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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 81 KB, 1398x1214, airdrop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29298575 No.29298575 [Reply] [Original]

A BSC airdrop that doesn't look like absolute shit. Its free gibs so you have nothing to lose. If this thread goes nowhere I swear to god I'm not sharing anything with /biz/ ever again

t me tulipbsc

>> No.29298614

airdroping where?

>> No.29298634

how do i claim

>> No.29298665
File: 79 KB, 865x1036, Tulip-Bulbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a sociology experiment?

>> No.29298713

Thanks for the notice

>> No.29298716

Can I use metamask?

>> No.29298778

I’ve missed every airdrop for about a fucking month so sign me up nigga

>> No.29299037
File: 433 KB, 684x553, 1611202949074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an absolute brainlet, how do I get BNB without using Binance?

>> No.29299061


>> No.29299176
File: 871 KB, 598x900, 8E861389-E861-4C3F-9812-D8E4AADDD3D6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29299341
File: 117 KB, 708x866, 1612071392251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I got that, but is there a way to get BNB itself without binance or do I just have to suck CZ's dick?
>Gay ID

>> No.29299355

I've seen these threads several times already yet no one can explain how to participate in this fucking airdrop

>> No.29299384

I use changenow, no account needed

>> No.29299430

tulipbsc on telegram, join it and check out pin

>> No.29299434

read the sticky in the tg retard
wait why am I even telling you this
if you can’t even do 3 minutes of absolutely minuscule research you don’t deserve the money

>> No.29299438

is this a meme? this is the only thing i find when i google it

>> No.29299448

they will post a google form for you to fill out in the telegram channel in 2hrs 50 minutes

>> No.29299463

you need to join the femboy telegram and send boipussy to partake

>> No.29299468

do we have to follow a twitter account or telegram is enough?

>> No.29299472

I'm beyond just not giving a fuck anymore.
I actually enjoy seeing these idiots get rugged now.

>> No.29299512

why are all of the tg admins trannies/pajeets larping as white women

>> No.29299580

Grade A shitcoin,
you need to have BSC wallet and have it linked to Binance.

>> No.29299592

I mean, you get to a point where you want to see how blatantly you can do it.

>> No.29299600
File: 99 KB, 865x577, IMG_20210220_163448_972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be a real tulip

>> No.29299841

Yes. High chance of a rugpull as every other shitcoin (inb4 >noooooo stop saying that it hurts my feelings). But considering it's not even day 1 maybe you can get something out of it.

>> No.29299880

>and have it linked to Binance.

>> No.29299939

everyone point and laugh at the biggest brainlet in this entire thread
gods biz is awful nowadays

>> No.29300012

Not gonna make it

>> No.29300027

people who bought at the beginning of 1635 and sold at the end of 1636 still made insane gains

>> No.29300054

>airdrop starts at 5am my time

>> No.29300069
File: 403 KB, 607x502, tulipscam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2k tgmembers
is this a scam? I'm lost

>> No.29300207

the tg is linked from the airdrop site and most of the info on how to get in is also on the tg.
just make a new trustwallet and sell the shit as soon as you get it

>> No.29300278

iktf aest bro

>> No.29300488

Just ask some kangaroo to fill it for you.

>> No.29300669
File: 27 KB, 512x512, -3d7a8c254c29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, I sent my fundus to it and it's taking forever to confirm the swap. I have no idea if my fundu are safu and it's not even at the binance stage yet. This all made me remember why I fucking hate centralized pieces of shits. Hopefully the gibs are worth it.

>> No.29301040

Do you like shoving 70$ Uniswap GAS down your throat?

>> No.29301260

do i need to connect my trustwallet to the BSC?

>> No.29301908

Pretty sure it already has that in it

>> No.29302938

>sell the shit as soon as you get it
Literally how do I sell it?
Have metamask pointed to bsc but where can i offload it?
I usually use metamask/uniswap but I'm guessing uni won't support competing token...

>> No.29303639

No chance of rug pull

>> No.29303662

only a 60x roi... and this is a world famous event why? I have pokemon cards that have increased in value more than that.

>> No.29303699


>> No.29304171

Explain pls

>> No.29304372

its bsc so pancakeswap

>> No.29305592

Why tf would an airdrop rug

>> No.29305782

What will be the circulating supply and max supply?

