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2929659 No.2929659 [Reply] [Original]

>in cryptocurrency for a month
>still not a millionaire

>> No.2929716

i have like $20-$60 to invest
i will never make worthwhile profit will i? frankly i'm just gonna buy coin for fun. maybe one day i cash out and have enough profit to buy a weeks groceries or something.

lambos lol, i'd be lucky to afford lamb chops

>> No.2929754

with cash like that, i'd buy some single or double digit satoshi coins on bittrex and hope it pulls a RDD or digibyte and moons hard

however, only do that on bittrex, other exchanges doesn't have the volume

>> No.2929845

it took me a few minutes to figure out what that meant. but i think i get it now, thanls for the advice, i will look into it.

>> No.2929858

I have about $10,000 to invest, how do I do this smartly in coins?

How do I get a wallet, how do I convert money to coins, and get it back out? I'm a literal troglodyte

>> No.2929911

I invested 130euros couple months ago during the bull run, im sitting with 1300€ now

>> No.2929917

why isn't he pink?

>> No.2929920

download Dark Wallet

>> No.2929924
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how many months for this to make me a millionaire

>> No.2929926

ahhh, i missed these threads
these were very popular during the april-may boom when every coin was popping

"only made $2k today reeee", stuff like that
it means we're finally back

>> No.2929930

I put $100 in in June and it took this long to reach $10,000. I wanted $1,000,000 before my birthday. No fair.

>> No.2929973

how do did you pull a x100??

>> No.2929989


Others can add but I picked the ones with the best performance at the moment (and obviously for BTC and ETC, ever). Do your research on all of them, decide your split, and buy in when you think it's sensible. Others can add to this list, but shills are everywhere so ALWAYS DO YOUR FUCKING RESEARCH BEFORE LISTENING TO BIZ! If something moons a ton overnight it's probably a shitcoin that's being pumped and dumped. Research it to be sure, but it doesn't take long before you can easilly tell if its a pump and dump or not.

To invest, sign up for coinbase (There are other sites you can use but coinbase is easy to use even if the fees suck). Buy bitcoin on coinbase. Transfer it to bittrex or another exchange of your choosing, then you can trade BTC for alts. Look up a youtube tutorial on how to transfer bitcoin. There are a ton out there and it's easier than trying to explain it.

If you keep your coins in a local wallet, back it up and print out physical copies (KEEP THEM AT HOME AND HIDDEN! A typical nog thief probably won't know what they are but you never know).

On coinbase and bittrex (or equivelents) sign up for most of the security options, particularly two factor authorization. Bittrex has an IP whitelist security option, but I don't recommend going that far.

>> No.2929992

I'm almost 1 month in since the dippening and i've only made about 10$ with starting 80$ btc. Fucking sia bags keeping me down

>> No.2930092

where do you "Do your research" anon?

>> No.2930108

basically buy a dip and ride it to the moon, see you there cosmonaught!

>> No.2930203

Day trading, I didn't luck into a x100 - doubt I ever will.

>> No.2930228


>> No.2930242

Sell everything for bitcoin. When segwit activates, it'll moon.

8 bitcoin will literally be $1000000

>> No.2930277

>Here, reddit, other social media sites, crypto news sites (Try to see it from every angle. BIZ is ironically good at this since the shills tend to overstate the positives and the trolls of the shills tend to overstate the negatives, and if you fact check both parties you can get a feel for the reality of the coin and make a decision from there, but ALWAYS use sites other than biz too. Get as many perspectives as possible). The horses mouth as well. (Go to the founder's site, read their white paper. Read their road map.) Then I also (usually first thing) look at the performance itself. 10xs from a few sats, and it's been on the exchange for a few years at a few sats (and typically these type of coins have 10X'd+ multiple times before being dumped shortly after in the past), it's 99.9% probably a fucking piece of shit and no further research is necessary.

>> No.2930291

Average of $200 per day, why would I lie about that?

>> No.2930294

I apologize for somehow accidentally making that whole thing greentext.

>> No.2930300

You picked the wrong month, bro.

>> No.2930308


If you are serious about crypto, order a Ledger wallet.. it's about 80euros shipped... all these online and paper wallets will make you doubt and second guess all the time. It sucks to have to spend for a wallet, but it's really worth it if you're dropping 10k... it won't be shipped before mid September

>> No.2930313

>I've earned only $50 in one month with $500 starting investment
Tell me your secrets

>> No.2930328

you lie on the internet to feel important, i hope you get better

>> No.2930379

coinbase is the easiest/ best thing to use if you don't know what you're doing. Dapp platforms like NEO, Lisk, Stratis probably have room to grow. LTC and BTC are always good. Put some into a privacy coin like Monero. If you feel like memeing for 4chan get SIGT just don't get Zcash-- its a US company that can be strong armed by the govt. Then do some research on assets like Golem and EOS to see what of those you like. Save you private keys. Back up your private keys. Stay informed by reading the big news on the coin you hold at least once a month.

>> No.2930541
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I don't think this makes me important, but I was hoping to have earned more by now. Most of July sucked. Here's my progress, today has been awesome.

>> No.2930576

How do you secure your coins?

>> No.2930810

>buy 7k into crypto 1mth ago
>market is volatile as fuck, can lose or gain 10% in 10 mins
>made 100 bucks after 2 dips and 2 aths

>> No.2930989
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>in cryptocurrency for a month
>down nearly 60% of initial investment
i started just in time for the bear market
its not fair bros

>> No.2931038

how did you fuck up this bad just now

>> No.2931062

buy high, sell low

No but seriously, you have to immerse yourself pretty deep in the crypto community, actually understand the fundamental theory of crypto and markets, and do a ton of research to be anything more than a degenerate. The next couple of days are going to be hectic, if you're not confident in making a choice then don't. Wait until the dust settles a bit and it will be easy to pick a winner. Value picking quality coins and playing the long game is the way to go. Buy dips and sell highs as you get more confident. See you in lamboland.

>> No.2931100
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lack of patience fucked me harder than anything

i never sold for a loss, i just bought high and held on as my shit sank further and further into the bloody abyss

>> No.2931125

End of the year

>> No.2931136

what are soem good daytrade coins?

>> No.2931140

entry price is the most important thing, only buy dips, then hodl and be patient

>> No.2931150

dont do that shit with crypto unless you want to never leave your screen

>> No.2931158
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gimme the names im ready

>> No.2931167

Today? BCC. Recently? ANS, NMR, ETH, LTC.

Whenever something gets listed on an exchange you want to be there.

>> No.2931185

do you do it with btc pairs or usdt pairs?

>> No.2931222

Trade everything. Get on NOVA and trade PIGGY pears. Piggies love pears... and CAKES!

>> No.2931243

just type 52439.621005 btc with the plus button in blockfoolio and show it to the old sales guy at the lambo dealer, then you tell him you want a 24hr test drive on that sweet orange aventador. drive away and never look back

>> No.2931396

lol you'll get scammed so hard, especially if you're announcing both the amount you have and the fact you're a complete noob

my advice: just be super careful and triple check everything and get your info from vastly different sources to make sure its real