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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 123 KB, 828x985, tent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29312199 No.29312199 [Reply] [Original]

When is the moment you decide to sell?

>> No.29312309

Good, fuck rm.

>> No.29312418

Deserves is for having a fucking Prius what a faggot. I bet he’s from portland, we just had snow like that.

>> No.29312564

what the fuck
how are these people real?
fucking clownworld

>> No.29312691

Alright, fuck it, I'm selling.

>> No.29312780

GME is the only thing preventing this man from snapping holy shit hahahaha

>> No.29312795

Lmao what a fucking loser. He had 39k and he followed reddit's advice. He should have fucking bought ANY crypto. He'd have 2x'd by now probably.

>> No.29312814

>poor man becomes even more poor
Love that

>> No.29312851
File: 11 KB, 255x205, 1551648044593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They gave him virtual leddit awards they bought with real money instead of just giving him the money

>> No.29312926

American Baader Meinhof when?

>> No.29312930

Do you people feel pleasure at a system that basically tortures idiots and rewards the vile?

>> No.29312946

When it went back up to 70 and started to drop again. Only lost 3k total, and made it back with crypto. Lesson learned: fuck reddit.

>> No.29313104

Nah it's the natrual order of things and we will only see it more and more. Then closer we get to the beast system the more the crooked will get money and the normals will get less.

This is why the bible says it's hard for rich men to get saved in thata time because you have to be crooked to be rich in that time.

>> No.29313393

Why would you lose your apartment if you have 39k on reserve? Also for him to lose his job and not be able to collect unemployment means he fucked up bad. No wonder his girl left him. Now he wants sympathy? What a drama queen

>> No.29313545

>tortures idiots
>rewards the vile
how nature works

>> No.29313609
File: 896 KB, 640x664, d1oe1szysqv31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every post by a redditor who is realising that WSB is not even remotely related to 4chan brings me pleasure. Every post by a redditor who is realising that they're just like the rest of reddit. Every post by a redditor who thought that the peak of edginess was calling themselves autistic. Every post by a redditor who is having an identity crisis because they thought they were part of "internet culture". Every post by a redditor who will have stopped using this site by this time next month.

These things bring me more pleasure than anything else posted here.

>> No.29313630


>> No.29313638
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>When is the moment you decide to sell?
When my theory for why I think it will go up changes or when I've been in the red for like a few weeks to a month and there are clearly better opportunities out there.

>> No.29313690

These people need to be enslaved for their own good.

>> No.29313729

Yes. I want to be part of the slaveowner class and rule over slaves. Who doesn't?

>> No.29313746
File: 70 KB, 308x226, loge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moment my mum messages me asking to explain it to her because she saw it in the news. It's happened a couple times and worked out very nicely. I told her my method and she laughed and is proud of me for being smart. Feels very comfy.

>> No.29313779

>virtual leddit awards they bought with real money

wtf what reddit people pay for awards? wow how gay is that website

>> No.29313861

What a retard

>> No.29313880

Should've have only put 9k, then risk 30k on crypto

>> No.29313913

It's a doggy dog world out there

>> No.29313919

Do the awards not give him the money people paid for them? I always thought that was how it worked on there but holy fuck if it isnt HAHAHAHAH

>> No.29313934


>> No.29314009

Buy the dip, faggot
>they said again and again
Then shill this shit on /biz/
>fine I have bot ocean subscription and use algorithms for trading and less risks on DEX

>> No.29314133

fkn kek!

>> No.29314160

There’s no way this isn’t bait lmao

>> No.29314202


>> No.29314219
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Probably all due to his own bad choices. Like why the fuck would you be investing from a tent in the snow? Think you have bigger issues at stake.

>> No.29314261

I have like 3 shares left at an average of 200 bucks. Also have 3 shares of AMC at an average of 24 bucks. I'll be holding these forever I think. Don't gamble with what you can't afford to lose.

