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29343893 No.29343893 [Reply] [Original]

I have 10 BTC sitting in cold storage and I keep looking at the prices and considering just selling, im getting sick of this shit, its taken over my life now.

This is no longer bettering my life, its just causing me issues.

Here's my options.

>1. Put all my BTC onto an exchange and sell them now at market and never look or think about crypto ever again

>2. Keep the BTC on me, and come back in 3-5 years

>> No.29343979

Obviously keep it, lmao is that even a question?? 3 fucking years???

>> No.29344000

Nice larp

>> No.29344009

For those wondering about personal situation

- No debt
- Minimalist lifestyle
- Very little expenses
- Low income earner, but income is consistent/guaranteed
- Dont have any materialistic wants or needs

>> No.29344015

Just rope yourself.

Or be a reasonable person, sell one or two at the 250k - 500k top this August, and keep riding the rest for life. You're gonna need them eventually.

>> No.29344051

exchange them all for ETH and 10x this summer

>> No.29344058

Legit sell it dude now this shit crashes your gonna fucking off yourself.

Sell now enjoy your earnings, pushoff paying taxes who the fuck knows what's coming.

>> No.29344080

sell now if not larp dont be stupid, you can still get to a couple million with other investments. This is a ponzi dont forget that

>> No.29344086

Do you need to sell all 10 at once?

>> No.29344100

The world is going to hell and will be unrecognizable in 5-10 years.

>> No.29344131

unless you're literally about the be homeless definitely option two

>> No.29344154

I mean if I was in your position (or mine) i would in a heartbeat, no reason to prolong suffering.

>> No.29344166

why not keep 5
who knows where we going

>> No.29344176

Sell all but one. If the maxi trolls are correct you’ll have a milli, and if the preppers are correct, you’ll be able to buy guns now

>> No.29344256

if youre even considering selling you btc youre too stupid to deserve it in the first place

>> No.29344271

I would not "off myself" if it crashed.

Ive had this shit since 2015. I held them through 17/18 boom/bust. I dont NEED it, but its just this golden fruit hanging over my head that Im not sure if I should take yet or not.

What makes it harder is that I dont have any wants or needs materialistically, and I live a cheap lifestyle, and dont have any desires or anything, so while im not afraid of losing out on taking profits, im also not afraid of not getting profits, its a mind fucked.

I dont have "urgency" around this shit, but Im just fucking obsessive over the fucking numbers going up and down up and down up and down.

I wasn't anywhere near this bad in 2017, I was looking at the numbers maybe once a week, now Im just 24/7 looking at them. OCD with this shit specifically.

>> No.29344301

Similar situation op.
I know it will eventually correct and people will call me retarded for not selling.

At the same time nothing has fundamentally changed, and JPOW still printing fiat.

It's a tough decision and I don't know what to do either.

>> No.29344361

I mean is selling going to make any material difference to your life or stop you from looking at charts every 10 seconds?
It's fine to take profits. You don't have to sell it all either. You don't need to hold forever at the cost of being a cortisone battered wreck

>> No.29344417

Never sell your whole stack. That's suicide fuel right there when it inevitably hits $500k per BTC.

If it bothers you so much, why not just sell half and try to forget about the rest for a few years?

>> No.29344426

Why do all these people think Im LARPING?

In 2017 the gains and bust happened quickly, we didn't stick at 20k long, it was like 1-2 weeks.

We've been ATHing for like 4 fucking months now I CANT HANDLE THIS SHIT GOING ON FOR ANOTHER 8 MONTHS.

>> No.29344446

just sell it now and if it dips a whole bunch by some more dingus

>> No.29344470

I get it your taking a word from a guy with a terminal illness so I wouldn't wait personally but if you believe it will climb go for it, let me remind you look at BTC to pretend it can't crash is being ignorant, last year it was way fucking cheaper than now and the year before that it was more expensive.

Consider 2020, nothing is predictable anymore and grasps for power are closing in.

