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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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29292272 No.29292272 [Reply] [Original]

Listen Up Gentlemen here is the coin from future

Lukso is creating ERC725v2 standard which will eliminate the use of privatekey, and hardware wallet (only way mass adoption can be achieved)
4. Lukso is ETH 2.0 running on casper network aka becon chain with smart contracts @450 TPS on single shard with 70k Plus validators and max total supply only 100 mil. Mainnet spring 2021

so when a developer wants to develop a dapp for eth 2.0 they will launch on lukso first.

Lukso is like KUSAMA is for polkadot

Polkadot MC 30 billion KSM 2 billion
ETH MC 215 Billion LUKSO easy 15 billion

DYOR. this will be bigger than binance coin or any other shit Layer 1 solution or any shitty ETH killer.

>> No.29292429

Im listening.
Where do i buy this shit?

>> No.29292747

Go Uniswap or Kucoin. BUT DYOR.. its not a PUMP and DUMP.. Only reason the price is suppressed because of "Fabian Vogelsteller" i think he want this coin to be decentralized as much possible so it can become an asset like BTC or ETH. he wanted the public sale to be close to ETH sale 18 Million . so he is autistic check.. and the co founder "Marjorie Hernandez" she helped IOTA to be what that piece of shit is today..

the only reason price is down and will stay down because of decentralization.

They refuse to sell all their public sale coins. Man this is like buying ETH in 2016.

he is genius cause he is enhancing ETH. also the so called creator of EVM "Gavin wood" na bro na it was him "Fabian Vogelsteller" that time leader for the EVM team. he knew the power of EVM.. he explained in his reddit post.


>> No.29292890

Why are the advisors from Nike, Burberry and Chanel? What does fashion have to do with this?

>> No.29293246

whitepper looks like a children's book though

>> No.29293417

delete this

>> No.29293965

I bought the ICO, is 222 enough to make it?

>> No.29294198

r u serious or trolling

Fabian Vogelsteller

*ERC-20 standard for all s.c. on

Creator of

-900k downloads a month

Mist browser, that defined how dapps work-downloaded 15m times

defined @ethereum
provider(the way how every dapp talks to a web3 brave, metamask browser).

ERC 725V1 (now ERC 734)and 725vV2
Imagine betting against this man.

>> No.29294317

ERC 725v2 has 2 different call Digital certificates or NFT2.0 is simple 725y (and this is the fashion side)

Also crypto is mainly men oriented with lukso getting women and future of fation with changeable privatekeys (so 3 billion womens to crypto with all non technical people)

>> No.29294356

fashion .. fckng auto correct

>> No.29294368


Let ne tell you that ETH2.0 is full of shit.
There is nothing more then a beacon chain that is mirroring the ETH1.0 chain.

Lets talk about that shit in 2022 when we habe some sharding testnets to play with to even see if all of this theory will even work -

THERE IS NO PROVE OF CONCEPT that eth2.0 will even work - so hold your horses

>> No.29294406

anon DYOR , in starting looks like 100 or 500 will be requirement to run a POS validator node.

>> No.29294817

if thats the case okay, but any ETH cofounder project is in top 10. even that shit ADA. All the new ppl will believe in LUKSO because all they had been swapping is ERC20 tokens. I am not shilling my bags... its just i got help from the board in the past.

DEFI hype is because of ERC20 tokens and current hype is NFT.

Lukso checks all the boxes for a top 10 project.

Also FLOW copied their whitepaper word 2 word.. looks to me that nba top shot is running flawless.

I rest my case .. time for me to sleep gotta go to work tomorrow, i will remind the board about Lukso in a weeks time

>> No.29294898

My only issue is this sounds likes every other "it's going to change the world" project we keep hearing about.

>> No.29295196

>will eliminate the use of privatekey, and hardware wallet
where is the whitepaper OP?
if they're doing what I think their doing, the n it's a piece of shit.