>> No.29314289
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>> No.29314332

Sure but I would also torture the vile while torturing the idiots given the chance.

>> No.29314356
File: 121 KB, 605x959, 9F6E9DB3-6B3E-4722-A043-32CF865A9E88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually feel bad for the guy. It’s easy to call him hopelessly stupid in hindsight. The poor bastard is just very impressionable and got caught up in Reddit bullshit without thinking for himself. Fuck Reddit and fuck WSB.

>> No.29314386
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Get a japanese wife, they said....

>> No.29314436
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>> No.29314437

>lost his apartment with 40k in his pocket
>Uses it all on a retarded reddit memestock

He literally had years worth of rent in his pocket and instead of getting a new apartment he's living in a fucking Prius and a tent in winter. Just find a new apartment you fucking retard! This is your brain as a pathetic heartbroken redditor!

>> No.29314478
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>> No.29314492

this guy will unironically die of horny and stupid

>> No.29314516
File: 232 KB, 1920x1080, myshi 165200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I choose to believe that guy is a scammer/troll

>> No.29314517

Why are they so "nice"? Is this American thing?

>> No.29314531

Wednesday the week of. Sold at $360.

>> No.29314540

Yes get these faggots out they are a cancer

>> No.29314542

I'm more of a cat person.

>> No.29314591

It’s called life

>> No.29314619

The GME general is some of the funniest shit on the board right now. They're completely delusional and call anyone and everyone who doesn't think their dead memestock is going to moon a paid shill.

>> No.29314648

I wish my mom was still alive

>> No.29314668
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>> No.29314674

Ya he's definitely just an idiot.

>Gamble all the spare money you have on a "le epic short squeeze that totally didn't already happen"
>Probably 2nd or 3rd time he's done something similarly retarded, so he gets an eviction notice for not paying rent (doesn't even matter if he cashes out some to pay it)
>probably thinks "fuck it, I'm gonna be rich in a few days/weeks/months" (the date keeps getting extended a la Qanon cultists) and isn't worried about the eviction
>stops going to work because hes too tired from sharing at charts all night even though it's after hours trading which basically means nothing for him because he can't do anything anyways
>gets fired
>thinks similar line of thinking to his eviction
>girlfriend sees this dramatic downward spiral, all the money is gone, the man she loves no longer has a job or place to live
Honestly, I'd leave him too. Fucking idiot literally deserves to lose all his money, at least I can take solace in the fact that someone intelligent will probably end up with it and manage it much better than he is.

>> No.29314706

I told you a year ago and ill tell you again: *it's a dog EAT dog world. Faggot

>> No.29314726
File: 121 KB, 750x1000, poster,840x830,f8f8f8-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>living the murican dream

>> No.29314750

This is totally fine, and kinda like how most people have a meme stack of dogecoin for the lulz. Losing a few hundred bucks on a meme isnt nearly as bad as ruining your whole life over it

>> No.29314761

My question is if he lost his job and apartment then why didnt he go camp in a warmer state? He is not tied down by anything at this point so yeah..

>> No.29314786

Its an urban white leftist thing. Combination of naivete and self-righteousness.

>> No.29314849

>lose everything except your van
>drive to texas to camp in warmer weather
>black swan blizzard comes a week after you move there

>> No.29314891
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The greedy get punished

>> No.29314930

Only R*dditors can emotionally and financially justify personal ruination for updoots.

>> No.29314943

Utterly depressing.

>> No.29314997
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 1516553567491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these are the people I'm competing with

>> No.29315138

When I see the green wojaks.

>> No.29315168

It gets worse when you see his post history. The guy is asian. And has pages of karma farmung. One post said "what does FUD means"
He is clueless

>> No.29315182
File: 76 KB, 555x631, 1612456574887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I lost all sorts of human values
>but i'm holding to this one stock
>i'm cool right?

>> No.29315288

Shit anime and shit VN.