>> No.29344506

Youll have a million in a single year if you wait, but you're complaining. Nice humblebrag faggot.

>> No.29344513

or 3. sell the top

>> No.29344611

no anon. you're sick of /biz/. unplug cashout a small sum, go do something you enjoy. you staring at the price will not change anything.

>> No.29344636
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>> No.29344646

thats your brain telling you to cash out, you may not need the money now but you certainly will at some point when you get some fucking purpose. I'd be going nuts with that amount of money, here in third world shithole the possibilities are endless, just 0.1 btc would change my life

>> No.29344654

Inverted DCA, OP. Im doing it every month, need to buy a apartment but my country is too primitive for crypto, so will have to pay in fiat. I only took enough each month so as to not pay taxes, which makes it look like DCA, but for selling. I would call it CCA, crypto cost average.
You are probably suffering the same depression I am. Six figures, right? I started to feel depressed this week, still trying to figure out why. I also spend very little money.

>> No.29344660

Idk. They're just jelly. Deep down we all know it will correct eventually.

And yeah I feel it. It grew to 90% of my net worth. It's getting hard for me to handle it too.

But at the same time, the bankers are literally just raping the economy with infinite money so, really don't know where the top is this cycle. I'm fucking holding on for dear life and I'm somewhat terrified.

>> No.29344744

Agreed. Sell 2.5 BTC now for cash. If it dips hard and crashes, buy back 1.7 or so.

>> No.29344771

Decide now a set of target prices, turn 1 cold wallet into a few, and cash each one out when you hit the target. Nothing anyone says itt is really going to get rid of that feeling that tomorrow the sky will fall in or that you might miss out by selling now. But nobody can time shit perfectly and all you can do is make best decisions you can on your own terms.

>> No.29344798

but also at the same time if I lost everything, I'd be disappointed, but having no debt and living a minimalist lifestyle I would certainly recover. If I sold I would probably just buy stocks, and eventually those will crash too, unless the economy really is fucked

>> No.29344832

Sell dude. It's literally dumping as we speak.

>> No.29344882




Why cant the fucking BOOMER CUNTS just fucking buy bitcoin already, so all the banks have it, all governments have it, etc etc, so it just settles down at a fucking price, and then becomes a boomer 10% annual growth thing. THE VOLATILITY IS FUCKING ANNOYING.


>> No.29344899

buy more

>> No.29344902

Not larping nothing to gain but some wisdom, if it's really affecting your mental psyche and I get it, effects mine even though I literally have just a few monero I still obsess at looking.

It's not healthy cash out go buy physical assets you want and that you may need, keep living frugal and enjoy what aspect of normal life there is, it's the reason I'm even here hopefully make a little something so I can enjoy what time I have left.

Enjoy your life, unchain yourself from this and you will be happier than most people alive.

>> No.29344955

Sell some of it and hodl the rest, depending on your future expenses, lifestyle, etc.

>> No.29345031
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I exited in 2017 just before the bubble burst and sold my 117 BTC for ~16,000 euros each. I don't regret it at all, the stress was too much. But, now I kind of miss it especially when it's a bull run going on. I don't need money anymore though, so I think I'm just going to throw a few k's on some random altcoins where I see potential.

>> No.29345074

Why not just draw the interest from something like blockfi or celsius? Living off the interest alone would be doable if you live modestly.

>> No.29345082

how much did you buy back and if you didn't, why

>> No.29345180

Sell 2, leave 8

>> No.29345182

Imagine if bitcoin were legal tender and you were looking at its value priced in dollars. Would you keep holding it or buy dollars?

>> No.29345262

why do you torture yourself like this.. you know its never getting adopted its just a hot potato game. You relax watching your btc worth go from 200k worth to 35k? when you could've bought 20 or 30 btc? and now its 500k and you want it to down again? do you hate money? give it to me :)

>> No.29345304

>Minimalist lifestyle


>> No.29345386

THATS THE ISSUE. Id be FORCED to buy a house now if I sell the BTC.

