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29337962 No.29337962 [Reply] [Original]

>went from $4000 to $120,000 in the span of a year
>only 1/3 of it was from crypto
>no job, no degree
>pure genius and skill

I'm tired of retards on here talking about "luck" and shit. I'm about to blow 100k on hookers, weed and a Rolex. I'll start with 10k and get to 100k in less than 8 months because I know I can. Watch.

>> No.29338302
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You will burn yourself out on hookers. Just buy a nice house and find someone who loves you! Try to find true value and meaning instead of empty hedonism! It's much bigger satisfaction.

>> No.29338421
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OP sounds like a degenerate faggot

>> No.29338452
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>find someone who loves you
I didn't gamble to get my first 100k. I won't gamble on relationships either. 51% divorce rates. I rather fuck random roasties off Tinder and escorts.

>> No.29338636


>> No.29338788

and youre also 13 years old, arent you?

>> No.29338964

Prenuptial agreement is an option.

>> No.29339068
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and OP, when looking for a gril remember, just bee yourself!

>> No.29339169

Don’t be yourself. OP is major faggot giving himself a public pep talk

>> No.29339394

lol retard made some gains in a bull market now he thinks he's a genius

>> No.29339510

Thanks fren


Doesn't work anymore, good luck with that


>only 1/3 of it was from crypto
Learn to read, poorfag.

>> No.29339584

did you start a business?

>> No.29339708

>Doesn't work anymore, good luck with that
Imagine being this dumb

>> No.29339770

literally everything was going up - equities, commodities, real estate, crypto, pokemon cards - every single asset

you're not a genius, every normie in market made money, and 120k isn't a lot btw you'll be broke in a year if you spend it on nigger shit like cars and rolexes

>> No.29339811


>> No.29339932

You could say that

Good luck

>in the market
Again, learn to read retards. 2/3 of the money was not from crypto or stocks. Cope just because you don't have the knowledge and skill to make money outside of meme internet coins

>> No.29339946
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I got from about $3000 to $80000 to in a span, now looking at $PULSE for my next investment

>> No.29340050

OP used his kneepads until they turned to dust

>> No.29340053
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>> No.29340105

You sell weed op?

>> No.29340106

what did you do to make it then?

again 120k isn't alot, it might seem like a lot now cuz youre young and youve never handled real money before, but soon you'll realize you're just in 6 figure hell. Good luck, and don't blow it on stupid shit

t. 7 figure purgatory

>> No.29340110

Going from 5k to 500M starting from the Corona crash is no matter of luck, it's all talent and insight.
1) Leverage trade Chainlink on Binance under 1 cent (or without leverage to not risk getting liquidated)
1.5) Put it in ESH(switch) then put it in Statera. Expertedly swing STA's glitches.
2) Put it in HEX, ESH/Ghost, STA, Pamp, Buidl, Unipower, Unitrade, Unilayer, Dos Network, Unibomb, Compound (Congrats you have anywhere between 500k and 4M)
3) Put it in Ampleforth and use FTX to leverage. Cash out 50 million usds.
4) Put ir in YFI and YFI clones. Cash out 70-100M
5)Put it all on UNI tokens and cash out 500M
All without using BTC and ETH.

>> No.29340148

Don't do it. A buddy of mine sold his software company then started banging escorts and strippers. Wound up getting hooked on freebase and Meth and now lives on the streets and occasionally in a hotel

>> No.29340158

Weird flex, but ok.

>> No.29340646

OKAY larp

>> No.29340834
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Nice try FBI

The average yearly salary in my country is less than $15,000.

tldr but congrats if true

I obviously won't blow my money on dumb shit and I was exaggerating for entertainment purposes. I'm thinking of investing the 100k into something "safer" and just forget about it while I use the rest of the money to get to 100k again, with the sole purpose of proving that you don't need luck to get rich as a lot of retards say. I come from a broke family so nothing was given. People stay poor because they have poor habits.


>> No.29341145

bro if youre selling drugs and gambling on crypto and make a 100 grand youre no genius. Anyone who is comfortable taking risk could do that and probably even double or triple that. I would never sell drugs because I dont want to get a felony but its not rocket science, shit sells itself

>> No.29341580

>selling drugs
Don't be a degenerate, anon.

>> No.29342003

What are you selling then?

>> No.29342105

Youre a fucking faggot I hit my first million at 21 and its not enough. I bought a gold rolex tho and fucked whores but dont spend too much on it

>> No.29342217

Do a youtube series fag

>> No.29342303

I'm not here to do charity work


>youtube series
Go back

>> No.29342328

Bro we didn’t say anything about marriage. I have a gf I live with and a side girl. It’s 2021.

>> No.29342456

>wasting all this time on 2 women instead of myself
Can't be me