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File: 50 KB, 590x392, shroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29302508 No.29302508 [Reply] [Original]

Alright biz, which emerging medical psychedelics companies should I invest in?

>> No.29302561

I hear Sergey is looking to introduce psychedelic oracles.

>> No.29302617
File: 1.06 MB, 1000x1000, h7h72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29303019


>> No.29303160

mmed obviously

>> No.29303165
File: 19 KB, 219x219, 420chan_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

psilocybin will remain scheduled as soon as people recognize its primary mechanism of action is that it is shaped like serotonin but carries no information so it pings your brain with nothingness and your brain starts to starve and trys to find real serotonin somewhere and starts creating weird routes.

also its an intense vasodialtor. just wait till people start using it all day every day to "microdose" AND END UP WITH DRY GANGREEN

itll be hillarious to see these mushroom noobies abusing it like weed and getting ergotism

also if you think what im saying is unrealistic then maybe you havent really done shrooms that many times. the vasoconstriction is real and severe and builds with repeated use.

Also there are gaurunteed going to be crazy fuckers that normally wouldnt have access to psilocybin going on crazy rampages. its very stimulating and can really give you a "the world is ending" feeling

also people underestimate just how truly rare psilocybin mushrooms are in usage.

there are many people that have used mushrooms maybe 1-20 times

thats not the same as the type of use that occurs when you have access to an abundance of them

likewise when people start getting wood lovers paralysis youre gonna have all these shitty ticktok kids being like


Also whats gonna happen when people get wood lovers paralysis while driving??

wlp only occurs from the wood growing species like azuracens. cubensis will be the norm but azuracens and wood lovers will be marketed as "extra strength" because they are but they also produce other things due to the substrate they live on having toxic oils that become processsed differently.

dont forget psilocybes are different SPECIES the strains within cubensis vary very little in terms of anything other than shape and growing conditions. the actual strength variations occur from other species.

>> No.29303231
File: 84 KB, 772x800, YrT23AT3C4IUGu89GM3O2krwB3Bw9UC2Iz05B0s9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also there is a way better sleeper psychecdelic that could prob get legalized since its legal in europe and in parts of america already and if you know you know and if you dont i cant tell you but its also pic related

>> No.29303284

i mean vasoconstrictor it is NOT a vasodialator. that was fundamentally wrong and a typo but i

>> No.29303407

If you can tell us why didn't you just say it in the first place

>> No.29304149

Based T_________us poster I have a huge stand

>> No.29304409

Hmm, intradesting. Well, like any psychoactive and medicinal substance it should be treated with respect and precaution which means tik tok kids are going to ruin this for sure.
Also, drinking tea made from cubensis once in a while seems pretty harmless to me but I appreciate your warning about vasoconstriction and gangrene. Don't overdue it guys.
Also, yes, I want to heavily invest into this. Shill me the best psilocybin stonks for a sweet x100.

>> No.29304435

I love their music

>> No.29304557

You mean Mescaline peyotes?
Because your pic looks like a Echinopsis pachanoi and I dunno if it's legal here in Europe but Peyote is

>> No.29305007

you stupid motherfucker

>> No.29305098

You can already order cuttings online, seems like a pain in the ass and dosage would likely get dicey when the most standardized it's gotten so far is some hippies on dead forums saying shit like "a peice roughly the length of your forearm"

>> No.29305834


>> No.29305972

Nigger I microdose lsa via morning glory seeds and have for years. I do a complete loss of consciousness trip once a month. Still no ergotism.

>> No.29306269
File: 53 KB, 555x555, 29050376023645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lsa via morning glory seeds

>> No.29306298

LKYSF - Numinus Wellness.

>> No.29306402

Is your stomach made of palladium or something

>> No.29306517

Hawaiian baby woodrose is better

>> No.29306546

i did morning glories multiple times a day every day too but like what the fuck is an lsa microdose youre literally fucking taking aborticants evry day you stupid fuck

lsa isnt even considered a psychedelic and ive done it like 40 times taht shit is more like paper machet that makes you feel sick and sad

>> No.29306756

Fucking hell anon. I did morning glory once, got incredibly sweaty then felt sick and drowsy for the next 4 hours.

>> No.29306788

I thought morning glory and hawaian baby woodrose both contained lsa, I've only had shrooms a handful of times but I've got a bag of hbw somewhere for next time I want to trip. I understand it can cause nausea but I was under the impression that both are fine as long as they are untreated?

>> No.29306802

none of them.

>> No.29308034

so its not worth trying? I was kind of curious after reading the thread so far. All I've done so far is plain psilocybin, I've tried LSD but not enough to trip.

>> No.29308123

I recognized the image but you realize anybody can do a reverse image search of the pic you posted? You've made it easy

>> No.29308149

They won't wound you, but the stomach cramping is absolutely nuts and will probably make you miserable
Some people don't report any cramping though, like anything it probably depends on your body type/diet/personal chemistry. I've heard the cramping can be reduced by extracting the LSA into alcohol (wine being the most common) but it's really under-studied

>> No.29308210

It takes years to grow and is low in potency, compared to mushrooms that mature from pins to full sized fruit in a matter of days, can be very potent, and can be dried easily for long term storage. Economically it makes no sense compared to Psilocybin which has very similar effects and can be produced in a fraction of the time with much lower cost.

>> No.29308779

read about extraction of LSA using polar and non-polar solvents. It's pretty easy, I did this with Morning Glory seeds and it worked fine (although I should have used more seeds)