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29341967 No.29341967[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>currently 19
>teachers from high school desperately warned me and other classmates how difficult and complicated the "real world" is
>1 year into 'real world', 200k networth (started at measly 8k earned from waging)
>parents STILL paying for my entire college tuition
>4.0 GPA at top 20 uni studying computer science

is life actually this easy? Why are talentless hacks payed to prepare us for the real world?

>> No.29342051

Life is that easy with rich parents

>> No.29342092

200K is nothing
welcome to real world

>> No.29342142
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>uni studying computer science

>> No.29342158

So is this some sort of "humble-brag" on 4chan

>> No.29342173

Ur a fucking retard lmao

>> No.29342174

Comp sci is a worthless degree if you’re not smart with exciting projects. You seem stupid so I’d go into finance or something.

>> No.29342181

cute socks.

>> No.29342193

Real world ok anon, keep posting your digital fairies and fuck off

>> No.29342199

Yea this

>> No.29342200

>making bank from internet funny money but still leeching on your parents
fuckin parasite

>> No.29342208

Post chin and height

>> No.29342213
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I want to take off her black socks and put her feet on my face and lick her toes

>> No.29342228

fuck I haven't touched a woman for 3 and half years

>> No.29342237
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>Going to uni
>for Finance

>> No.29342239
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>I'm in the real world, it's so easy
>posts about his burger school grades and wealthy parents
if only you knew how sheltered you really are

>> No.29342299

me too. i feel you

>> No.29342305

Have your parents cover the tuition on an English class or two

>> No.29342319

High school teachers are some of the biggest losers and are extraordinarily bitter about it. Obviously some are cool and kind people, but most are just assholes who failed to excel at anything. There could not be worse group of people to prepare the average kid for the real world because they’re seem to get some weird enjoyment out of demoralizing you to be like them.

>> No.29342377

>only 200k
Do you at least own your own home?

>> No.29342391
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that’s great anon enjoy it while it lasts. something terrible will happen, always does, and then you’ll understand what the “real world” they spoke of was

>> No.29342393

Life is that easy. Everyone is just lazy as fuck or stupid as fuck.
Don’t get a degree
Do sales
That’s it

>> No.29342553

If you do get a degree. Make sure the debt/investment ratio is worth it, but I like sales cause pay is high and zero debt. Ofcourse there is good debt like mortgadges and such that you should never pay off. I’d say any debt which has less then 5% interest is worth keeping

>> No.29342609

maybe you should pay for your own schooling then it would be a little bit rougher, you pampered fag.

>> No.29342643

Do you seriously have 200k mate? I'm the same age as you with $85k, but wage slaving wasn't no joke, it was hard work

>> No.29342697

Yes, I have rich, smart parents (both stem PhD), and I'm lucky for that. However, I am unlucky compared to many of you in looks. I'm only 5'9, and I have average/below average looks. I've literally never kissed or held hands with a girl, or even went on a date. I need a girl like pic related for my life to finally be complete and I'm not fucking stopping until I get what I want. I don't care if it takes 100 mil net worth.

>> No.29342815

you have a health condition. this is the year, anon. tick tick tick

>> No.29342833

Life is as difficult as you want it to be. A lot of humanity is somewhat masochistic and believes that things need to be difficult, so that they can earn their way into happiness.

>> No.29342841

>to finally be complete
Anon, I...

>> No.29342862

>only 5'9"
looks like you will have a chance to suffer after all

>> No.29342914

you sound like the right type of autist for my line of work, need an internship kid?

>> No.29342946

>is life actually this easy?
It is if your folks are rich, mine were but I wont be seeing a cent until they kick it

>> No.29342957
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>Going to uni

>> No.29343028

>>parents STILL paying for my entire college tuition
So you're a privileged faggot and you're somehow surprised life is easy for you?

>> No.29343037

Nice larp

>> No.29343046

if you think chasing net worth will get you a quality women you are severely retarded. the only thing you’ll get doing that is some dumb whore that will only love your money. work on yourself and you’re inability to attract women idiot

>> No.29343065

white men look like THAT????!?!?!

>> No.29343103
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I am in uni for microbiology and gamble with shitcoins

>> No.29343109


>> No.29343122

a woman who only wants you for your money will not fill the gaping void in your soul, no matter how hard you pretend it does at first. In fact, over time it will tear you apart even further as she siphons away the only thing you ever achieved, you wealth, and moves on once she gets bored. Find value in yourself instead of something extrernal, or someone WILL take advantage of you and rob you of the little you have, leaving a hollow husk behind. Please, anon, do this for youself

>> No.29343236

her farts must smell unreal

>> No.29343317

You're right. I might have to wait until VR and AI advance enough to where I can just simulate a hot virtual AI girlfriend - OR until a gene therapy that increases height comes out so that I can actually compete with the others. Until them I'm probably going to wear those things that you put under your shoes that give you like 2 inches of height.

>> No.29343328
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>he think uni is the real world
Oh you wait zoomie

>> No.29343435

thats all women

>> No.29343683

>I am unlucky compared to many of you in looks. I'm only 5'9, and I have average/below average looks. I've literally never kissed or held hands with a girl, or even went on a date.

None of that shit is actually important. Mindset is everything, it can make or break you. Most people your age are dealing with issues 100x worse. This is like Elliot Rodger type shit, you're completely privileged. You're right though, life for you will be a cake walk, if you're not an idiot. Just grow some balls and some confidence. And stop putting girls on a pedestal...also $200k networth is way more than enough to fuck the average girl. it's not the money, it's not your looks, it's you.

>> No.29343758


>born into rich family
>wonders why life is easy

Basically you're a piece of shit who hasn't actually lived a day in his life, are you happy anon?

>> No.29343810

Try a decade.

