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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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29299502 No.29299502 [Reply] [Original]

It sounds like a bunch of moon boys got cucked when they bought at launch and it’s down 70% basically because farming isn’t up yet. Farming goes live this week so I’m thinking this is a decent moonshot. Has around a $1m mcap I think.


gROOT is a token on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) which is directly linked to the performance of DeFi in BSC by building up a treasury that holds yield farming positions in different protocols such as Pancake Swap, Auto Farm and Venus.

>> No.29299658

Legit long term hold , gonna farm this hard

>> No.29299832
File: 870 KB, 2541x850, viking swap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an obvious pajeet rug pull. So why would anyone invest into this instead of Viking Swap?

TVL 11.5M

Farms with 14k%+ APR

Currently trading at 63 American dollars / ea. Already couple of burns done.

Don't hate money /biz/

>> No.29299852

i;m one of those who bought at launch but i will not sell until it moons

>> No.29299896

What exchange can I buy this at?

>> No.29300011

same here although only long term as in a couple of weeks lmfao

>> No.29300174


>> No.29300768

how can those who bought at launch be down, it listed for 4,2/gROOT right? I missed it

>> No.29300864

I think minutes after launch it 2.5x’ed and then cratered. So circa launch

>> No.29301673

bought some. seems like one of the earliest and more legit projects to come out on bsc. why does it appear to be so overlooked compared to the 10 other shitcoins coming out daily?

>> No.29301916

while people are freaking about egg, donut and what not, they are overlooking this, biz is retarded as always

Part of the GRO crosschain ecosystem, and still we have pajeets calling it a scam, while promoting their own shitstained street scam

>> No.29302188

Good question. Most of the BSC pumps last week were from coordinated shilling- yield farming clones, RFI clones, etc. legit projects are getting overlooked right now but as the BSC mania subsided, that won’t last long, people will move into more legit low caps that provide a real service (and don’t just burn tokens in a ponzi).

Nobody has moved into groot yet because the APYs aren’t known yet but just look at the portfolio they are going to have. This shouldn’t be a $1m mcap coin lol

>> No.29302956

Bumped because this is a legit project with so much potential. Only a 1 million mcap but the potential for a 100 million cap + is there.

>> No.29303272

Realistic mcap by April?

>> No.29303601


Does all the DeFi compounding work for me and will earn me more in the end from early sellers. I'm in

>> No.29303651

gROOT is one of the only projects on BSC where a real team (GROW Foundation) is bringing millions of capital and a great new “trust fund” protocol to BSC

>> No.29303713

How the fuck should I know? I’m not a pajeet trying to promise you gains. This is a legit project and is undervalued. Invest or don’t.

>> No.29303838

If they were really about it they would be porting to xDai or Polygon instead. Yeah, it's 1000x better than all the shitty food and meme swaps, but no high end dev should be moving to a centralized chain

>> No.29304199

I agree that it’s bittersweet to leave L1 of eth..

But the whole idea is to take advantage of a low fee gas system that ALREADY WORKS.

BSC is obviously a working platform, and this project aims to be an integral part of the BSC sub system

Invest accordingly

>> No.29304211

Get in now before LP farming APYs show up and people start paying attention.

>> No.29304299

Matic also works. I haven't used xDai, but I think that does too. I'm not saying moving to BSC is bad, but it's definitely not good either, especially in the long run.

>> No.29304497

This, could easily pull a run like EGG, even more so when all the GRO users join the fray

>> No.29304972

You got me interested

one thing concerns me tho, its current price is 2x from 2 days ago before it migrated to bsc, I can see people dumping their airdropped tokens even more

>> No.29305353

at these prices you are justt talking oout of you ass. Did you fall on your head and forget that GROWTH got fucking HACKED? who is tos ay that this shitty groot is safu. Too expensive still.

>> No.29305411

Yup I think that is always the case with airdropped coins and new projects. Always has a Nike graph.

>> No.29305481

i dont understand how these rugpulls just create money out of nowhere

>> No.29305524

Alpha and cream got hacked and they’re treading along just fine. You have to look at mcap and supply to get an educated financial picture at the potential.

>> No.29305928

Ready for the incentivized pools, Those are gonna be nice I calculated roughly 18% first month in additional coins if you provide liquidity MIN if everyone provides liquidity. Could be a lott higher

>> No.29306085


Only 1.5k tokens are circulating at this point, so even 10 being sold looks large in terms of volume %