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29346545 No.29346545 [Reply] [Original]

Why do American industries have so few or extremely weak unions? Is it coincidental that inequality has grown as labor unions shrunk?

>> No.29347739

labour unions are too strong as it is, and massively corrupt.

>> No.29348195

Muh guns red states thanks republicans
NAFTA, Thanks democrats

Weak unions could be because of immigrants
illegal and visa workers.
Their standard of living is lower.
they need less to be happy. They're working in the USA they already made it.
They won't attend union meetings and are
quick to vote no STRIKE when negotiations
break down.
When the work force is comprised of this
demographic the company's know they don't
have to make a greater offer when it comes to wages and benifits. eventually the US born workers move on and the Union loses its teeth.

Not for the craft workers though.
those unions can hold ground a little longer
as long as its not a right to work state.
That work force usually goes through a
apprenticeship so in essence skilled workers are educated workers and conditions and wages can be justified.
just a brain dump...

>> No.29348390

Because there is an incredibly persuasive argument against them from all my coworkers... But I have yet for them to explain it to me

>> No.29348473

because we live under a jewish plutocracy and neoliberal occupation gov't

>> No.29348593

Unions are the best thing that happened to American workers and the 50 yr war waged against them is the reason for the inequality in this country. Your boss doesn’t want you in a union, you should want to be in one. -union fag

>> No.29348691

Read about Reagan and the hard laws against unionizing.
It's not coincidental, working class has been shrinking over the last 50 years. Destroying unions made this inequality easier to grow.

>> No.29348746


>> No.29348931
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Both political factions are against Unions.
Our last Union with ANY sort of leverage represents the Police, and Democrats spent most of last year burning down entire cities to undermine them. So much for representing workers.

>> No.29348986

what unions ? Strong?
in the US ?
Corrupt? if true so what
JP Morgan could be corrupt
the nasdaq market, robin hood

>> No.29349061

The NLRB hasn’t had a backbone in years. Unions have been fighting tooth and nail just to be shit on during arbitration. Corporations are above the law and it’s sad.

I hate the thought of my children or their children once again fighting against inequality. Why can’t people just be good people.

>> No.29349132

Unions for what? Cubicle data entry? They shipped off all the industry jobs to China and put niggers and women in the workplace to further divide the working class into made up horizontal societal conflicts instead of vertical class warfare.

>> No.29349204

Personal experience confirms the standard criticisms of unions. Everybody in a union I know, teacher, construction worker, doorman, police is a lazy piece of shit who honestly should have been fired years ago. Unions keep them in jobs, un-fireable, and paid more than they're worth. This is great if you're a parasite like >>29348593
but it sucks if you're everyone else. Nothing gets built, nothing gets taught, justice is never served because of Unions. Don't let dumbfucks like OP tell you they don't have any power, there was just that TIME article about how union leaders went around and bullied everyone into election fraud. Forget muh CEO bonuses—all these unions higher ups are fucking criminals and they pay themselves a big fat paycheck to sit on their ass all day. And if a union becomes corrupt, there's no method to circumvent them. You have to suck their dick for any entry level position or move to another state. Anti-competition. etc ect

>> No.29349206

Democrats are for
the radical environmēntalist
the radical lgbdq
the radical ((black lives, antifa))
It's no longer the party of the Kennedy's.

>> No.29349321


Think about it

>> No.29349462

lil hyperbolic, don't ya think?
too much anger.

>> No.29349463
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Because the US govt, Republican and Dem, has been gutting labor power for more than half a century at the service of their corporate neolib masters

>> No.29349469
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>> No.29349494

Yeah you guys are pretty boring I wanna see a tranny furry as president desu lololol

>> No.29349583

Within our life time
could happen.

>> No.29349592

That's pretty slick, didn't think of that. "Defund the police" is about hurting one of the strongest unions in the country. And the lolbertarians will be all for it.

OCP here we come.

>> No.29349744

>too much anger
lil' ad hom, donchya think? too much estrogen

there's not one thing I wrote that isn't true. I don't give a shit if you don't like my tone. Any criticism one has of muh corporations, or muh finance, such as how they'll just hire their friend's son into a cushy job—is just as true if not more so in the union game. This is from personal experience. I'm not saying there's something necessarily wrong with that—It's human nature, except with unions it's much harder to work against compared to a free market.

People have a fairytale picture of unions thanks to commie branding/marketing. They're a glorified mafia.

>> No.29349776

Police unions aren't beneficial to the working class, they're beneficial to the ruling class which is why they are the only union that is allowed to survive. Police serve only one master and that is the ruling class. After that, they serve themselves. If you're lucky, after all that, they might serve you, but more likely not.

Who do you think is gonna be the strong arm of the new order? Yeah, the police. They're not your friends.