I only keep $1000 (AUD) in emergency savings. Everything about $1000 I've been putting into my boomer retirement fund (I know retarded, but I dont give a fuck, im not materialistic). I accumulated 10.0073 BTC in 2014-2016 when I was in university and on studybux, and I was using studybux to buy BTC and energy drinks.

My tax bracket is 32%, so if I sold now at $73K (AUD) I'd not be able to buy a house outright where I want. I need about $1.2M to buy a house here where I want.

>> No.29345488

Your desire for instant gratification is why you will always be poor. If you were OP buying those 10 BTC in 2015, you would have sold them all the moment the price of BTC hit $1k in 2017.

>> No.29345527

Why do the bull runs drive people so much crazier than the bear runs do? I was this way my first bull run too. I didn't sleep. Nearly fucking killed me. This time I'm ignoring it. Playing a shit ton of video games. I check my portfolio and /biz/ once a day just out of curiosity, but I try not to think about it the rest of the day.

>> No.29345567


Why does it matter that you buy a house outright when rates are this low? A mortgage is basically free money. You can't make 2-3% per year trading?

>> No.29345620

Option 3: sell two and do something fun for a year or two

>> No.29345647

The 2017 bullrun was nothing like this though, like I said, I was only checking numbers once a week then, and when it ATH'd in 20k in december that shit was short lived and it was like everything just switched off all of a sudden, and it was a comfy 3 year period where I didn't even think about Crypto (yeah I know, I should have been buying more) but i was able to just relax.

Now this ATHing going on for months and months and months is getting to me, its nothing like 2017 was man, NOTHING.

>> No.29345666

I didn't and I think it's because I've never truly believed that BTC has any real future so I don't want to be invested in something that I don't trust.

>> No.29345692

Because he doesn't want to be a slave to banks. Duh.

>> No.29345716



>> No.29345725

Perhaps sell half and keep half

>> No.29345758

I know and I understand all of that, but Im just averse to having debt, no matter how low the interest rate is.

Even if I can get $700k/$1000k for a house here (AUSTRALIA) Id still have that $300k over my head, and Id feel like im FORCED to slave away for that $300k.

Im literally renting at the moment, paying for a cheap 1BR studio. No stress, no issues, no debt, cheap as fuck rent.

>> No.29345788

Yeah, 2017 had dips to buy, shit to do. this one has had only one or two and they didn't last long. It's out of my hands, and I guess that drives me less crazy and you more crazy? Why do you think that is?

>> No.29345791

what counts as minimalist nowadays? Just not paying for a shitload of streaming services and not buying new phones every year?

>> No.29345867

dude bought at <1k, now its 58k, at one point you have to take profits or you're simply retarded, there is such thing as too much greed. If he is wrong and it goes to 1 million, he still made sick returns that almost nobody can replicate in such short time frame, and he can invest and live comfy for the rest of his life. More likely this will crash again like always and he can get his 10 btc back and keep the rest.
Sell 8 and keep 2, if it goes to 1 million he's set, he's used to holding and he wouldnt know what to do with 10 million anyway based on his posts

>> No.29345898

There's a lot longer to go in this run.
You should sell maybe one or two now, put the money into the waves stablecoin staking for passive income and set sell order for the rest at 125k, 250k, 380k and 1mil.
Some of those will get triggered in the next run, just don't be a retard and market sell all of them.

>> No.29345913

cash out 9 of them and spread the last 50 across 5-10 shitcoins

>> No.29345931

You would prob think im mentally ill if you came into my apartment. It is that meme apartment with no furniture, etc. Its not that I forced myself to be this way, its just how I am, I only have shit that i use everyday. I could move everything out of my apartment in 30 minutes, most of which would be dismantling a bed/desk.

>> No.29345968

take out 5 anon
only when ronas over though
everyones in the same head space right now
but they dont all have bitcoin let alone 10

>> No.29345987

Diversify, don't liquidate.

>> No.29345994

You are not the kind of person who can handle debt. Don't take it on no matter what rich people say about it kek.

