud
5 SEC fud
6 Hardwallet fud
7 LINK moons
8 Funding "terrorists" fud
9 Drug deal fud
0 OP is a faggot

dubs/trips OP ropes


>> No.29355851

Bitcoin should terrify you. Here’s why that’s a good thing.

>> No.29355953

There is a lot of FUD that is true... But I remember this sad whale pic. I once saw a similar one right before the covid crash and it got only a few replies. Guess what happened then...

>> No.29355966

>>29353420# already spilled the beans

>> No.29356332

Whenever a "This Crypto Coin will go up/down at 9AM/PM" prediction shows up on here, the literal opposite happens. Gonna need more evidence, OP.

>> No.29356486

Bitcoin is causing climate change. we'll be underwater in 5 years because of your digital money. why do you hate the environment?

>> No.29356734

I will build an ark and call it the citadel. You need to prove that you own 1 BTC to be able to enter.

>> No.29356849

I own 2000 LINK.
Will that get me in?

>> No.29356894

A major hit piece just flew over my house

>> No.29356909

You need at least 50k LINK bc that’s how much it’ll take to exchange for one BTC

>> No.29356963


>> No.29357029
File: 65 KB, 992x744, F7E1C33A-51CC-4F54-B78A-3E93F69FB50C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can he save us

>> No.29357137

No substance

>> No.29357289

definitely China fud

>> No.29357382

Is it the New York Times calling it racist?

>> No.29357400


>> No.29357448

Can he straighten his back

>> No.29357768

No core strength bc he sacrifices for us to buy cardanos

>> No.29357952

Anon, truth is any kike owned media making a hit piece is bullish. I think we’re past giving attention to these jew shills and their lies. Seethe cope and dilate.