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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2931310 No.2931310 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that you can make money from trading in MMOs?
What are the best games for this?

>> No.2931315

find a popular mmo.
train your character to a high level with gold.

sell your character. rinse repeat.

i remember ffxi characters going for 3000.

>> No.2931332

i believe the most rewarding is Mother Muscle Orgasm 3 reloaded

although if you looking for cash look into your Mom's Massive O-ring

>> No.2931392
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Back before the split between Runescape 3 and osrs there was a gambling clan that was ran by one guy.

Apparently by selling all the gold he made each night to chinese gold selling sites he was making like $500 a night. And he didn't have to do anything since he paid people cuts to run the gambling games for him. That was until Jagex made gambling a bannable offense.

>> No.2931459

chinks have the mmo market covered
unless you are a mega neet and can compete with people playing for a rice of bowl a day... have fun earning $50 a week

>> No.2931473

I knew that guy. W2 dicer?

>> No.2931481

Just make a garbage fan website full of stolen content, fill it with ads, and enjoy your free money.

>> No.2931491

I forget the guy's name and what world they used but my friend was one of his workers. My friend had to pay 50 mil gp and interview for his spot in the clan as one of the dicer hosts.

Gambling in that game was fun and comfy af desu

>> No.2931503

People don't really buy characters

You have to have a skilled guild that is down for selling gear
I tried to get my guild to do it, but they bitched out every time on content we already had locked down

>> No.2931506

I used to run a massive bot farm, then the bot nuke happened. Easy 1m an hour per account botting frost dragon bones. Had over 20 mules at one point

>> No.2931521

How much do WoW characters go for these days?

I remember selling one like 10 years ago for $150 or $200 and it definitely wasn't worth all the work I put into it

>> No.2931532

Fuck yea bot farms were sweet.

I used to farm yews until the nuke as well. Everyone botted so it didn't matter back then. Your ass get's immediately clapped if you try to bot nowadays though.

>> No.2931538

I don't think I ever had a single account get banned using Nexus, that shit was literally undetectable somehow. Eventually chinks took over my frost caves but it was a good run, 20k is no joke for a teenager at the time.

>> No.2931565

worthless unless you have naxx40 gear or aq gate opening mount, feat of strength titles, spectral tiger, etc etc all that ultra rare shit

>> No.2931593

I remember playing the auction house when D3 came out and made a ton of gold mostly for the fun of it. Out of curiosity I checked how much it would sell for, and to my shock it was worth like $4k. I instantly sold it, then programmed some basic 100 line AHK script to automate what I was doing and made another $8k in the following two weeks. After that they started checking for bots refreshing the auction house every ~5 seconds like I was and banned all my accounts, all the while gold was quickly dropping in price, so I didn't bother continuing after that. I eventually went on to invest most of that money into BTC when it was like $150.

>> No.2931617

What about CS GO Items? Those are pretty good too.

>> No.2931683
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how about Eve online? they have an actual market that /biz/ would cream their pants over. You can buy/sell PLEXs which are like monthly subscription voucher. CCP sells them so they're pretty diligent about catching people selling for real world cash as they don't want people cutting into their profits.

>> No.2931695

Terrible fucking way to make money. The time commitment is far too large.

The only real way to make decent money is botting. Any other way, unless the game has a clear cut way of making money like a RMAH - is a waste of your time and could be beat by a minimum wage job.

>> No.2932108

account prices are quite low. unless you have something very rare/un-obtainable in game at this point.

so you will waste lots of time leveling... and will wait a lot waiting for customer. its all bad idea.

you can try leveling class that can solo-farm dungeons for gold..... but you will compete with literally china farmers who do it for decade....

>> No.2932151


now they basically added "level up" button to the game.
"Get a free Character Boost when you buy Legion".

>> No.2932223

>shield extender

>> No.2932281

>that shit was literally undetectable somehow
>completely obvious to anyone who isn't retarded

>what is the report button

>> No.2933108

Like it did jack shit you moralfag idiot