I'm the same way, the feeling of being indebted is no bueno.

>> No.29346064

Second this

>> No.29346090
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This, I couldn't describe it any perfect

>> No.29346160

This mindset is what makes people who come into money poor. You're literally throwing money away every month instead of building equity.

>> No.29346272

I dont know how debtors do it

i cant imagine being stuck to a job because of a mortgage

With no debt I am free to leave anytime, the bosses have no leverage over me

>> No.29346276

I see no issue with that meme actually. I don't like useless decor and houseplants either

>> No.29346312

i sold 6 figs in jan after buying march 2020. lost some trying to short. Unlike you, I'm looking back though because I would buy a bottom that I think is fair value or undervalued.

>> No.29346328

Sell immediately, moron. Bitcoin will b worth 0 within the year

>> No.29346344

>Hey /biz/ should I turn my BTC that might go up in value but also might go down into USD that is guaranteed to go down in value?

>> No.29346398

Take 20k profits, 10k splurge, 10k into other projects you like, become invigorated, enjoy life fucking relax, you're doing great

>> No.29346411

I have 10 btc that I bought under $10k, is your advice for me the same or do you think OP should cash out too early just because his initial was small?

>> No.29346416

My rent is $150/week. (1BR studio apartment). Its literally nothing man.

>> No.29346449

I'd go even further on second thought. I've thought about buying those Japanese futons and tatami mats. Unfortunately that's not gonna make any girl'spanties wet

>> No.29346491

sell a lil bit, rebuy when it's 50-80% down

>> No.29346519

Sell half nigger

>> No.29346637

This is the mindfuck.

It could -50% or -80% but it could also just keep going up IE: hyperbitcoinisation.

>> No.29346648

Sell two, live a slightly comfier life for 2 years ignoring the charts, next boom cycle rinse and repeat.

You're set OP, I believe in you

>> No.29346713

i sold all of mine. maybe just sell half or 25%

>> No.29346762

What are you thinking now after having sold off 3 years ago?

Like what keeps you around here still?

You still holding anything?

>> No.29346783

>third world shithole
>giving shitty advice

>> No.29346874

If you sell now, you'll probably not have to wait long to buy back in at an even better price after the crash

>> No.29346927

im an ausfag too. i was in a similar situation to you, but i just sold all my coins. i feel liberated. its a crazy feeling

>> No.29347027

im an absolute retard, but the laws of the universe prevent that from happening. the creator of bitcoin was a master of economics and mathematics.

>> No.29347050

Fellow Aussie Anon, I have cashed out 1.3m AUD this financial year, Uni so no job and get 50% capital gains discount on $0 income. So my tax bill so far is $260k.
>1.2m house
I bought some farmland out of the city and going to build my own, why the fuck are you wanting a house in either sydney or melbourne? Do you wagecuck in the city? If not then you are retarded, I bought a chink brick bo in southerland shire so I have something to borrow against and negatively gear, but fuck paying a premium to live in globohomo sydney

>> No.29347075

Sell 3 and forget about it for 2 years.

>> No.29347124

Would selling those BTC allow you to make it? If yes, sell. If no, hold. Simple as.

>> No.29347164

>never think about it again
What are u fucking retarded?

>> No.29347224

Yes I wagecuck in the city (MELB) work in the middle of the city, near my studio apartment is. Dont even have a car, dont need one.

Whats your Crypto story btw interested to hear, and why you made the decision to sell.

>> No.29347332

>Nothing anyone says itt is really going to get rid of that feeling that tomorrow the sky will fall in or that you might miss out by selling now.
This anon knows. You will always be freaking out one way or the other. The best you can do is set sell tiers, stick to them, and diversify into other assets with the proceeds. And never sell everything, just in case. You'll never make as much as if you went all-in (or all-out) and things ended up going your way, but you'll never lose everything either.

Personally, every time my crypto goes up 10%, I sell off 5% of my stack. That way it still grows, but I'm constantly securing little bits of profit and moving them into other revenue-bearing endeavors.

