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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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29280233 No.29280233 [Reply] [Original]

Does it look like GRT is getting ready to pump again? I'm feeling bullish about it and thinking of converting my small stack of BTC but I'm a poorfag who always goes in on bad shit

>> No.29280280

dead coin

>> No.29280294

5 EoD bros

>> No.29280322

its been dumping on weekends and pumping in the middle of the week. maybe next week it will pump

>> No.29280330

looks bearish actually. I won't spend my money on this. Good day.

>> No.29280344

Looks like it’s in the tail end of a Bart formation

>> No.29280381

This is the exact same shit that happened before it went over 2 dollars. Just hodl retard

>> No.29280401

Legit bearish. Notice when you zoom in the current volume is highest on the reds still as it’s going down. It’s going down in general because people lose interest on the weekend. Pick up cheapies Monday morning and ride the next leg up

>> No.29280467

Is the coin actually bad? I've been doing research on most of what I put money in to but I barely know anything about this one

>> No.29280546

Its an architecture component and one of the few attempting to index all these fucking chains, legit value

>> No.29280975

This. It does actually have value, but buy it as cheap as you can get it because you can and who doesn’t like gains?

>> No.29281105

A month ago we were under a dollar. Now we are holding above $2.00 steadily. You tell me.

>> No.29281149
File: 78 KB, 902x617, cupping my balls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every crapto chart looks like that

>> No.29281195

you don't need an indexing service when every transaction is unique. they talk about multiple 'john doe' and you want to find the correct one, but that's never the case. there only ever is one john doe, because of the way blockchain functions.

>> No.29282444

indexing is insanely useful and necessary for any kind of prompt data retrieval and you don't know what you're talking about lol

this was a gaping hole in the decentralized framework of web3 that the graph filled and is the ONLY one doing it. you are a moron if you don't see the value in what it's doing. it's going to be a top3 coin in a year

>> No.29282528
File: 20 KB, 418x392, chadgraph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would have pumped yesterday if it wasn't for boomercoin dips making everyone jump out of all their alts for free gains

>> No.29282637

Realistic price for EOY? Should I be aping into this, or into Nu?

>> No.29283241

I have no idea. I could see it peaking at $25 by the end of this bull run and then settling to like $10 by the end of the year. Or maybe it'd just stay at that price. the way the tokenomics are set up for the coin means everyone needs to spend it and hold it at every level of the market in order to utilize subgraphs. NuCypher seems legit and its setup reminds me of it, I haven't looked into it very deeply though. main holding is GRT

>> No.29283603

I just bought more so it's definitely going down

>> No.29283644

It's about to pump 200%, you got about 2 hours to enter the market.

-Advanced TA

>> No.29283929
File: 1.02 MB, 1200x800, 97C5AA61-D750-4B09-842B-EE48C7F5496B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s got a whamen and some kind of pajeet running grt
I warns you anons