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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29308040 No.29308040 [Reply] [Original]

10k Chad here.

Grab a drink frens.

>> No.29308387

Im not ready yet :( go back to sleep nu , i need more on the cheap.

>> No.29308728

That wasn't much of a wait.

>> No.29308808

pump n dump scam.. pure bollocks. avoid if you want to keep your money during a bull run.

>> No.29308895

This nig, this is an American coin go back to your pajeet $ ching chong scams

>> No.29308909

This. Sell now everyone massive correction incoming. Nu to .50 cents so i can complete my stack. Now now sell!

>> No.29308975

This. Can’t believe so many people are falling for this lmao

>> No.29308994

Thanks for the buy signal.

>> No.29309049

Fuck yeah!
Bought 10k @ 0.24. Just sold 5k @ $1.01. Doubled my initial buy in and still have 5k to enjoy the ride

>> No.29309278
File: 65 KB, 422x646, D2B2DF34-58D0-4A83-9A95-59A99AEDD8B9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ridin round the city with some brand Nu heat
>brand Nu car, brand new feet

>> No.29309402

Everytime i think about selling i realize ill have to buy back in at i higher amount than what i got it for and i lose return potential as im hedging against nu's growth and value by selling for a mere dollar. It just seems the sort of thing id want to neck over in 5 years. Id for sure flip a food token or poke coin for a 4x tho. Hell id be afraid to attempt more than a 2x on an obvious rug

>> No.29309534

I’m holding 300k stack to $30

>> No.29309707

I'm good.
NU isn't my only stack, i doubled my money this and I'm still sitting on a stack of 5k.

>> No.29309734
File: 7 KB, 166x200, 135568849382s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't stake because the interface is dogshit, can't run a node because gas fees will rape you and kill any profits. What's the point of holding this bollocks again?

>> No.29309783

What made you feel that confident to throw that much money into it when it was that cheap?

>> No.29309831


Community staking pools are coming soon.

>> No.29309930

CB listing before Binance.

>> No.29309946

Incredibly based. At just over 10k, I kneel. If were going to 30 fuck it, i wont sell myself short at 10 or 15.

>> No.29310017

>just two more weeks
Theyre supposedly reviewing/auditing the pooling contract this week to make sure funds will be safu.

>> No.29310024

I don't want pools, I have enough to run my own shit. Quit flaunting your septum pierced face on biz and fix your trannycoin.

>> No.29310070

>Didn't buy in at sixty cents
Sucks to suck bucko

>> No.29310107

whats the suicide stack for this coin ?

>> No.29310168

Welcome to the NU World Order

>> No.29310205

Go shill your tranny coin somewhere else KIKE

>> No.29310296

10k but it's 15k for a node

>> No.29310379

Were going NUclear!

>> No.29310446

I welcome our Nu Crypto Overlord!

>> No.29310495

how many do i need for financial freedom, poorfag here
got my 2000 in coinbase pro

>> No.29310570

will it ever even reach binance?

>> No.29310601

I lived through the “tranny” FUD god bless :)

>> No.29310689


>> No.29310702

Absolutely... that's when the real fun begins

>> No.29310749

its literally pumping eternally the dev has pink hair you think he wont use that to his advantage? socialite coin

>> No.29310765

TO $1.50 EOD

>> No.29310810

What chart are you using?

>> No.29310816

this cant be sustainable right? im scared anons. i dont want the normies to pnd my numales

>> No.29310832
File: 6 KB, 201x250, 1570471599834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where are my heckin good boys at?

>> No.29310901


>> No.29310942

Send link to a good one. I would use binance but it's not there.

>> No.29311214

Same lol
>soapbox time
Tux seems nice enough despite the edgy "eat the curb nazi scum" attitude. I used to be like that before i realized all the positive things nazis stood for (strength of community, shared culture, work ethic etc) and how all the evil around them was misrepresentation of truths for political ends. I think there's hope for him to at least realize we arent his enemies and we dont actually go around lynching minorities or w.e. he thinks we do instead of shit post about Jews, make money, and wish we could be free from people who hate us and wish us harm just for wanting to be away from those very people that harm us. If nothing else, im sure he learned not to throw stones at your potential/current investors or theyll spend a week straight trolling you personally in every thread about your project lmao

>> No.29311463

>hear bout NU on biz
>ehh looks ok ill throw 50 bucks at it
>suddenly jumps 27%
>FOMO in at 99c

I hope I make it with all u numales

>> No.29311950

You're still early.

>> No.29312546

Fuck me man. I had the chance to buy this shit at 60 cents but I only have a few grand left in the bank account. All my money is tied up in GRT. I hold 4,000 of it.