>> No.29347492

There's still an opportunity cost, dumb-dumb.

>> No.29347606

Seriously man, ever thought about staking rewards and passive income, why are you wagecucking?

>> No.29347611 [DELETED] 

Sell part for usdc and keep it in a savings earn acc, gain 5% APY (Celsius wallet, binance earn etc). Gamble 3% in shit coins, API3, GRT, LINK, ADA, IOST, BNB. Keep the rest in BTC. Give me some for the advice.
BTC wallet.

>> No.29347642

Sell 3 and hold the rest. If you're minimalist, that should last you a while

>> No.29347685


>> No.29347702

Im not keeping my coins in those places, all it takes is their assets to get ceased and your coins are gg. Not your keys, not your coins, etc

Its not like im renting a $2000-4000/month place.

>> No.29347710

Why not just sell a few and keep the rest then?

>> No.29347805

BTC chads need to relax and weather out the storm, even if we dip who the fuck cares? All the weak hands in this thread are making me cringe. I sold half my stack at 20k a few months ago and fomod back in at 45k

>> No.29347922

>there's also an opportunity cost for putting 20% on a down payment. And then there's opportunity cost for all the repairs you have to make. And then there's opportunity cost for the property taxes you have to pay.

Why pay for a down payment when you can make more money from other assets? The argument goes both ways

>> No.29347972

Did you just post your address to here expecting me to give you btc?

Nigga i have 10, not 1000

>> No.29348066

I reported his ass low effort begging.
Now if the dude has like 94 million yeah I'd probably see asking.

>> No.29348229

Where did I said to keep you coins at exchanges? You will keep part of a passive income in exchanges, and also gamble in it as the fucking cassino they are. In 3 years you sell you shit coins if they worth anything. Repeat the process of savings account and buying shitcoins that looks promising. Consider exchanges that are too big to fail like binance or coinbase, if they fail it will be like mt. gox

Also, are you inexperienced or something?Start your own business and contribute to the growth of you community, have kids etc.

>> No.29348421

Fair enough, but he's saying he's risk averse while holding BTC.

>> No.29348464


Honest answer: sell 2 of them. After taxes that will leave you with like 70k. Don't even look at what btc is doing for the next few weeks after that. Take half the money to use and enjoy and the other half to reinvest. After the bull run is over buy back in after the dump. If it crashes hard enough you might even be able to buy back another whole coin. Then let the rest ride until the next bull run and reevaluate then.

Absolutely, definitely, don't sell it all. If this ever hits 6 figures you'll feel even worse. Personally I would take 5 and stick them in a vault and not even consider touching them until they're a mil a coin.

>> No.29348545

Man you sound like a boring person. Gimme you fucking coins if you don't need them, I know how to have some fun

>> No.29348592
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I know the feeling. You’ve waited so long and it’s finally a good amount of money but not fuck you money. BTC is going to 1 million dollars OP you think this pain is bad now? You won’t stop thinking about how much money you should have if you just got on with your life. Please hold you will regret it less if BTC fails than if it goes 10x from here. Speaking from experience I used to own 210 BTC now I only have 21

>> No.29348704


Well pal, if you are having psychological issues over it then search for an on-line therapist, if you can't take decisions without reasoning properly you will fuck things up. But search for cognitive behavioral therapy, it is the only one that actually works when look at statistics.

>> No.29348775

>begs for SOME BTC jesus
>starts calling OP crazy
report this scam artist please.

>> No.29348812

Stake it all, faggot, enjoy gains forever

>> No.29348890


>> No.29348917

lend em out for 1% per year paid in BTC. Sell interest BTC. As the fiat value of that 1% goes up, start transitioning your life to less and less work. Gradually break free.

>> No.29348927

sell half, done now move on with your life.

>> No.29349039

You must be some hillbilly redneck, if you think that some that go to a therapist is "crazy". Grow up.

