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File: 129 KB, 500x500, Ari-Juels-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29292498 No.29292498 [Reply] [Original]

What does the number 216 mean?

>> No.29292550

The number of elements.

>> No.29292600

It's the number of people that have a seat on the ERC board, which downgraded chainlink from ERC20 to ERC10 a few days ago.

>> No.29292786
File: 82 KB, 750x698, yfpsllp741v21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

216 = 6x6x6

ie a cube with a rib length of six has a volume of 216

The cube when showed in 2D is a hexagon. Hexagon is greek for 6 corners because it has six equal corners and six sides

666 is the number of the Beast in the Bible Revelations

The cube and the hexagon are both symbols of Satan. Satan is a bastardization of Saturn, which is the ancient Roman God of Binding and Time and Chains. It is also known as Chronos in Greek.

The Planet Saturn, which was named after this deity, has a hexagonal storm on its north pole.
It is also the sixth planet in the solar system, starting from the sun.

The jews worship the cube (blue white flag of israel has the hexagon inside the david star, a six pointed star).

The Muslims worship the cube which the call the Kaaba, every year they ritually process around it by the millions. They pray towards its location in Mecca. It is believed to harbour a fragment that dropped from space.

>> No.29292979

but what's the importance of Saturn? how does it influence what's happening on Earth if it's just a planet?

>> No.29292991
File: 61 KB, 610x144, M2jmZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are various more references to satanic symbolism involving the number 666 or the cube in almost all successful enterprise.

Crypto is riddled with it. Tezos has the astrological symbol of saturn. Chainlink is obvious. Many have references in some way. XLM is literally a depiction of the planet Saturn.

It makes sense because blockchain represents a chained form of money. Saturn is often depicted in chains. The god of the underworld, Pluton, was also the god of wealth for the greeks. Satan in its modern form combines both aspects.

>> No.29293074

If you print a paper christian cross, you can blend it in such a way that creates a cube


>> No.29293203

its about the enslavement of goyim, now go back to sleep.

>> No.29293252
File: 29 KB, 416x416, israel flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All planets affect Earth tremendously.
It is proven that sea shells can feel the gravity and location of the moon, oysters open and close their shells to the rhythm of the tides.
However Frank Brown did an experiment where he moved oysters a thousand miles and kept them in a black box. Behold, they changed their rhythm to the moon cycles of their new location.
It is common knowledge that human females also menstruate with the moon cycles, and that the moon affects insanity bouts in hospitals (from here the term "lunacy")

One could argue this to occur through gravity. If the moon can affect organisms on earth like that, why not the planets and the sun, which are far heavier celestial bodies?

Infamous bankers like JP Morgan, who is responsible partly for our current monetary system that binds all humans in society in its chains, are known to believe in Astrology.

Some people believe Saturn is even more special than the other planets because of its rings and fixed polar storm. Who knows what lies at the center of that storm?

>> No.29293374

I always thought this symbol was symmetrical until I realized the red line is straight. I see 696, or any variation thereof

>> No.29293539

>Some people believe Saturn is even more special than the other planets because of its rings and fixed polar storm. Who knows what lies at the center of that storm?
In fact there are some theories that Saturn is the dead sun of an old solar system Earth was part of, a sun that moved to this new solar system before dying.
However these theories I find contrived. For one the myths have Jupiter overthrowing Saturn, not Helios. And they require too much suspension of disbelief.

What I do believe is that planets have a consciousness of their own associated with them, far more vast than our own. We do not understand consciousness in the slightest. However I believe that we will find out more when we can combine quantum mechanics and gravity. Famous physicists like Penrose agree.

>> No.29294181

Cleveland in the house

>> No.29294253

What about this post:


>> No.29294621

This thread is truly based. Keep it coming anons

>> No.29294666

Scrambled digits don’t lie

>> No.29294710


>> No.29294778

imagine buying fake jewish internet cubes

>> No.29294790

Holy fuck

>> No.29295012