>> No.29315313

Love these stories man

>> No.29315337

>Genuine NPCs
>Socially retarded in a unique way
So...what does that make 4chan users? Edgelords?? Nihilists??

>> No.29315413


its sad you would look at these three things as defining the value of a human

>> No.29315482

Speaking as one of the idiots trying to become vile, yes.

>> No.29315483

no, I am hoping to help establish a system that rewards the good and punishes the bad
But it's not going to happen this side of the collapse.

>> No.29315520

I still can't believe some people stayed in after it started dropping hard. I lost about £270 because I bought the top, but saw that there's no fucking way any of the squeeze shit would actually happen. Ended up "only" being 25% down.

>> No.29315569
File: 2.06 MB, 7200x7776, ad141cd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. You didn't know that they pay for them? Sorry I left the fucking leddit watermark. What fucking loser pays $40 for a useless collection of HTML/CSS code?

>> No.29315606
File: 46 KB, 470x626, 1612903817203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as opposed to?

>> No.29315615

>lose job and not get unemployment
>lose apartment despite evictions being impossible and having 39k in savings
Why does anyone believe these fraudsters. They're more obvious with their scams than the poos but instead of money they just want upvotes

>> No.29315691

got in at $100, got out at $300. if you see a 3x on a normie stock you sell ASAP because the pump is not long for this world.

>> No.29315717

this redditor could've invested in LITERALLY ANY COIN RIGHT NOW and he would've gone 2x AT LEAST

this isn't idiocy, this is absolute retardation, who the FUCK invests in boomershit in 2021

>> No.29315726

I think most of 4chan falls into the category of being above average intelligence spergelords who didn't really fit in to a particular group irl and weren't complete outcasts or actively bullied but rather were just ignored most of the time. Then because we've spent most of our conversations with people being anoymous internet spergelords autists, it just kinda perpetuates itself and multiplies

>> No.29315748


These people trust Jews, that's their problem. Anyone who bought (instead of dumped) when it starting getting mainstream media coverage for those 2 solid days straight is a dumb ass. No way in HELL Jews were gonna let that continue (and they didn't).

>> No.29315837

Which tarp is covering his GNUS bags? It's the next Netflix, I'm told

>> No.29315843

You don't sell. If you're still in the "I want to make $10 million so I can sell and buy a sports car and a mansion" mindset, then you're never going to get there.
There is no selling, don't you understand? Because the two systems, DeFi and traditional finance, will become one. And when you can have your Chainlink staked on Bancor, AND use that staked, income generating Chainlink as proof of reserve for fiat payments on a house that will automatically be paid off on the back end, then there is no selling. You just get a house, and keep all your crypto.
When you understand the big picture you realise it's not a case of trying to make your crypto work in the real world, it's a case of waiting until the real world comes crawling to your crypto.

>> No.29315852

Anon, we are the vile.

>> No.29315910

I FOMO'd in but when I FOMO I am always still cautious. If it drops 20% after I go in, I'm out. For better or for worse. Most of them time it's going to tank completely.

>> No.29315939

I hope he dies freezing and hungry

>> No.29315960

Leftists love "science" and evolution, but they hate natural selection. This cognitive dissonance (among many others) is what convinces them to dye their hair blue and cut off their dicks, and is also why they suffer so severely from mental illness.

>> No.29315993

Gratz on not listening to gme holtards and losing 80-90+ percent.

>> No.29316023

Hey mate I drive a Prius. Far from my dream car but the money I save on gas is no joke.

>> No.29316177

he really needs to sell and go all in crypto

>> No.29316188

Didn't even force him to watch and coom himself like my NTR doujins baka

>> No.29316268

probably around the time that guy buys

>> No.29316275

loyalty, honor, mastery of skills, virtue, friendship

>> No.29316472

why are people so emotional about their investments?
It's a fucking investment. Make money and get out.
NEVER SELLING is what retarded children do
Serious players take profits

>> No.29316492

I'm the vile, so yeah

>> No.29316500

EOY to reduce taxes

>> No.29316550

I could go to reddit a few years ago and actually enjoy some of the content
but man it's so goddamn cucked now that its not even funny
it's faggot central on basedboy boulevard

>> No.29316615

No I just hate redditors

>> No.29316623

but why

>> No.29316734

Why are all the emojis white? Is Reddit really that behind the times and non inclusive to PoC?

