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29324420 No.29324420 [Reply] [Original]

>hey guys, it's going to be fine
>we're going to 300k i promise
>this is just the start

>> No.29324970

but but my favourite crypto youtuber said 1m$ / btc
also, this time is different because i use log chart that literally only works with 1 ticker which is bitcoin.

>> No.29325078
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>not using log chart
ngmi kys

>> No.29325193
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Just let them feel how it feels to get absolutely and utterly REKT, that is the only thing that makes people learn. The 2017 crash was pure horror unleashed on to everyones delusional faces.

>> No.29325205

you do realize that doesnt matter if most people just think big number "big its too big compared to old big number line must come down" that's what's going to happen, right?

>> No.29325284

2017 was a bull market

>> No.29325482

The crash of the 2017 bullcycle I mean

>> No.29325639
File: 50 KB, 270x344, 1612570649284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elon tells everyone to invest in GME
>It pumps then crashes
>Elon tells everyone to buy DOGE
>It pumps then crashes
>Elon tells everyone to buy BTC

>> No.29325662
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the answer is in the numbers

>> No.29325697

WHOA LOL!!! great thread OP!! Can we see your shorts and/or sells? You sold right?

>> No.29325882


>> No.29326341

no im holding because i unironically think theres a little more room, but not 300k room..

>> No.29326431

So when is alt season going to start bro

>> No.29326521

If you didn't sell 2017 you'd be making it right now, kys

>> No.29326639

it realistically could, the funny thing about exponential growth is that its exponential, and saying "its bound to come down now" (keyword now) is just gambler's fallacy. Obviously that means it will just come down equally as fast and unpredictably, but who the fuck knows when exactly that is. This is why its wise to take profits going up and coming down.

>> No.29326902

Exactly. 89k is the top IMO

>> No.29327005

We see this thread every day
Can you please learn to use log scale, you spambot?

>> No.29327157

Elon never told everyone to invest in BTC though. And he was late by about 10 years.

>> No.29327219

mentally handicapped people like you think like that, your opinion of what is big is irrelevant.

people with double digit IQs can think in percentages, last bullrun btc did a 20x from last ATH , we are at 3x now

>> No.29327278

Welcome to crypto newfren

>> No.29327455

And the bullrun before that, btc made a x200. The volatility is going down dude, the bigger the market gets. Also the new lows are higher with -85% the last cycle instead of -91% the cycle before it.

>> No.29327647

BTC will stabilize as the market cap gets higher, volatility is sinking especially with all this institutional support. That's a benefit because we won't see crazy dips like before, but it also means we won't see crazy FOMO spikes as institutional investors are no better than paper hands faggots and have the software to know when to dump

>> No.29327678

yes. Which is why my lower bound target is at 5x=100k, though it could certainly go much higher.

Real world adoption of BTC will stabilise the price considerably but we are at least 5 years away from that.

>> No.29327880

Yeah, but the 2013 run far outperformed 2017, percentage wise as well.

So it's very possible that the 2021 run won't hit the number you think.

But it's also possible that BTC has a lot more room to run. We're actually ahead of 2017. May peak sooner, or have a double-peak like 2013 did.

>> No.29328368

BTC during 2017 bull run went up ~15x from its stable trading price

We're expecting less volatility, so a smaller but more sure bull run (~10x? 5x?) but probably not more than the euphoric 15x (~150k). 100k, given "big number big" is probably a good spot to drop out, no?>

>> No.29328529

idiots also think that percentage changes happen in the same amount every cycle and are taken from the last ATH

you realize you can fit any function to two data points right?

>> No.29328551

This shit and bobo posters constantly shitting up the catalog is a bullish sign though.
Means people still don't have faith in the rally.