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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 150 KB, 900x580, bancor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2935302 No.2935302 [Reply] [Original]

Market cap will shift by a mere fraction, BNT price by the same. BNT will still be under ICO price after Stox pulls down its pants and squeezes out this turd of a project.

Has Bancor got anything lined up that isn't a sleazy endeavour you'd be embarrassed to tell your mom you invested in?

>> No.2935322

Does your mom give final approval before investing your GBP and neetbucks?

>> No.2935326

>nostox/nobanc coping

>> No.2935831

STOX is not something I'm personally interested in, but I do think it's cool that projects are already using Bancor.

t. BancFag

>> No.2935836
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>> No.2935848

Nice, i only got 2.5k stx

>> No.2935859

Holy fuck you guys really think this is worth buying that much of?

>> No.2935880

It's a 'low' cap ICO so yes. Even to dump the day it gets added to bittrex. Stop not buying coins for ideological reasons.

>> No.2935891

they're run by the guys behind invest.com
when the official app launches theyre launching it to millions of people that use invest.com for normie investing
yeah this is probably one of the few good ICO's

>> No.2935983
File: 41 KB, 596x335, FTM_1272_t100_00_05_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanted to own 10k bnt but didn't work so at least own 10k bnt related tokens.

>> No.2935992

What is it basically ? It's like a betting platform but on which you can bet on almost everything ?

>> No.2936009

I checked the competitors, augur and gnosis mooned so this will too.

>> No.2936020


Nobody owns 10,000 BNT dude. Nobody even owns 1,000.

Look at how pathetically low the volume is

>> No.2936032



>> No.2936034

yes, because tons of prediction tokens and millions of online gambling sites dont already exist.

retards will still give them like 100million for the ICO

>> No.2936053


What's your point? Only 12,000 wallets lmfao.

>> No.2936091

Golem has 48k and it's been around since god knows. It doesn't have low volume nor its held by few people.
Man feels good being intelligent, hate the nobanc meme but you are literally a nobanc.

>> No.2936097

Lol some people really expect something decent to come out of the Bancor network?

Just another scam and a useless token that will plummet to oblivion once it hits the market.

>> No.2936103


What does that have anything to do with the cost of tea in china? Nobody on this board has even over 1000 BNT I bet. All I'm saying is the volume is low. And Bancor desperately asks for marketing help. Tim draper. Who?

>> No.2936127

>37th biggest volume on cryptomarket.


>> No.2936150

>yes, because tons of prediction tokens and millions of online gambling sites dont already exist.
>retards will still give them like 100million for the ICO

Well when it comes to this it's all about client base, say Yahoo or Forbes launch something like that tomorrow and it would instantly worth billions.

Real problem seems like invest.com is a fucking no name site:

Their biggest marketshare is in Netherlands and Israël.

>> No.2936155


Dude i just posted a screenshot.

>> No.2936158
File: 3.40 MB, 3888x2592, utr08-socialmedia-startups-2049525-o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ummmm anon, didn't you know that if a coin isn't top 10 within 6 weeks of release it is dead? LOL BACDOR

>> No.2936175

I'd give her all my eth just to hit it like the fist of an angry god.

>> No.2936271
File: 109 KB, 2184x435, one wallet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's it like to be so incredibly ignorant? I don't mean just stupid or slow, I mean, what's it like to literally have no grasp of fucking reality?

This is one wallet. I have many others. I wish people like you would just stick to making bad choices on the exchanges (and enriching me) rather than bringing the average IQ of /biz/ even lower by posting here.

>> No.2936384
File: 388 KB, 706x602, LHPXy7j7tGyy7HOnva0tq4WavsepZxSNcHwHgaWOSHI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody know when this thing hits exchanges?

>> No.2936563

>Nobody on this board has even over 1000 BNT I bet
I have 3k, you are just deludine yourself anon

>> No.2936568


Holy shit you actually do have 2G in BNT. You're a bigger risk taker than me I apologize. I hope the best for you. If BNT takes off, you're all fucking set. Good luck. Also sorry for being stupid as shit. I'm new to this

>> No.2936744

wow guy swallows his pride
good shit anon, you're not gonna make it though because youre a nobanc/nostox

>> No.2936844

good job actually admitting you were wrong anon, none of us know it all.

For instance there are still some benighted souls who don't yet know Bancor is literally unstoppable.

>> No.2936870

>stox banned in Israel
>floyd's in on ground floor

>> No.2936943


What would be a comfortable amount to hold? I only hate on BNT because everything crashed after they came onto the market. I'll buy some BNT right now. Only because convos like this usually don't happen. I got into Crypto 2 weeks before Bancor so you can understand my frustration

>> No.2936981

Depends on how much liquidity you have. Around 1000 is a good bet, then every dollar it rises gives you a thousand dollars, and as its half the price (USD) that it was at ICO, you can expect a 2-3 dollar gain in short order when it begins to take off. Granted, that would take about 2 grand of capital up front, so you know. 500 for 50 cents on the dollar, etc.

>> No.2937010
File: 10 KB, 442x224, IMG_20170721_021503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bancore price and futures??