>> No.29306105


Airdrop is done by a form you put your address into. Literally no way of getting scammed from that.

>> No.29306200

what is stopping me to fill out multiple google forms? Or will it be gone too fast

>> No.29306248

Telegram is a mess, can't even fill the fucking form

>> No.29306356


Those are scam forms anon, the real form isn't until 6pm and will be in the announcement channel

>> No.29306425
File: 286 KB, 1192x741, tulip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29306520

the real form is not up yet

>> No.29306603

Oh I thought you were talking about the token as a whole

>> No.29307437

First time tg user here how do i stay in the group without getting kicked by that todorant bot

>> No.29307441

the absolute state

>> No.29307548

Quick maffs

>> No.29307588

>BSC address
wtf is that? I have a binance account, do I get a BSC address with that?

>> No.29307753

What cards?
also its a world event because it was such a dumb asset

>> No.29307834

No. Use metamask wallet. Google "Metamask BSC Binance guide" and try it on faucet

>> No.29308019

Tulip craze... CZ is fcking with you and the whole industry. You fcking young morons dont get it...

>> No.29308303

Ok, so the ETH and BSC address are the same?

>> No.29308315

nigga its an aidrop lol

>> No.29308495


Yes, but don't deposit BSC stuff into an ETH address on an exchange.

>> No.29308575
File: 438 KB, 300x300, 1598482262382.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's the same address...

>> No.29308630

>800 slot airdrop
3000+ pajeets in the channel. no one is getting this shit.

>> No.29308632

what wallet do i need on trustwallet?
TPC / TRC10?

I'm brand new to these shitcoins pls halp

>> No.29308770

800 slots... all going to get used by bots

>> No.29308789

When are we getting the airdrop????

>> No.29308791

Send the answer to the math question to the group

>> No.29308819

There's gonna be a quiz so bots cant auto enter lol

>> No.29308835

What are the chances they fuck me over if i enter my contract add into their airdrop forum?

>> No.29308836


Yeah but the exchange won't support the chain so your coins will be gone.

>> No.29308860

I post my metamask account id right?

>> No.29308877

yeah shits fucking retarded and super pajeety. look at the amount of bots constantly pouring into the group

>> No.29308912


There is literally nothing you can do with a wallet address. Plus it's public information

>> No.29308997


The thing copied to your clipboard when you click the account is your address.

You'll need to add the binance smart chain to Metamask to actually see the coins you receive (but you'll receive them regardless of if you add it or not)

>> No.29309016

like driving by dunkin donuts on free donut day. nothing but the poorest and dumbest niggers alive.

>> No.29309025

about as likely as someone fucking you over if they know your public IP address.

>> No.29309030

Does the metamask address work for this drop after I set up BSC in metamask? Even though the addresses are the same?

>> No.29309124

thank you so much anon. I never used metamask until today I just stayed on binance

>> No.29309158

>0.0026BNB in wallet

Is this enough for a swap?

>> No.29309200

am i going to have to buy some BNB

>> No.29309224

they aren't even people. it's clearly botting

>> No.29309241

Barely. It might be a bit too low by 0.0002 or 3 bnb.

>> No.29309274


Any Metamask based ETH address will receive the coins fine. To see and spend the coins, you need to add the Binance Smart Contract chain to metamask and switch to it (this can be done later).

There are guides around if you google.

>> No.29309301

i figured out what BSC is, jesus is their a newfag guide for this?

I didn't even realize exchanges were running thier own fucking coins now to handle market transactions I guess that's what's going on here.

>> No.29309382

>3100 actually in the channel
>probably more who haven't even joined

good luck everyone! May you do the needful

>> No.29309453

They're probably going to filter by making you post hands.

>> No.29309464

please buy the tulip sirs

>> No.29309475


google "binance chain in metamask", there's a step by step guide.

>> No.29309479

yes. just switch to ur BSC network and u will see the toolips

>> No.29309523

any dex I can buy bnb on? I cant acess binance or cuckbase atm

>> No.29309536

2 minutes, good luck everyone

>> No.29309606

post the answers to the quiz

>> No.29309612


>> No.29309618

>binance chain in metamask
thanks, i have a trust wallet thing setup with a BSC receive address.
fml i'm already going to have a nervous breakdown and i have no money in play

>> No.29309623

let's get these shitcoins boys

>> No.29309635

1 minute to go. Godspeed.