>> No.29316740

No need to hate on one of the most successful hybrids ever sold Anon.

>> No.29316809

all the yesfag idiots hoping to be slave owners will end up being slaves, with their own approval bc muh based system

>> No.29316843

This has to be a troll

>> No.29316954

It's not as bad as you think. Reddit automatically puts up awards given a certain amount of upboats to encourage other users to buy. Still gay but most times you see an award nobody bought anything. It's all a fake show.

>> No.29316973

Literally nothing wrong with a prius. One of the most reliable and cost efficient cars.

>> No.29317058

thought the same until
> Seattle

>> No.29317330

what makes me the most mad is that someone earned a paycheck coming up with this distribution

>> No.29317365
File: 64 KB, 494x767, hehexd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being this retarded

>> No.29317385


>> No.29317487

its not real, some loser just went on camping and made up a 1 sentence story.

>> No.29317562

You don't think some loser will spend months texting to a random girl and conflating that into "she's the one"?

>> No.29317807

nigger you know how expensive it is to fix that stupid hybrid?
Electronics alone cost thousands. The GOAT car is a used Honda or Toyota.
My go to is used hatchback of either brand for space but Civic and Corolla are absolute GOATs in ease of repair and stability

>> No.29317888

Reddit suffers so much

>> No.29317969
File: 42 KB, 500x500, 1613721792439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you nigger

>> No.29317972

You dont fix shit retard, replace the batteries for 4k one every ten yesrs and thats it. My dads first gen prius literslly never got sn oil change its entire life snd rsn fine. It only died when brother in law ran into a pole or some shit

>> No.29318089

at least I only do this with white girls. You could literally just buy an asian chick if that's what you're into

>> No.29318178

no i didnt know lol i never used that shit website before

>> No.29318361
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I prefer getting 8mpg on a hill and 14 on a freeway. Prius drivers are usually the worst people I have ever met though.

>> No.29318373
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It's doggy dog dumbfuck.

>> No.29318394
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>> No.29318415

No. I don't.

>> No.29318432

i hate that this describes me on the dot, maybe not above average, but a sperglord yeah, at least i had the graces of not being a khv thanks to my autistic confidence

>> No.29318452

You sound like a bigger fucking loser than the redditor.

>> No.29318465
File: 15 KB, 480x272, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the vile

>> No.29318478


>> No.29318577

Imagine getting scared of losing $200. Why would you even gamble an amount you're not comfortable losing?

>> No.29318642

Nah, reddit is just the ability to gang up on people via upvote and 4chan is the ability to gang up on people via mass posting.

>> No.29318693

If you don't hate redditors by now, you're NGMI

>> No.29318732

>He said as he posted an image taken from reddit

>> No.29318829

toyota shit box shills please go

>> No.29318996

dog it, dog

>> No.29319087

no it's a dogedoge world

>> No.29319105


i can't recognize a loss if i never sell assclown

>> No.29319173

>censoring the username
you're just as much of a faggot as he is.

>> No.29319198

>fuck Wall Street
>give them money to buy GME

>> No.29319311

survival of the fittest

>> No.29319431

Integrity, mastery, relationships, power

>> No.29319660


>> No.29319822

R*ddit really has taken over. Feels bad man.

>> No.29320000

>pink hair with a 5'o'clock shadow
Didn't know they were that based

>> No.29320055

>reddit filename
anon, I...

>> No.29320057

Damn this is actually quite sad.

