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29351536 No.29351536 [Reply] [Original]

I bought 1 full Bitcoin at 45K when 45K (after the correction up from 32k).

Yeah you could say this was a big mistake, Bitcoin is only $55k now.

But I’m taking this as a lesson, I will not sell this 1 BTC. It’s my $45k lesson, if btc crashes, I will just start accumulating at the bottom, instead of buying at the top.

I fomo’d in at $45k because I was afraid it could get away from me and go out of my price range for the rest of the year, and I wanted to own 1 BTC just incase.

>> No.29351624

uh... can i have it?

>> No.29351665

No one cares about you retarded financial decisions retard. Get a blog

>> No.29351680

1 btc is not enough. trade it into eth or something.

>> No.29351682

its going to 220k eoy

>> No.29351728

Not fucking around with ETH

BTC all the way, to $1000000000 or $0

>> No.29351760


The Reddit spaceman said so

>> No.29351787

10k eoy

>> No.29351881

honestly it's not a bad move
but you're just going to have to forget about it for the next year regardless of what happens because you if and when you do turn it back into usd, you want to pay as little tax as possible so wait till you're in the long term capital gains tax bracket

and you have the right idea, if it crashes hard, just buy more

never sell, bitcoin will eventually hit 200k

>> No.29351921

Ok I’ll be able to buy a lot more then

Still gona hold this $45k coin forever as a learning lesson not to fomo in

>> No.29352122
File: 82 KB, 1169x1080, 1593120132361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know that BTC always corrects -80+% each cycle, right?
previous cycles corrections were -86%, -84% respectively
At current ATH, only those buying under 11500 should feel safe without selling at all

>> No.29352229

140-220k eoy.

>> No.29352249

Yeah, this is my $45k lesson.

Like you said. chances are it goes down to $10k or so. But, can’t a blackswan go both ways? Like a blackswan of Bitcoin going to $500k or something is what fomo’d me into getting in at $45k for 1 whole coin.

>> No.29352289

>trade it into my eth bags

>> No.29352330

If you're so sure it will go to $10k, why not buy then?

>> No.29352537

You're thinking too much about it, either way it'll go to a million at some point. Just don't sell on the way down, you will fuck it up even more I guarantee it and end up with 0.5 btc

>> No.29352925

No lesson is worth forty five thousand dollars.

Sell half. Make it a $23k lesson. At least that’s what tuition might’ve looked like 15 years ago.

>> No.29353002

>this is my $45k lesson

one of many reminders why those with intelligence will make it and people like this suffer

>> No.29353125

congratulations, you're the retarded monkey that bought the top by trading 45,000 dollars for something that is worth 45,000 monopoly money "dollars"

>> No.29353246

You made 10 grand I don't know what this thread is for

>> No.29353387

Im saying..This dude all mad because he, made 10K?

>> No.29353391

What are these replies?

>> No.29353438

Bro if you sell it at 55K, you will make 10K. If you really think it was a bad move then just sell it. I dont see how making money is a bad move.

>> No.29353711

I’m not sure, which is why I fomo’d in to own 1 whole coin at 45k.

But the chances are it prob will going off btc history unless we get a reverse blackswan to 500k

As far as I’m concerned BTC at 200k EoY is as likely a 10k EoY hence why I fomo’d in at 45k. If I goes upto 200k fine, if I goes down to 10k I buy more.

>> No.29353884

Yes because he fucked up hard-core. You're supposed to buy high and sell low but this retard didn't buy the top. Now he has to wait and pray this thing crashes so he can sell low again. Hopefully everyone can see this retard for the fuckup he is and learn from his mistakes.

>> No.29353988

eat a bullet reddit scum

>> No.29354010

You've fucking made money if you sell and it's only going up
Idk what you're even upset about

>> No.29354817

you fucked up big time anon
why did you buy BTC, the one thing corporations are interested in?
should have joined us and put 12k into various currycoins after looking at constantly reposted jpgs on a coomer board

>> No.29355509

absolutely retarded

>> No.29356004


>Has happened twice in 15 years
>Thinks he has some deep knowledge of "cycles" and that they are set in stone

bruh... Not saying it won't happen. But the certainty people talk about these things is absolutely ridiculous.

>> No.29357364

If you have 3 decades of life left, BTC will be over $1million USD sometime in your lifetime, don’t sweat it. The long term prospects are great.

>> No.29358059

OP I am proud of you, good call. I bought mine at 25k and I am still adding heavily. Will soon be at 1,85BTC.
Just remember to hold, yeah it's painful but BTC is a longterm bet first and foremost.

>> No.29358130

yeah why not sell at 56K and then wait until a crash, buy like 5 of them at 10K whenever that happens and THEN accumulate all the way down. Why waste the potential of that liqudity

>> No.29358150

Should I sell at 200k?

>> No.29358176

>he thinks Bitcoin is gone after 2021-22

lmao what the fuck retard did you really just try to FUD away the entirety of crypto. go away nocoiner shitshill

>> No.29358194

100K before EOY stop worrying

>> No.29358329

People are severely overestimating the crash this time around. It will never be below 30k ever again and it’ll probably peak under 200k desu. If the cycle goes long enough we could see maybe 200/300k btc. All depends on it’s velocity. Fomo divided by time