>> No.29309676

I'm completely retarded. Literally how do I do any of this

>> No.29309711
File: 40 KB, 600x600, 131196-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im hyped

>> No.29309735
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>> No.29309767


>> No.29309778

i put no idea for like 2 answers. wish me luck

>> No.29309796


>> No.29309809

just fucking google it faggot

>> No.29309844

Welp i didnt get the form

>> No.29309849

>enter information into google form
>resets the form
i hope someone kills all google niggers

>> No.29309902

Wtf I was so close .......

>> No.29309918

I filled the form, got a captcha and when I clicked the captcha it gave me the same form to fill again so I ended doing it twice


>> No.29309919

Well I entered everything, no tulips yet. Do I just keep checking metamask to see?

>> No.29309920

Telegram is fucking aids. How could fucking pajeets live with it

>> No.29309926

Checked and based

>> No.29309927

Fucking niggers at Google asked me to resubmit the form

>> No.29309934

fuck i panicked in that genesis block shit

>> No.29309937
File: 28 KB, 519x459, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wonder how many tokens are going to curry stinking street shitters and nigerian niggers

>> No.29309950

Fucking rip. I didn't know the easter egg one

>> No.29309952

You are 100% sure you pasted in your address into the form right?

>> No.29309982
File: 17 KB, 506x91, 4322435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tambe Gali, Bhagat Singh II, Goregaon West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400104, India

>> No.29310010

its already filled??????

>> No.29310014
File: 6 KB, 230x219, 1613080772812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got filtered for being too slow at googling

>> No.29310015
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1611844574155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missed out on a greatest airdrop of 2021

Why continue

>> No.29310034

infinite refresh this page. so gud.

>> No.29310048

HAHAHAHA I bet some pajeet fucking did that

>> No.29310052

Lamest airdrop ever

>> No.29310053

What is the answer to the genesis block one?

>> No.29310084

Haha fake airdrop.
"refresh the page" my ass, I've been holding f5 for 5 minutes.

>> No.29310081

I can smell the garbage from there. Where are these indo niggers even coming from?

>> No.29310135

Damn it took me too long to find the answer to the genesis block question. RIP

>> No.29310136

The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks

The que was easy and I bet jeets put "I dont know lol" as answers.

>> No.29310137

well that was fast.

>> No.29310149

googled fucked me over asking me to confirm my identity aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.29310158

The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks

>> No.29310174

finally finished and answered that
"The form Tulip Airdrop is no longer accepting responses"

>> No.29310177

i put the hash in by mistake, what a dumb nigger question. whatever, on to the next scamtoken airdrop, not like there's a shortage of them.

>> No.29310270

fat finger ranjeesh

>> No.29310285

Was the address field mandatory? I genuinely can't remember if I was so focused on getting it done quickly I forget to paste...

>> No.29310301
File: 2.28 MB, 1080x1608, 1607417656437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I entered everything and it said "Hopefully you entered the correct stuff and if so you'll soon be in the garden" or whatever. How many tokens are we getting, assuming I get any and how much are these things going for?

>> No.29310305

Tulip Airdrop
The form Tulip Airdrop is no longer accepting responses.
Try contacting the owner of the form if you think this is a mistake.

fucking pajeet scam, bots probably filled that with empty responses

>> No.29310327

did you actually have to answer all the questions correctly? i thought it was just an anti-bot measure. welp

>> No.29310342

>literal third world retard niggers spamming their addresses in chat
lmao. i hope covid mutates and kills these subhumans.

>> No.29310348

I literally googled everything aside from Satoshi and managed to finish it. You had to be prepared with your address already copied to clipboard.

>> No.29310355

why is everyone putting their addresses in the telegram group?

>> No.29310361

the pajeets are flooding the telegram with their wallet addresses kek

>> No.29310364

How else would they send you the tokens?