>> No.29349133

Your gonna get banned and you deserve it you begged for multiple BTC over 100k worth infact, You need to be gone.

>> No.29349262

If you sell, do you really think you'll stop thinking about it? This isn't like holding GME, this is a volatile asset that goes up stronger and faster than the stock market when the world goes to shit, and we're on the war path right now. Money is supposed to work for you, but if you're stressed and can be happy with 500k, go on. That's more than most anybody will see in their life.

>> No.29349381

Take half the profit out nigga

>> No.29349542


>> No.29349563

This, I just sold 2/3 of my portfolio, i'll buy back in during the dip

>> No.29349627

Anon just get a nice straw mat and glue it to a piece of firm foam. That's what i sleep on and it's comfy

No chairs, no desks, no masters

>> No.29349757

Hold for another year or two man, I think it's going to hit 250k within the next couple years, maybe even more. With Tesla and other businesses buying into BTC right now I think it's just going to go up and up, demand will go up so the price raises. There might be small dips but I doubt it's going to go under 50K again,

>> No.29349789

Where do I begged hillbilly? Read again, you will get banned for false report.

Also, I don't care if I get banned. Go get your tv dinner and dream of fucking a pig again tomorrow.

>> No.29349793

Unironically, cash it in for physical silver

>> No.29349847

You said "give me some btc for my advice"

That right there is begging for him to pay you for you so called advice

Your English is broken your a foreign scammer like most here who beg for money.

>> No.29349891

Honestly anon, I'd sell half of it

>> No.29349909

Report this pajeet beggar.

>> No.29349996

I know it is hard for you to read, but read again hillbilly.

>> No.29350077

You're pathetic. If you weren't begging and your advice is so amazing then why do you need to beg people for scraps surely you should be rich off your own brain? You're scum.

>> No.29350081

"Where do I begged?!?"

Where did I beg, would have been correct you foreign faggot.

>> No.29350140

You talk about his English but your posts are definitely far from a pleasure to read...

>> No.29350183

just hodl it will be $1 million / btc in a few years

>> No.29350251

I've got multiple neurological degenerative diseases, I've got an excuse this fucker is just a foreigner.

>> No.29350332

Buy property, at least you'll have a good idea of what the value is day to day.

>> No.29350340

enjoy the ban retard

>> No.29350388

Sell 3-5 of them to reinvest when it crashes

>> No.29350528

Do you not understand how philosophically bankrupt that statement is. He didn't choose to not be born into a private school in London just like you didn't choose your path. Him being a pathetic piece of shit has nothing to do with being ESL and the fact that you make some connection between the two is only testamant to the poorer aspects of your character.

>> No.29350667

Fuck off and fuck you defending foreign scammers who make a living off duping people here, your character to attack a terminal ill man for calling out a duper is a testament to the shitty character you have, enjoy for future endeavors.

>> No.29350683

Your situation is very much similar to mine. I currently have about $250k in crypto, live extremely frugally, have stable (but low) income, few expenses, don't need to sell, held through 2017 boom/crash. I'm considering selling some of my BTC if it hits $100k, I feel a lot more rational about it this time and I think I'll be able to buy in lower again. If not, I took profits, made massive gains, and still have a large position anyway. I know it's easier said than done, but limit how often you look at charts. If you feel tightness in your chest from all the stress of prices and numbers just jerk off, I'm not even joking.

I got a cheap $50 futon on amazon like 4 years ago, still use it. I'm a kissless virgin with no intention of bringing girls home so that is a drawback if that's your thing, but it's cheap and makes moving easier which I inevitably will be doing in a year or two.