>> No.29344038

This thread smells privileged as fuck.
Life will be easy peasy japaneasy if you don't give one fuck about what people will say to you ITT.
>WHY, why doesn't she love me.
Head ass boi

>> No.29344217


Just wait until 10 years down the line and someone pulls the career rug from underneath you because they didn't like the colour of your shoes.

Everything seems rosy in your early 20s, but step out of academia into the working world and you're walking into a pit of vipers.

Best bet - if I was your age now, I would not want to deal with the bullshit that has made me prematurely grey through stress. Get wage-free ASAP by investing. Don't waste any money - live like a peasant, save and invest.

>> No.29344260

Invest in WIMI for your future holographic waifu

>> No.29344336

My high school teachers were impressed that I bought a car. The bar is really low for lmao.

>> No.29344419

try waging for 30 years

>> No.29344428

>be me
>major in econ at top 20 uni
>dean of econ tells me crypto is a scam when I only do projects about crypto and decentralization; tell him everything he is teaching is wrong.
>Fails me, must repeat the semester
>Invest my life savings into ethereum and chainlink anyway
>Retired at 27

Fuck the free world. YOU JUST WIN.

>> No.29344431

>parents STILL paying for my entire college tuition
yeah, life is easy

if youre fucking born rich

>> No.29344458

Sounds like a rich kid to me. Parents paying for school, managed to have 8k when they left home (so probably didn't have to pay for shit like a car, cell phone, insurance, etc.) Fuck this fag.

>> No.29344510

It's easy for those good at math yes. Remember not all of us can even do simple math.

>> No.29344547

Privileged yes. Will you make it, maybe. But are you a total fucking douchebag? 100% yes.

>> No.29344574

This. Fuck you OP. I'm a self made multimillionaire and you wouldn't believe how many people in my league think they got here on their own. I didn't even have food to eat growing up

>> No.29344578


>> No.29344596

You are right.

I apologize for the pompous egotistical post, now that I think about it. I do have it easy as fuck compared to those who did not have my parents and have to wage for 10 years straight. My condolensces and best of luck to those of you in that kind of situation.

>> No.29344726

Sounds like a you problem that no one gives a shit about; doesn't stop you from bringing up your "self made man" status at every opportunity though does it?

>> No.29344735

Have you had someone you love and thought you were gonna spend the rest of your life with lose thier personality and become terrible to you because of a brain tumor that they decided to be in denial about? Wait for that one lol

>> No.29344826

Idk what your political viewpoints are, but it sounds like you are being pushed right.
You have just understood that things are only hard because people even more disgusting and out of touch than you are in control.
If you start to openly acknowledge this you will be ostracized and deplatformed from society itself. If social acceptance matters you must conform to the people you have just successfully identified as retards, or take a hard stance and let go needing acceptance.
You might continue being lonely for maybe even years, but as soon as you get over it you will become attractive. I am 6’3 and I have good lucks, but I had gone through part of my early 20s as being an incel. It wasn’t until I stopped caring that women instinctually picked up on this. Shortly after there were girls getting into physical fights over me in my house.
You aren’t privileged or underserving, strangers 100+ years ago built this for you, with the explicit intention that someone in the future they didn’t know or might not even like would have a good life because they worked hard for to build the infrastructure and wealth that you benefitted from. The people who don’t have this are victims of economic subversion (jews)
You just came to a fork in the road, you either have to conform to clown world, or give up on what you think you want. If you get split by this you will become another Elliot Rodger tier incel

>> No.29344835


>> No.29344841

That's a dude? R-right?

>> No.29344860

>t. disconnected boomer

>> No.29344931

>t. remedial reader

i was saying try waging 30 years without putting a gun in your mouth dumbass.

>> No.29345156

Im opposite. I have looks, 6'3" unironically have Greek statue look, lean, slim face with really pointy nose, textured hair, but my networth is like 5k and I do so much STEM work Ive had no chance to pursue women and Ive really never had any friends throughout high school and middle school and now I just have acquittances in school. In the past when I am in social settings I actually attract a lot of attention and feel like a chad, making people laugh, and feeling good about my looks, but Im really insecure about how little friends I have and that I am probably stunted because I dont have friends longer than a year. Also the main reason I dont keep them is because I might never be close in the first place and we just go separate ways. Only once did I sever a relationship in a sour way. Honestly, I am 19 too, and if you have friends, it goes a long way. You can hold off on female attention at least until 30, but you probably dont want to do that. Also the most contact I had was making out at a school dance in high school.

>> No.29345213

and? does that help you or anyone else here cope better cause you can handle more suffering? cope is still cope

>> No.29345248

>I'm only 5'9, and I have average/below average looks.

you are done

>> No.29345265

Can I fucking help you? It wasn't easy. People that think it is haven't lived life on the other side of the tracks. Kindly go fuck yourself

>> No.29345410

uh yeah if you have parents paying for expensive shit then life is pretty easy, tard

>> No.29345507


>> No.29345734

Bro, for 70k you can add 4-6 inches to your height with surgery. Then it's just a matter of tailoring your clothes to make it look like your legs are a normal size. I went from 6ft to 6'4 and I'm still proportional

>> No.29345848

are you trolling me or are you actually this dumb dude. I was replying to OP. OP said life is easy. I said try waging for 30 years. The implication is that that isn't easy or fun to do for anyone. damn man.

>> No.29345926

And don't let anyone tell you height doesn't matter. At 6'4, everything became easier. Just the mental power of everyone having to look up to look you in the eyes makes dominating so much easier. Get the surgery, you won't regret it

>> No.29345934

You moron you are a freshman most likely shit should be easy

>> No.29346000


>> No.29346020

>parents STILL paying
You don't live in the real world.

>> No.29346050

Best advice ive ever heard on here.