>> No.29310394

Yeah it sucks. The tg is now just jeets and niggers spamming their addresses for gibs . Im heading back to Eth network . BSC is jeet central

>> No.29310397

some nigger said post address for bonus tulips

>> No.29310409


What I mean to say is "is it possible I fucked up big time and forgot to paste it in"?

>> No.29310416

i believe so, took me like 5 seconds too long to google the genesis block thing

>> No.29310430

Where are these fucking waste of space 1$ income retards even coming from

>> No.29310441
File: 129 KB, 1200x749, TH23rev food-riot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29310443

If when you send the form it sends you to fill another form means i got in?

>> No.29310481


You only put Satoshi?

Oh dear...

>> No.29310485

Honestly I'm somewhat unsure I pasted it too lol. Pretty sure the form wouldn't submit though so probably did. We'll find out if/when they actually do the drop.

>> No.29310502
File: 7 KB, 218x137, IMAGE 2021-02-21 20:12:46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they typed "Elon" in "developer of ETH" lmfao

>> No.29310516

I fucking knew it was related to bailouts from the 2008 crash but I couldn't remember the exact headline and tried searching too long for it.

>> No.29310534

wtf i put my home address in the address section

>> No.29310540

>someone put Elon as the inventor


>> No.29310551

why do they close the fucking form when like 70% of submissions they got HAVE TO answered something incorrectly?

>> No.29310558

ah shit I can't remember if I said Satoshi or Satoshi Nakamoto now fuck you

>> No.29310565

Nah, wrote his full name. Maybe the real filter was writing it in japanese.

>> No.29310587

lmao fuck this

>> No.29310614

now they're doing a mini pre-sale. Scam confirmed.

>> No.29310619


I think he's verifying by hand so you'll probably be fine.

>> No.29310645

that wasn't the real dev, that guy already got banned

>> No.29310666

I don't even know if I got in. I finished and hit submit on the questionnaire, but got captcha'd, and when I finished it said the survey was closed. Did google just cuck me out of being a charter member of this scamcoin?

>> No.29310674

I hope I got everything correct, 2nd monitor really helped with the googling lol. Anyone actually gotten the drop yet?

>> No.29310679

since we shilling shitcoins, i will present to you Lotus Finance. DEX built on BSC releasing token sale tomorrow. get in while no one knows about it

t me lotusfinance

>> No.29310691

Did anyone else get a captcha at the end?

>> No.29310713

So... Netherlands or Holland?

>> No.29310714


>> No.29310723

Where the fuck is the airdrop? Their link is just a link to telegram! Fuck this scam!

>> No.29310734

I answered the genesis block incorrectly RIP

>> No.29310757

the sooner all jewgle employees are loaded feet first into an incinerator, the better

>> No.29310774

where can you see the answers, are you in the tulip team?

>> No.29310776

Holland obviously

>> No.29310793


>> No.29310801

and then this bullsit
goddammit /biz/ why did i waste my time in this thread

i will forever shit on tulip now

>> No.29310803

there was a google form open for the airdrop at 1pm est, you missed it rajesh

>> No.29310804

you missed it dummy

>> No.29310826

The dev posted that one.

>> No.29310848

ah, missed it

>> No.29310877

Calm down Rajesh! Your mother will scold you

>> No.29310878

the dev is a fucking nigger

>> No.29310886

at least you got it for free, yagmi

>> No.29310890

When I submitted the form it said it was locked. Does that mean that I didn't make it on time? Why can't this jew piece of shit form show if it went through???

>> No.29310912

Dev posted wrist last night, confirmed white as fuckin paper

>> No.29310930

new coin idea: WHITE tulip mania. telegram airdrop, automatic permanent blacklist of all IP addresses from third world nigger shitholes and IP addresses from known VPNs.

>> No.29311008

I'm waiting for the fuckpajeets token, that one will be a success.

>> No.29311021
File: 156 KB, 387x712, tulipmania.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holland is part of The Netherlands, both are valid. He even wrote, country, city or whatever in the form

>> No.29311077

so then the other ppl will dump on each other?
there would be no difference at all

>> No.29311097
File: 58 KB, 1000x1000, tumblr_6db78063dad87e5771ed77ce060ede49_76232c01_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holland obviously

>> No.29311245

netherlands didnt exist back then retard

>> No.29311271


>> No.29311420

Scam, they're maxed out on the airdrop so no one else coming in has a shot. Avoid and dump at earliest convenience.
For a real shot of making $, buy CFII and CFIIW which votes to merge with View Smart Glass on March 5th.