>> No.29350689

I have been in this since around 2013, was a teenager and bought it to buy weed on silkroad but the feds rug pulled silk road and I wasn't even old enough to have a bank account to sell so forgot about them until the run to $1000. From then on crypto was my main money earner, I was a broker on Localbitcoins making 5% on every trade until regulation and coinspot ect. killed that, now I just sell 10% of my stack at each top. I don't know where the top is so that 10% is spread out over 3 month period. So far sold at 20k, 36k, 50k and small fill at 58k. Still have 4% of that 10% from this cycle remaining which I wont sell until 75k and 100k, if it gets to 200k+ this cycle Ill probably sell another 10% of stack.
If the stock to flow meme is real then my BTC stack will never run out and Ill be cashing out very comfy figures every 4 years. Last cycle was 6 figure hell, this cycle low 7 fig and next cycle 8 fig ect.

>> No.29350718

I see, life is hard for you pal. Well, I hope you end up alright. If it comforts you, life isn't been great for me either. I wish you get well from your degenerative diseases. I am sorry if I offended you. I am honestly sorry for calling you a hillbilly. I am just a human like you, I some times get carried away on hatting other also, I forgot the golden rule for... I am honestly sorry. You can try to report my posts calling you a hillbilly, that could get me banned, if you wish.

Good bey anon, get well.

>> No.29350734
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I have a little over 1 btc equivalent and I'm getting sick of checking prices and checking /biz/ constantly. I could only imagine how you're feeling.

>> No.29350746

Tells me one your not even an american I had to lookup what the fuck you were even talking about, your probably another foreign piece of trash scam artist who is also here to pull money from people that's all you fuckers do, I wasn't born into a London private school either your assumptions are off the chain.

>> No.29350810

The fact is you completely misunderstood what I said and instead took it as a personal attack. Not my problem it's your life and you're the one who's gonna be getting emotional over and over again because your ego's got more control over you than you do of it.

>> No.29350827

That is a good strategy.

>> No.29350907

sell 1 fucking coin and go have a nice vacation. fuck beautiful girls in exotic locations. leave the other 9 alone because it will be 100k eoy or so the thinking goes.

>> No.29350954
File: 11 KB, 240x240, 1613429985438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon but I'm out of this crackhead conversation.

>> No.29351052
File: 184 KB, 659x609, 455646454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I know exactly what you said, you claim that me calling him out on his broken english and begging for money is low quality, You then try to equate some false narrative to what I was attempting to say.

Here's a fact jack you two are both foreigners I can tell by the way you type and the slang you use, your primary goal coming here 99% of the time is to deceive and beg people for money and you always go on the defensive and assume shit and never read past posts.

So again go fuck yourself Pajeets.

>> No.29351239

Not a pajeet, but you know that you would benefit from talking to a therapist. I honestly hope you get well.

>> No.29352295
File: 25 KB, 480x567, 1588903281381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three letters reminder:

>> No.29352337

If this weren't a larp he would know this already

>> No.29352348

seriously just sell some, like up to half. you will be making bank and it's such a huge load off your back

>> No.29352439
File: 18 KB, 480x386, 1588903478790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rapist mind accountant is a bigger scam than fiat.

>> No.29352516

You will lose it all


>> No.29353606

Fuck this pic gives me anxiety. The weight of all that water should not be on a balcony with little structural support like that.

>> No.29353813

"boohoohoo, i have 10 bitcoin. My life is so hard im so sick of being wealthy"

>> No.29354252

probably not a good idea to post that on this glowie infested board if not larping t b h

>> No.29354361

I sold a few and I regret it, not really sure where the fucking money went but it does not seem worth it. I didn't spend crazy or anything, guess my savings and brokerage looks a little healthier but mostly taxes I guess.

>> No.29354377

I would hodl, godspeed fagnig

>> No.29354387

OP i feel the same way. I am too obsessed with fomo and selling out. I want this bull run to end lmao. I want everything to hit its ath already and be done. It's dragging out way longer than it should. I cant keep watching the prices. its affecting my everyday life. I'll be at the gym checking the prices. id be on the toilet checking prices. its fucking annoying now.

>> No.29354625

how u all mine for bitcoines???

>> No.29354716

Nothing I do or have done is illegal, never actually sent to silk road, thats just how I found out about it. I have been paying tax every year, it isnt even that expensive if your gains are under 200k thanks to the gains discount.