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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2927739 No.2927739 [Reply] [Original]

>TFW live in Canada and as a part-time wagie I have no health insurance so I have to pay absurd costs out of pocket

What do other canadianbros do?

>> No.2927746

Go neet and make more than part time wagies and get government insurance

>> No.2927750

We get real jobs. Ever heard of plumbing?

>> No.2927794

Become a plumber, obviously.

>> No.2927865

what kind of meme is this? i've read this so many times. are there all canadians toilets clogged with chinese food?

>> No.2927889

Not memeing, I made 115k last year working 30 hours a week.

>> No.2927912

Huh? I worked as a part time wagie and still had health coverage.

>> No.2927924
File: 59 KB, 736x552, 0b29d3c9327641c0bf8cc3d1d4e433aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2927942

doesn't really exist in canada, can't go NEET unless you were making like $40k/yr+ after tax and got laid off or you have a legit disability

>> No.2927945

learn to fill a form and get your health card like all the welfares do

>> No.2927949


>> No.2928013

yes, that's right disability. Why did you quote it?

Healthcard is used for the OHIP program which is universal healthcare. It does not include prescription drugs, hearing aids, physical therapists, dentistry, optometry and a few other services.

>> No.2928072

Go NEET in quebec get welfare checks they'll give you all that

>> No.2928167

I can't speak french

>> No.2928270


I hear the province pays people to go there and learn French, does that apply to people from other provinces or just brown people from other countries?

>> No.2928315

i thought canadians were always bragging about their "Free" awesome healthcare

>> No.2928334

>It does not include prescription drugs, hearing aids, physical therapists, dentistry, optometry and a few other services.

If I break my leg and have to go to the ER it's free which is pretty good, although I have to pay money for the ambluance(not covered by "free" healthcare) but if my teeth are fucked up or I need physiotherapy for my leg then i have to fork it out.

>> No.2928339

become a plumber

>> No.2928387

>sign up for one course per term at cc
>pay $450 in student fees for the year
>get extended medical

>> No.2928404


It's good in the sense that our lives aren't ruined if we get accidentally injured, but it doesn't cover a lot of shit like dental, glasses, etc.

>> No.2928439

just listen to this guy, become a dentist and do plumbing jobs in youre spare time

>> No.2928454

I think you actually have to have a certain courseload tho?

>> No.2928461

what province are you in?

You can get a waiver if you are low income you idiot

>> No.2928489


>> No.2928536

Poor kid

- Ontario cuck as well

>> No.2928563


>> No.2928646

You can get on ODSP for social anxiety if it's debilitating enough. Easy to fake.

only true if you can be a good bull for sophie trudeau

Ontario, even after successive governments trying to ruin the place, is still the best place to be to make money.

You can bargain with dentists.

>> No.2928655

What? I had to ride in an ambulance once and never got billed.

>> No.2928657
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>You can get on ODSP for social anxiety if it's debilitating enough. Easy to fake.

How much does that pay? According to pic related it's not so great.

>> No.2928670


seems you have to pay $45 in mostt cases

>> No.2928724

it depends on the disability, and if your male or female. I wouldn't expect much more than 1200 per month from ODSP. You get a certain allotment for rent, meds, and basic needs.

>> No.2928757

What about past work experience/your assets? I'd imagine that you must have some sort of limit to how much investments you have let's say before they cut you off.

>> No.2928872


Is it possible to get something similar in BC for "social anxiety"?

>> No.2928876

based on pic >>2928657

I think we'd honestly be better off just working, anonfam.

>> No.2928930


I mean I'm not working right now anyways, so anything I'd get is a bonus.