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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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29292596 No.29292596 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.29293500

tomorrow i will use a glock to shoot myself through the skull because i sold at 7 expecting a correction

>> No.29293545

Where do I find more news about this coin?

>> No.29293878


>> No.29294258


>> No.29294393
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I sold at fucking 6 fml fml fml.

>> No.29294417
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>> No.29294493

>sold at 5
>bought something else with literally mirror gains to PROS
Literally the only thing keeping me from the rope gang right now

>> No.29294539

I'm in the same boat. Predictions are this will hit 40 in 7 years. Can this magnificent bull run prove otherwise ? ?

>> No.29294641

I put all my money into a low cap binance smart cloud exchange token. Then the fucking exchange pairing went down yet somehow still is going up on bilaxy and uni

At least it keeps my hands from being soft.

>> No.29294683

what psycho is making 7 year predictions??? 40 in a few months if things stay BULLISH no probs. in 7 years it could be 0.00001 or 100000000 or we could all be dead at the hands of the chicoms, live in the now anon

>> No.29294789

this sounds sketchy. I'm a poorfag who decided to ditch pros after crabbing for a while for bake... not that I regret this since I bought below 1usd but damn...
not a psycho but a probably outdated algorythm

>> No.29294959

Its a little sketch but the team is legit. Its basically nothing more than a CZ PnD to a straight moon mission. Its his product so once the thing has a little more legs its going to fucking andromeda before drilling. Its barely even a functional product with sub 100 million yet its sitting at 0.21. Before the pairing went down I was seeing 20 to 50 percent a day in gains for 4 days straight.

>> No.29295298
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jesus... I just remembered I had around 100+ pros when it was around 5usd. fml

>> No.29295410

I dont wanna shill you on what I was talking about but if you wanna relive that. Look into the first binance cloud exhange. I'm not gonna pretend its anything but a straight CZ profit grab since its basically binance for burgers and forex retards. If you got 1k to drop, wait till the exchange is back up and watch this shit go nuclear

>> No.29295517


>> No.29295575

>1k to drop
nigga I'm a eastern european poorfag. I barely shoved in 250usd and I've made 2x since around 10th this month (with some losses ofc, but they got mitigated). Had I started 1 year ago, I'd probably have enough money to invest. It's too much of a risk for me atm and will probably earn enough to start trading properly by the end of this bull run, unless I risk losing most of my portfolio.

>> No.29295593

mdx? it's a good call but i'd rather kill myself than use uniswap, enjoy your gains friend

>> No.29295620

Fair enough dude. I dont blame you. I was sitting on 500 usd 3 weeks ago and now I'm at almost 3k. Just find your x's and ygmi

>> No.29295641

good luck pavel, you will make it

>> No.29295689

Yeah MDX. The pair goes back up tonight according to devs. Chinks are fomoing hard and its the only binance cloud exchange project atm that actually has any product. Im expecting to see at least a 20x on this given its gonna be shilled by CZ. He literally makes money off thes guys

>> No.29295879

thanks guys. This MDX (mandala right? coinmarketcap had one more mdx token listed there). How much are the gas fees If I am to use uniswap ? I fear that my lack of patience has thrown me out the prosper train.

>> No.29296211

Pretty expensive desu. You're better off buying it off the exchange when its live tonight at usdt unless you're slapping down 25+k

>> No.29296537

how come ? the actual price is below 0.2/.18 usd ? Gas fees ?

>> No.29296772

Yeah the telegram group I'm on has a lot of guys buying off uni mentioning large gas fees. People are accumulating right now in anticipation of futures and app launch in march (early access is already out).

If you're really curious, buy a bag and strap in but the rocket isn't going anywhere till tonight. Devs said 24 hours approx 9 hours ago.

If it makes you feel any better about such a small exchange, the daily userbase increased 10x over 2 days before the orderbook crashed. Binance tech team said its mostly fixed now but the CTO of Mandala said he's not launching it until tonight so they can make sure the servers are good to go.

>> No.29296874

ffs 40usd gas fee fml. What's the estimated price of this ? 1usd soon ? or above ?

>> No.29297122

Sub 100 mil market cap @ .19 right now as the flagship product of binance cloud. I'm expecting 1 dollar by May.

>> No.29297141

Niggers its on binance

>> No.29297345

It's not. We're talking about MDX not about PROS.

>> No.29297361

I think we're talking about something different anon

>> No.29297785

anon do you know when will the exchange go up ?

>> No.29297958

Tonight most likely. Actual exchange works, its just the MDX pair is down. CTO said they got 10 binance guys + 20 guys working on it. CZ isn't gonna let his free money die.

>> No.29298093

Wdf open your own thread faggots

>> No.29298127

>tfw had 1k but sold around around $2 for a 2x

The only thing keeping me from roping is that BSC projects are doing really well and that’s what I sold into. But still it hurts to casually miss out on this 10x

>> No.29298172

fuck... I have to visit parents and my phone is old A/F what's your wgmi estimate for mdx ?

>> No.29298280

Dude this is a PROS thread. Make you're own if you're curious. I've spent like half the replies in this thread shilling MDX when I said I wouldn't.

>> No.29298356

fair enough. my bad.