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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 102 KB, 800x600, house-for-sale[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29302228 No.29302228 [Reply] [Original]

How will you know when it's the "right time" to buy a house? the big crash is right around the corner, isn't it? ISN'T IT?!

>> No.29302314

I sure hope so. Fuck boomers

>> No.29302594

afraid not friend, history doesn't often repeat...but it rhymes. We are due for a crack-up this time which means enormous house price increase due to inflation and then an interest rate increase after that. Buy now or be forever a tenant

>> No.29302609

It will never go down. Buy now or rent forever.

>> No.29302687
File: 336 KB, 691x722, 6 years.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your home is in LA or NYC, there is a crash. If you're in Austin TX, or some non-niggered part of FL, you're in the money.
It isn't complicated.

>> No.29302736

Not likely. 2020 was a poppin year for real estate as retards were trying to get out of city. Beyond that theres foreign investors which keep putting air in the bubble.

>> No.29302745

The right time is relative to where you are in your life. You aren't going to successfully time a housing crash.

>> No.29302779

So what? Your house will still be perfectly nice house to live in

>> No.29302864

Please don't post niggers because I puke.

>> No.29302944

>"right time" to buy a house?
There's never a good time, its always going to be stressful and a huge annoyance. The right time is any time you can get something in decent shape for below market value. Never pay market value for a house, ever.

>> No.29303101

Depends on how diverse the area is.
If you want to live in a near-100% White area, buy now. They're only getting more expensive.

>> No.29303175

buying a house >stressful
for a pleb, sure
but for chads like me its not

>> No.29303251

chads don't buy houses, they build them

>> No.29303301

Housing crash won't be until 2040 anon. They're going to roll out interest only loans and $50,000 grants for minorities.

>> No.29303311

It's a ponzi scheme


>> No.29303332

real chads live the nomad life. imagine dealing with tenants and/or maintenance roaches.

>> No.29303339
File: 42 KB, 500x500, 0C4364C4-4C8F-433A-A5B2-384CFA5A63BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real estate bubbles and crashes are localized they never happen on a national scale

You learned absolutely nothing from 2008.

>> No.29303359

>interest only loans

>> No.29303512

Yes you heard that right! You ONLY pay the interest, you never actually OWN the house you’re paying for! They like to bill it as an “alternative to renting” but anybody with a brain knows that’s code for “fuck you, goy!”

>> No.29303579

America would have to escalate their trade war with china for house prices to go down.
Everyone needs a house, every company wants houses because the value keeps going up. Even unoccupied, they look great on a balance sheet.
You can live in the middle of no where if you want to be around no women/gyms/anything.
Honestly just rent a room until you can open a bakery or deli or something, then just live in the back of your shop.

>> No.29303861

the traditional cycles are broken and we are in new territory now. housing, crypto, stocks and just going to go up and up and up. buy now.