>> No.29311512

> t. was late to the airdrop
sorry sukhdeep, hope you can catch the next one

>> No.29311565

>Winners announced "soon"

God dammit I need an ETA, my stomach's doing knots.

>> No.29311809

jesus christ i'm retarded, i woke up exactly at noon and i was so fog-headed that i did type in my home address by mistake. FUCK.

>> No.29311823

Their TG is a shitshow.

Fomo in if you want tho.

>> No.29311858

this is literally the dumbest fucking airdrop i've ever experienced. the group is full of literal 3rd world subhumans and bots

>> No.29311920

needs an iq test that only accepts 120+

>> No.29311939

the tg went from 500 to 4000 overnight once all the pajeets found out there was free coin to be won

>> No.29311991

Lol I saw this same scam happen with a token shilled here. The Devs ransomed the token until someone provided liquidity and just never gave the airdrop.

If they need to answer questions and jeets are posting their addresses unmuted. Just go.

>> No.29312015

Who the hell does an 800 person air drop when theres like 5000 people in the TG, wouldn't it make more sense to spread that shit out and help get buzz going by having more people participating in it. That's like offering free hamburgers to someone, they get down their to collect and you go "sorry, but I can sell you a sloppy joe for $500"

>> No.29312026

the hardest airdrop ever

>> No.29312243

> wouldn't it make more sense to spread that shit out and help get buzz going by having more people participating in it.

no because rajesh and ahmad and adebayo will dump 3x their annual salary the second they get it. the only way airdrops are successful is if you airdrop to people that aren't literal subhuman third world niggers.

>> No.29312257

>The Devs ransomed the token until someone provided liquidity and just never gave the airdrop.

DWD? They did a long stupid Gaelic riddle on 4chan then didnt add liq . Probably tulip is from the same guys. They made Clover too

>> No.29312274

From what I saw the drop was initially supposed to only be for 500 and they bumped it up. They clearly weren't expecting 3000+ third worlders to show up overnight

>> No.29312390

Well they should prioritize us first worlders. Now they have a bunch of jeets running around with their tokens that will dump as soon as possible and someone like me who could've added a shitload after the fact are gonna pass on it.

>> No.29312406

It did you fucking nigger. Holland is a region in the Netherlands.
>t. Dutchfag

>> No.29312539

holland kwam later a mongol

wollah ik ga je slappen als je de geschiedenis niet ken

>> No.29312607

>waaaah they should prioritize me
you sound no better than the pajeets posting their addresses in the telegram hoping for gibs

>> No.29312622

ik bedoelde nederland kwam later

kifesh dit

>> No.29312652


>> No.29312689

>nearly done filtering

my heart can't take this much more

>> No.29312733

praat normaal kanker turk

>> No.29312764

not your own address, faggot

>> No.29312783

>Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden
>>ik bedoelde nederland kwam later
Wat bedoelde hij hiermee?

>> No.29312836

I really hope I don't get fucked by having to fill in the form twice

>> No.29313135

I don't remember exactly, but I think the requirement was to post your own bsc address (how else are they going to send the airdrop to you?) and not the token contract address.

>> No.29313159
File: 492 KB, 1439x2686, 1585539167542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waste of my fucking time then.

>> No.29313203

>kicked for saying nigger

>> No.29313275

Kek, I had 2 accs on the telegram and just made a second metamask wallet, got 2 submissions in. Double airdrop here we go.

>> No.29313509

Bitch, I joined their TG and made a fucking trust wallet for these cunts. I don't need the $ but if I'm going to waste my time doing something I want compensation faggot.

>> No.29313595

get laid, loser

>> No.29313682

Here comes the jeet shill squad trying to protect their shitcoin so they can pump and dump it.

>> No.29313716

>airdropping now

>> No.29313719

post winners i got banned posting cunny

>> No.29313770

>not in wallet

I knew I fucked up...

>> No.29313901

>just 800 wallets

>> No.29314127
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>> No.29314128

i was the one reporting you ;^)

>> No.29314281

lol suck my dick tulip admin

>> No.29314331

rip, no coins for me. I guess I fucked up the form.

