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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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29324463 No.29324463 [Reply] [Original]

Shitcoin shilling at an all time high, and they're all new BSC shitcoins. Is it because all the pajeets moved onto BSC due to gas fees? And now all the poorfag adhd retards are chasing pumps and fueling the shilling. It's only been like this for a few days, not even a week yet. What's to come in the next few weeks? Legitimate projects move to BSC? Or all the poorfags chasing pumps lose their shirts and it runs out of steam? I'm not completely against BSC, but I am not touching any of that shit with a ten foot pole until some of this mania dies down.

>> No.29324553

>Legitimate projects move to BSC?
Yes. They'd be retarded not to, poorfags and average joes fuel volume.

>> No.29324628

>shitcoin shilling at an all time high
Obvious newfaggot that wasnt here 2017/2018.

>> No.29324702

Yeah but poorfag and average joe volume is volatile, who panic and sell at the first sign of loss. Just my observations. Do legitimate projects want emotional investors?