>> No.2937013

i bought a couple hundred at ICO too anon, I feel your pain.

I am actually not a Bancor shill, just a true believer. I would advise you to read their website and look at their roadmap, look at the devs, look at the statements they release etc. and then make your decisions based on that info.

For me, I am in deep because I feel that right now Bancor has far higher growth potential than the ETH I was holding. ETH will definitely go up but I think Bancor will go up a far higher multiple over the next few years. That's the basis of my gamble. Also I really like that I can buy BNT with ETH via sending to the contract directly rather than fucking around on exchanges.

Good luck and honestly, boring as it may sound, do your own research. There is no substitute for that.

>> No.2937064
File: 243 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170802-201033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peep that loss.

Bancor is one of the better long term holds outside of the big boys. If it goes to shit then I'll deal with it but if you actually read up on who's involved and what they've done in the past instead of listening to biz you'll realise it's hot a good chance of doing well.

>> No.2937106

why do you have so many notifications

what's that messenger? and the clock/phone thing

>> No.2937116


nobancs and nostoxers are really pathetic (((humans)))

>> No.2937129

a nobanc like yourself wouldn't understand our lifestyle.

>> No.2937141

Now that's a Lambo in the making right there

>> No.2937170
File: 1.76 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I had about 6btc on CB I forgot I had in there after ETH exploded. I used my reserve capital for this I hope you guys are right. I'm not from /pol/ so it's nothing to prove to anybody but if you guys think this is a good investment then I'm with you all till the end

>> No.2937187
File: 139 KB, 1080x1853, Screenshot_20170802-093604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2937197

Bro don't invest that much money based on some tips from random guys on an Japanese imageboard

But yes, bnt is a safe bet

>> No.2937200

If we're wrong, we go down with you. If we're right, you're richer than most of us. Godspeed, anon.

>> No.2937277

wow now I'm super jealous. jeez.

I think putting all 6 BTC into it is a bit extreme, but you do you. My two long holds are BTC and BNT, so I would have personally kept some of that as BTC, but yolo.

I do think it's a good investment but tbqh I sort of worry about your temperament-- dropping 6 BTC off the say-so of randos on /biz/ (one of whom specifically told you to do your homework before buying). I would strongly urge you to put those BNTs in a cold storage wallet to lessen the chance you will impulsively sell them too soon. I think Bancor's "moon" timeline is to be measured in years not weeks or months.

>> No.2937310

haha you impulsive fuck
god damn you really should be more careful with your investments
bancor is my #2, right behind NEO right now so im right there with you
but i did atleast a few days of reading about the people behind bancor and read through their whitepaper
good fucking luck anon, we all make it there together. you just a lot faster than others.

>> No.2937524

They don't. Stox is filling a niche that needs to be filled. Etheroll and fucking Bitcoin dice are huge for many many reasons and they are still extremely primitive compared to Stox. I can't tell if you are just being ignorant or if you are actually stupid.

>> No.2937695

I just bought 3k stox and have 5k bnt left feels comfy

>> No.2938167

I'm a developer, the notifications are web servers telling me bad things are happening. The clock/phone thing is just an update alert.

>> No.2938203

This is bold as fuck and you bought at a good price. If I were you I'd sell half of what you bought for BTC and just store that away for a few years. Bancor is really promising but it relies heavily on the success of Ethereum. If for whatever reason Bancor fails, the safety and hopefully steady growth of BTC should act as a good hedge.

>> No.2938274

no mate it doesnt because bancor is already working on close partnership with cosmos to go cross chain

>> No.2938315

I wasn't aware of that. I don't know much about Cosmos, unless it uses ERC20 tokens then surely you'd need to reinvest in the token specific to that chain? Obviously the success of Bancor should impact both chains but the point still stands that if Ethereum were to fail the BNT tokens currently held would become worthless, no?

>> No.2938338

I wish I had the money to buy this much.

>> No.2938355

Join the bounty program. It starts again soon.

>> No.2938356

I lurk the telegram sometime because the devs often post there.
here is what one of the founders wrote:
"There is a difference between moving a token between blockchains, and moving value between tokens. Bancor protocol deals with the latter while cosmos deals with the former. I had a skype conference with the Cosmos team last week and we are working on a proof of concept together. The cosmos team are building blockchain technology on top the internet platform, just as we are buidling applications on top of blockchain platforms.

BNT is planned to be a cross blockchain token, with token changers on every smart-contract enabled blockchain. It means that BNTs can be transferred 1:1 between the different blockchains and converted to other tokens throught the Bancor protocol.

Bancor Liquidity Network will use the BNT as its "hub" token, to minimize hops between any pair of tokens, through larger and more cost effective liquidity pools.

In that sense Bancor and Cosmos are very complimentry."

>> No.2938371

whats the bounty program?

>> No.2938379

paid shilling among other things :^)

>> No.2938406

Idk if I have the skills to find bugs in BNT tho, that's what it really is right? Bug hunting?

>> No.2938423

they have social media ones

I'm not sure when the new ones start, ask them on telegram.

>> No.2938479


>> No.2938892

In august. And sadly paid shilling on biz is not on the payroll yet but ill try to convince them.