>> No.29314401

He said the airdrop sender crashed, still no tokens sent.

>> No.29314404

I think they're still in the process of being sent out

>> No.29314445

Tokens sent few seconds ago!

>> No.29314471

Holy fuck I got them. 9800

>> No.29314495

Oh hey, I have 9800 tulips. Very cool.

>> No.29314534

me too anon, wagmi

>> No.29314557

LMAO it's tanking hard

>> No.29314560

Sell now or wait?

>> No.29314627

Where do you sell this fucking thing?

>> No.29314631

>be incredibly racist
>get airdropped 9800 shittokens
ah, fortune truly does favor the bold

>> No.29314665
File: 14 KB, 425x266, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok a free bnb

>> No.29314676
File: 43 KB, 640x589, 412d2e03b715461fe96b213e718c1804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because it was such a dumb asset

>> No.29314681

pankakeswap anon

>> No.29314703

>get airdropped 9800 shittokkens
>get banned 10 seconds later

>> No.29314732

>Got the airdrop but doesn't know how to pancake swap

anon pls. >>29314665

>> No.29314831

should i sell for 1.129 BNB?

>> No.29314859

3 cents per coin atm.
I'm gonna wait before trading the airdrop. Given there are only 16 mil tokens and the website has exchange and staking etc, this has the potential to get to at least 5 mil mcap, i.e. 10x from here.

>> No.29314861

I figured right after I posted. I don't use pancake usually. So is this even a real project or what? Any reason to hold it or do I just get my free BNB and be on my way?

>> No.29314965

Have you been under a rock since january?

>> No.29315023

Sold 4000

Gives me $150 ish. Will sell the rest in a day or two, if it's worthless, it's worthless.

>> No.29315061

Sell and buy in later after all the pajeets dump

>> No.29315069

What in the fuck, why haven't you cashed out you nigger

>> No.29315147

i'm holding it all. if it expires worthless at least i had fun making fun of third world niggers on telegram.

>> No.29315184

How do you mean? Idk what tulip is if that's what you mean.

>> No.29315206

Airdrop was worth roughly 1 BNB. Maybe I'll regret it, but I'm not dumping mine.

>> No.29315238

where can i buy it? pancake doesnt list it

>> No.29315247

How BNB should I get to make sure I can make transactions on pancakeswap or wherever

>> No.29315340

Use the token contract: 0xa2df0d085da2664f5270a3f7979d7026cd21ed12

>> No.29315345



>> No.29315361


>> No.29315428


I had 0.0026BNB and was able to approve and make a swap

>> No.29315438

any point to add liquidity?

>> No.29315446

send BNB to this address:

1 BNB for 12000 TULIP

>> No.29315462

$slave coin so i can farm with $slave/$nigger

>> No.29315541

Holy shit did I really get 1.5 bnb airdropped

>> No.29315561

Can I swap to ETH instead? I have no BNB.

>> No.29315562

Price is shooting up at the moment.

>> No.29315576


>> No.29315582


>> No.29315592

someone should make pajeetswap

>> No.29315637


>> No.29315638

Where is the fucking link

>> No.29315647


You can... if the ETH is on the Binance smart chain.

>> No.29315677

no shit sherlock

>> No.29315679

>get the drop
>try to swap, fail
>0.7 BSB in my pocket for free

Godspeed the rest of you, genuinely hope you make it off this.

>> No.29315696

holy fuck i just sold my airdrop for 1k

>> No.29315698

Rubic exchange?

>> No.29315750

Ah fuck, so now I gotta move my ETH smartchain ETH over to BSC in metamask?

>> No.29315765

holy fucking shit they gave me $400 worth

this is insane

>> No.29315781

how? it's at 1.3-1.5 BNB right now. $1k would be 2-3 that.

>> No.29315806

where can I buy this shit please

>> No.29315840

I bought a few and sold it all immediately after I got the airdrop
took like 3 tries

>> No.29315848


Either send it to Binance and withdraw on the BSC or use a bridge.

Either way, you're going to have to pay gas

>> No.29315866

I swapped half. Free 200 bucks and a moonbag. Tulipdev is fucking based.