>> No.29320159


>> No.29320175

this can't be real please tell this is real please please please

>> No.29320257

LOL! Reddit faggot! I want to kidnap and force feminization onto him. Not because I want to fuck him, I just want to torment him.

>> No.29320262
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no I feel pleasure in people waking up to this fact but useless Leftists and Trump Qultists will never see that.

The answer is walstreet and federal reserve is the final boss.

Libtards are too busy cucking to trans + niggers and right wing (((trust the plan)))

>> No.29320318
File: 322 KB, 213x1200, 1590201797422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's clearly emotionally devastated and should not be making any kind of important decision right now.

Most likely he got sucked in by the GME cult as they promise both a way to "punish" evildoers, as well as giving him a sense of belonging to a group with higher meaning than the self.

This irrational actions are not uncommon for a cult, really. I hope people like him can find the help they need.

>> No.29320417

Seems fair

That's fair enough, it's a momento from a set of crazy events.
I have no sympathy for the retards FOMOing all in at the top when it was clearly a risky move.

>> No.29320500

see >>29316615

>> No.29320866

This is why we need national socialism, to stop the (((system))) from exploiting idiots.

>> No.29321040
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I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

>> No.29321477

This irrational action is not uncommon weather youre ina cult or not. Same shit happened during the last crypto crash, continues to happen, and has been happening in stocks probably for as long as its been around and same goes for gambling too. People always have and always will make irrational decisions, the only hope is that they learn from their mistakes. But youre right, he probably is on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

>> No.29321683

The weak must fear the strong

>> No.29321909

anonymous, dumbfuck.

>> No.29321965

I hope he freezes to death lmao

>> No.29322585

Fucking kek. I'm still bagholding but at least I know it's fucking over.

>> No.29322785
File: 23 KB, 480x356, brainlet4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prius gud

>> No.29323244

Hey now anon, it's not just a useless collection of HTML/CSS... it's also a useless entry in a database.

>> No.29323402

I only bought one share, so never. Or are you talking about "in general?"

>> No.29323462

If gme hits sub 10$ I think it is worth buying.

>> No.29323567

n-no you

>> No.29323810

Lol I think I saw that post

>> No.29323834


>> No.29324058

The idiots ARE the vile. Lack of intelligence is linked to a lack of empathy, a lack of giving back to your community, a constant need to blame others for your mistakes, constant excuse-making, and generally doing degenerate things that harm people. Idiots deserve to be poor, they harm people whether intentionally or unintentionally.

>> No.29324221

People realize the institutional squeeze is over right?

>> No.29324226

>Do the awards not give him the money people paid for them?
It's even worse, if someone gives you rewards then it says on your user page "Awards for this users post paid for X hours of reddit server time"

>> No.29324232

Reddit was bought out by some sort of Chinese company, so the money paid for awards unironically goes straight to China

>> No.29324377

No one but sociopaths like it.
The same system is everywhere in nature.

>> No.29324531


>> No.29324677

My uncle has a Prius
Only needed oil changes for over 200k miles. Didnt even need brakes.....

Also the battery replacement meme is a meme. He got like 250k out of it if I remember correctly.

I would never own one but it's pretty impressive, not gonna lie.

>t. Own a 14 MPG 6m chevy SS

>> No.29324739

unironically no
W$B is shilling it’s going to print next week because that faggot bought another 50k and told Congress “I just like the stock” so they’ll in moon mode again

>> No.29324984

No, I genuinely feel bad for the guy.

>> No.29324982

that's just nature dude

>> No.29325722

This. But I also hate the results of natural selection to an extent. Consider the elite that runs the show today: constant rules and regulation designed to oppress our individual freedoms in America, taxation to keep us from rising up, rigged markets and elections. This is why I'm crypto, it is a game changer, it's an apex predator, and the longer I stay in the more I realize I will never leave.

>> No.29325996

just sad

>> No.29327248

Good shit bro. But its becoming clear that you have to go into the collapse with assets if you want to fight to make the world a better place at the end of the day.

