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File: 21 KB, 280x280, Surrender+your+memes+or+serve+life+sentence+in+the+gulags+_2b5ca1f24d471f87c60776caa87f1196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29319146 No.29319146 [Reply] [Original]

There is literally nothing stopping you autists from picking a fucking coin and all apeing into it and holding like reddit did with GME, and no, I'm not talking a pump n dump, I'm talking HODLING a coin until it fucking 100x, no bagholders, noone gets left behind, remember that week WSB was all over CNBC? That could've been us, it should've been us

Listen here you stupid fuck, talk to some people here, make some frens, rally the troops, and pick a fucking coin, ONE coin, and get us a financial documentary feature in four months while we're all sipping Martinis in Fiji. You and everyone on this board are fully capable of making it, we just need two things; 1.) the aforementioned OURCOIN and 2.) Start being fucking NICE to people

>in before someone tells me to kms and calls me a redditor

And no shilling something that already mooned, we need something for EVERYONE to get into, something <1 USD on Coinbase will get the best normie traction once we have our stacks

>> No.29319210

How about Digital Reserve Currency (DRC)?

>> No.29319331

I'm in anon.

We need something that hasn't already 10-50x'd and has low circulating supply

Also something easily purchasable by normies on Coinbase.

>> No.29319335


>> No.29319351
File: 34 KB, 500x376, 1613347194098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres like 500 people here dude.

>> No.29319390

thats very illegal dumbfuck

>> No.29319466

Traffic is extremely high, but yeah. Probably less than 250 posters that have decent portfolios and that would actually rally to make this happen.
In short, go fuck yourself OP.

>> No.29319472

This is not stock market faggot

>> No.29319596

Go back faggot.
Fucking hell, you losers don't know we have a coin? And have had for 3 fucking years.
Just fucking leave.

>> No.29319679

Seriously poorfaggot newfags, DYOR, lurk and fucking stop posting.

>> No.29319767

Market speculation on an online forum on what to hold is not illegal anon

>> No.29320069


>> No.29320078

Should've listened to your comrades and gotten in on OURCOIN instead of being mean, now you freeze in cold winter while we sip in Fiji. Anon, hodl your $30 Stablecoin Linkies or REPENT