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29280733 No.29280733 [Reply] [Original]

Shoutout to the guy manipulating my ETH bags and suppressing the price... suck my fucking dick scheming little faggot

>> No.29281095

Ain't nobody manipulating your shitcoin bags faggot

>> No.29281288

This. Every single high iq person knows something is up with eths price. It should be at least 7k if we're comparing it to bitcoins rise. Its absolutely ridiculous.

>> No.29281710

Checked and yes apparently it is F2 Pool same thing they used to do with BTC someone should do something in minecraft

>> No.29281776

>they haven't been paying attention to the 10,000% increase in BSC threads the past couple weeks
ETH is getting fucked, and will continue to get fucked, because everyone is moving to the chain with $0.10 transaction fees. You can call it a centralized chink scam all you want, but most people don't give a fuck and just want to be able to trade without paying $100 for the privilege

>> No.29281825

I'm 40% in eth (well like 35% now kek), getting worried that it actually will be replaced by bnb or something else that scales better. Thinking of selling desu.

>> No.29282079

Chinks quickly realizing decentralization and trustless environments will absolutely ruin their scam of a country and economy

>I knowr! Ret's shit arl ovel ETH gas and terl 'errbody we made onrine bank, I mean brockchain!

Thanks for the mining fees pump tho Changs

>> No.29282098

lol no

>> No.29282243

What is it like having the same IQ as your age níggér?

>> No.29282365

This is such a low iq take. The only people moving to bsc are shitcoin traders who make up the vast minority of ETHs target market. You just think its important because its all you see online but the business case for ETH has not changed at all.

>> No.29282573

99% of uniswap's userbase are shitcoin traders and it doesn't matter whether a coin is shit or not, the vast majority of people buying them, legit or not, would prefer in every possible scenario to pay 1000x less per transaction. The huge shift in volume to BSC is just an indicator of things to come, by the way. Even if BSC goes nowhere or just siphons off shitcoin traders, it's a sign that people will dump ETH as soon as they have a viable alternative, and there are a ton of legit projects (dot/ada/ftm/etc) hard at work trying to dethrone ETH and the odds are very good that one or more of them is going to succeed before ETH gets its shit together.

>> No.29282939

Binance is running a ponzi scheme wherin they take those shitcoin traders money, and then use it to price them out of Ethereum.

Binance's wallets are bidding something like 277 gwei on gas i.e. double what's necessary to drive up prices.

>> No.29283008

Yeah that's my point. Vitalik doesn't care if people prefer to use centralised chains for their shitcoin trading. Even if they lose uniswap entirely it doesn't change a thing, all the wheels are already in motion and ETH has first mover advantage. An entire parallel financial system is being built on ETH. Its not as easy as you think to simply take down the king. You guys sound like bitcoin cashies in 2017.