>> No.29349818

Distribution of powers. Unions aren't great but at least they oppose globohomo agenda

>> No.29349852

>at least they oppose globohomo agenda
citation needed

>> No.29349951

They oppose degradation of working conditions. Why do you think globohomo is opposed to unions? They want you to eat the bugs. Union power opposes this

>> No.29349953

Labor unions in the USA exist purely to funnel votes to neoliberal politicians who promise to help them then say they can't because of mean republicans and then their jobs get sent overseas. It doesn't really help that union workers are functional retards and vote for whoever the union tells them instead of finding the candidate who is actually pro-factory.

>> No.29349961

See also:
and it's easy to understand why every single corporate entity is for Critical Race Theory + BLM

>> No.29349981

The only good aspect of SOME(very few) unions is that they will readily train working class people into a decent trade like electrician work, but most are not this sympathetic or kind.
Half the time the unions simply take a fat cut out of people's paychecks for several years of employment and that added cost makes it so that businesses can't employ as many people.

Unlike most people in this thread, I think unions are not solely to blame for the lack of industry in the US though.
Businesses being able to outsource labor and/or hire migrant labor is a much bigger threat, but unions have been doing nothing to combat either of those problems for the working class.

>> No.29350130

>Union power opposes this
citation needed

>> No.29350148

Unions are less prevalent in the US because, in general, the US never had the strong affinity for labor movements that Europe did. The US dabbled in such during the time of Teddy, and later on Franklin, Roosevelt, but it never went as far as what you'd see in Europe during the same time. It also doesn't help that the US was deathly afraid of communist propaganda during the Cold War, and labor unions were seen as only a few steps removed from worker Soviets undermining the local government.

Also, any sentiment towards having more unions evaporated with the advent of Ronald Reagan and his business-friendly brand of economics, which would go on to influence Democrats into becoming more neoliberal and less traditional left where they would advocate for unions.

That said, there are still a few unions left in the US with some say. Namely, UAW, the United Auto Workers union, negotiates with car manufacturers for wages and stuff. Also, you may hear about various Teacher's Unions in the US.

Some people have a bad view of unions in the US, which I believe is colored by the existence of public sector unions, such as the Teacher's Unions, and the concept of people being forced into a union and being forced to pay dues to said union in order to get a job. The contention here being that the union does little to help their workers, and simply grow fat off of the dues.

>> No.29350158
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This was a killing blow

>> No.29350259

>Unlike most people in this thread, I think unions are not solely to blame for the lack of industry in the US though.

The only reason anyone thinks this is because Americans have been brainwashed to destroy themselves.

>> No.29350348

>citation needed
globohomo opposes unions

That's all the citation you need>>29350259

>> No.29350449

Support Patriot Front and the National Justice Party
Listen to TheRightStuff.Biz

>> No.29350679

link me anything substantive to suggest this or piss off. Talk is cheap. Unions have been doing what for the last 50 years? Sucking their own dicks? And they're going to save us now how exactly?

>> No.29350949

Sure if you have time to actually read and honestly engage with opposing information


>> No.29351079


>> No.29351215

oh great, sociology dpt from the UC Santa Cruz. I'll be sure to dig into this.

>> No.29351325

>link me anything substantive to suggest this or piss off

>links a huge historical article which is a long list of facts about the history of unions in the US with over 50 citations

>"oh great, sociology dpt from the UC Santa Cruz. I'll be sure to dig into this."

Know how i know you're a midwit?

>> No.29351376


midwits accept anything with a .org at the end of it wholesale

>> No.29351538

>can't even digest information, just links spiels wholesale from political ideologues
You don't even know anyone who's in a union, spare me your $200k indoctrination.
Know how I know you're a midwit? Give me a primary source faggot.

>> No.29351837
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>Is it coincidental that inequality has grown as labor unions shrunk?

Nope but it's globalization and the loss of real productivity along with ever lowering interest rates and access to easy credit to perpetuate an unsustainable system of consumption and debt which has lead to the wealth inequality of today...

>> No.29352027

Southern California Union Carpenter. Joined at 18 and started making 100,000 at about 24. Now a project manager 130,000 with plenty of perks...900 a month car allowance... the union has always pressured me to vote blue but I always vote red. The union sets a bottom line for wages and allows you to succeed but they don’t have the pull anymore so to make the higher scale you have to perform. This is mostly due to having to carry the underperforming “brothers”. I’m personally completely against the public sector unions, they have raped California financially

>> No.29353069

I work at Fedex. the whole 'diversity' thing isnt about diversity of thought, as it should be, its about having a workforce of diverse backgrounds, races etc because its more unlikely a union will be formed if the workers cant relate to each other. Also if your heard talking about forming a union at FedEx they will fire you on the spot apparently.

>> No.29353410


>> No.29354284
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its all so tiresome.