>> No.29315867

It's like 1.3 BNB now. Why'd you sell early?

>> No.29315869

1 juicy bnb for free. Can’t complain

>> No.29315874

I am financially ruined
Thank you tulip

>> No.29315894

link pls

>> No.29315965

so wait, the dev really gave away $232k of his own BNB? i don't understand how airdrops work from the perspective of a developer.

>> No.29315972

i am sexually ruined

>> No.29315996

Did you have to get the answers right? Fuck these bastards, literally one click away from gibs

>> No.29316075

ofc to filter indians, i was too slow

>> No.29316080

When was ETH invented? Who invented Bitcoin? C'mon, bro. It was strictly an anti-bot/jeet mechanism.

>> No.29316092

I missed the airdrop by 1 hour x.x

>> No.29316099

This guy is probably a giga whale. If he's giving that much he's expecting at least gigantic gains of all the faggots and jeets fomoing.

>> No.29316130

haha get filtered pajeet

>> No.29316147

I missed it by 3 seconds, feels bad

>> No.29316154

kill me pls I fucking missed out

>> No.29316191

guess i'll hold on. he must be confident as fuck to give away almost a quarter million USD.

>> No.29316210

It's cheap af right now

>> No.29316245

free 1.5 bnb
i buy cow for village sirs

>> No.29316247

ahhhhh i cant sell them on pancake swap anymore REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.29316277


The dev put in some of his own crypto for liquidity and locked it in. That's the starter value. As people swap it for BNB on pancake swap, the currency gets more liquidity backing it and its value goes up.

He controls the majority of the supply so at any moment he can sell his stock and make a lot of money. In general though, a drain like that won't make as much money as the currency mooning and him withdrawing small bits at a time.

>> No.29316351


>> No.29316355

i missed it by couple of seconds, bots won

>> No.29316356


refresh? All these exchanges bug out and say no liquidity if you idle for a while

>> No.29316371

That's what I thought halfway through googling the answers lol, still put bullshit answers, but was too late. Oh well, enjoy your gibs.

>> No.29316398

So glad I landed onto 2 money makers on this shit and the pokefarm where the dev rugpulled himself.

>> No.29316450


>> No.29316537
File: 22 KB, 441x497, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have been

constantly getting this.

>> No.29316556

where do I check price?

>> No.29316588

increase slippage. classic worthless error message by brainlet pancakeswap devs.

>> No.29316593

increase the slippage

>> No.29316681


Put dummy values in Pancake Swap, see how much you get. Don't think it's being tracked anywhere yet

>> No.29316733

how do you do that?

>> No.29316749

shit seems to be on an upwards trajectory. kinda regret selling lol
>do i fomo back in

>> No.29316790

As much as the airdrop was a shitshow, it certainly built hype and a launch frenzy

>> No.29316797

what a faggot

>> No.29316819

I mean this shit probably still has some life in it but up to you

>> No.29316849
File: 43 KB, 764x558, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

click the cog/gear icon for settings

>> No.29316874


Never regret free money.

I sold my UNI airdrop at $3.

>> No.29316877

I am pissed. Not going to lie.

>> No.29316947

lmfao. They will still post their addresses by tomorrow

>> No.29317262

What do you think. Dev unironically just put 1 million into this. This is a 100x. Easily.

>> No.29317289


>> No.29317345

Damn seems like I missed it by like 30 minutes, I miss every airdrop so I'm not surprised

>> No.29317347

When sending from binance to metamask, what network do I pick? Binance smart chain or binance chain?

>> No.29317359

lmao got the airdrop sold instantly for 1.2 BNB. Never done an airdrop had never even used telegram until i saw this post. Free $360 for about 5 minutes of my time. Real question is what retard bought them from me?

>> No.29317401

going to at least 10x

>> No.29317409

still cant quite believe that i just got $400 for free. fucking crazy man. i was expecting like $10 worth, and I'd have been delighted with it.

literally just increased my poorfag portfolio value by 30% fucking lmao

>> No.29317425

Liquidity pool

>> No.29317437


>> No.29317443

>what is a pool?

>> No.29317475

How come people are not selling more? Isn't the airdrop right now more valuable than at the beginning?