>> No.29327608

pure pottery

>> No.29327764

This said post should remind you of how retarded and hopeless the reddit userbase is lmaoo

>> No.29327851

I'm betting that's just a strategic angle and he's parked outside his parents house or something.
When was this actually taken?
>blocking out the username on a public forum
you're a fucking faggot OP
It's actually it's dogged dog world
>tortures idiots
I mean life isn't fair and it tends to look down on the 'weak', define that however you want.
>rewards the vile
What is vile? This retard, and many like him, bought into a stock which has inherent risk. On top of the natural risk that comes from owning stock there was an extra level of high risk due to the sudden mob frenzy of people buying. He thought he would magically just become a millionaire and take out the evil banksters all in one fell swoop. Didn't pan out that way. He shouldn't have risked his entire life savings on a fucking meme stock. He got taught a very expensive lesson.
>when there are better opportunities out there
Oh you mean like the entire crypto market?
It's one thing to be retarded, it's another to be retarded and smug
Reddit's organization of forum structure doesn't help but ultimately we are all responsible for the decisions we make. You can call it a short squeeze instead of a pump and dump but it's the same fucking thing and if you are the last one out you are the one holding the bag. Play at your own risk
People who think it's still funny to say nigger >>29315726
Like 50% this
Sure, but you can also not recognize not having a profit either and never having that money again because you fell for the gambler's fallacy.

>> No.29328732

I can assure you those pads rotors and pads were absolutely fucked after that mileage. Not to mention wear and tear on fuckin everything else.

>> No.29328915

Natural selection is still alive and well in this world, you cretin. Especially in the markets.

>> No.29328982
File: 2.01 MB, 480x612, 1613283863965.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was just about to make fun of him but realized I'm a Chainlink holder and live in a Ford Ranger.

>> No.29329257

Reddit faggots go home you fucking GLOW in the dark, fucking niggers.

>> No.29329370

get the fuck out of here and go back.
this is a fucking Honda Civic board you degenerate faggots

>> No.29329446

Investing 49k when you are homeless. Well that's why you are homeless and brainless

>> No.29329513
File: 135 KB, 960x892, redditmoment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these simulacrum of people are very real and frightening my friends

>> No.29329562

seems like she was actually in a relationship with his job and apartment

>> No.29329747

Fuck my life

>> No.29330009

>Spending more money to move from point A to point B is a good thing!
I'd rather spend that saved money on investments and memecoins

>> No.29330285

>not enjoying the only life you get is a good thing!
I'm married, have kids, make good money, and have a nice car that I absolutely love driving every day.
I'd rather spend a little on my journey than wind up 80 years old and regretting that I never had any fun in my life.

>> No.29330353

"She's not yours, it's just your turn."

>> No.29330465


>> No.29331061
File: 17 KB, 255x210, 1603014690635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29331120

This must be satire

>> No.29331145

This guy will probably off himself, jesus.

>> No.29331241

Dumbass could have bought BAO early, went all in, and then been in 6 figure hell by selling the top. Shame he’s a norman.

>> No.29332186

Cant these idiots just rent any shithole for like 200$ per month in ghetto, nope rather living in tent in winter

>> No.29332454

>When is the moment you decide to sell?
When DFV instructs: "Now it's time, I figure, probably, to sell GME."

>> No.29332594

>>When is the moment you decide to sell?
>When DFV instructs: "Now it's time, I figure, probably, to sell GME."
Or better yet, one half-hour before then.

>> No.29332787

My gf has one and I refuse to drive it alone. Driving it with her feels gay enough.

>> No.29333486

No it makes me very sad, people need training in financial literacy.

>> No.29333897

Jews being at the top of the financial food chain is also natural selection.

>> No.29334280

no, but to be wealth it needs to be created on the shoulders of others. or our world would basically be an international amish camp. So it's either that or what we live in.

>> No.29334413

Just be evil, bro. It's that simple.