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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.76 MB, 664x712, birkin2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29270549 No.29270549 [Reply] [Original]

You do collect NFT art, don't you /biz/?

Basically, artists are minting non-fungible token backed artworks on the Ethereum blockchain, and people buy them, and then flip them. Check out Rarible for starters.

>> No.29270777
File: 3.07 MB, 1000x750, snail.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29270897

Nah but I made a bunch of it in about 10 minutes and made a quick $1000 off retards who think there's value in it (like you)

>> No.29271296

I'm an artist not a collector. I'm just here to shill my art (bags)

>> No.29271348

Tell me oh wise one how you sold so much so quickly

>> No.29271605

Shocked that I hadn't seen this mentioned on here. You can larp as an art dealer, buy this shit cheap, and flip it right on the site. The same games the NYC dealers play, but online with ETH. Would do it myself but I'm more interested in making the art and having it flipped and netting 10% every time that happens.

>> No.29271706

nice digits. checked

>> No.29271715

what's the website?

>> No.29271905


my art is at


>> No.29271909


made a tune


>> No.29271952

based, thank you brother

>> No.29272000

oh shit, this is dope fren. How you like Zora? Better than Rarible?

>> No.29272073



yeah, you gotta be invited to zora to create on zora. so there's not as much random content on there --which means it's a bit more likely someone will actually look at and buy your shit i guess.

i like rarible too tho. i made a bunch of cash off their airdrop tokens.

>> No.29272134

yeah all the really legit sites are invite only. I applied to a few of them like Super Rare and Nifty Gateway. Actually sent them my real art tho... I'm an actual artist under my real name professionally, just fuckin around with some gifs under a pseudonym on Rarible to try it out

>> No.29272177

have a decent idea for art for it. how do you typically price your work? start at like .025 eth or something per " copy"?

>> No.29272228


it's pretty expensive to mint on zora tho.. won't make back my gas with the current bid.
in my experience it was about double the cost than to mint on rarible.

>> No.29272422

geez, Rarible cost me like .03 ETH today just to mint a token. How did you get invited to Zora? I don't see a link to apply anywhere.

>> No.29272492

checked. Well, I'm a long time fine art snob, so I decided to sell a single edition only, and set the instant sale price at 1 ETH. People can bid less than that if they wish. Others go for the complete opposite strategy, mint 100 tokens and sell them for .01 ETH each.

Honestly if I've learned anything in the fine art world it's that people who have the money to buy art expect to pay a premium for it. Always price your work high, and make it exclusive. That's my personal philosophy. But what the hell do I know though

>> No.29272519
File: 62 KB, 976x850, 1607012909856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's stopping me from just right clicking and "save image"

>> No.29272587

nothing. Go ahead and save it, friend. What you're paying for when you buy it is the token itself, essentially a certificate of authenticity. You then own the artwork as a token, and have the ability to resell it for more money.

Yes it's a giant meme I'm aware, now buy my art and flip it

>> No.29272620


a dude i know is involved in running it.

>> No.29272724

oh shit, that's a great connection to have. They looking for more artists?

>> No.29272796

this is interestingly getting a lot of negative press on social media due to the website cryptoart.wtf, which measures transactions in the energy an 'average EU household' uses

personally i think its cool for the physical stuff like Unisocks and BNTees, otherwise

>> No.29272826

Who is the model?

>> No.29272885

you do not own it just because you right clicked and saved image.
if you actually own the art you have Rights to it. also, everyone can see that you own the piece. it's a way to express your taste. I can see "nft stashes" coming in the future where you can show off the pieces you own.

>> No.29272886

Jane Birkin

>> No.29272937


dunno. i do have one spare invite tho..

>> No.29272948

the image is on my computer = i own the image

>> No.29272983

Thanks anon

>> No.29273000

nft's are blowing up right now right? always new they'd have their day

>> No.29273040

see you in court.

>> No.29273057

how do you profit off of the one on your computer?

>> No.29273097


yeah desu. i went kinda wild minting random shit for run when i first started playing around with it, but after looking at the figures i don't feel so good about that. i'm still fine with it if it's something worthwhile.

>> No.29273240


i'll sell 100 shirts on teespring nigger, see if i give a shit

>> No.29273376

I couldn't care less if you give a shit about going to jail and paying me $10,000+ as ordered by the judge.

>> No.29273449

i think the 'crypto bad for environment' argument is only really validated by the fact that a majority of crypto is mined and validated in places where the main source of power is 'bad for the environment. Crypto takes up something like .5% of the worlds electricity which isn't a drop in the bucket, but there are surely ways to reduce both pollution and energy usage in the future

>> No.29273493

hi redd.it. proof of stake fixes that doesn't it

>> No.29273555


yup but it aint around yet

>> No.29273580
File: 5 KB, 250x217, 1613781400291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sorry you're so defensive of your jpeg, anon. i hope you get better one day

>> No.29273678

ayyyy I'll email you homie, saw your email on soundcloud

>> No.29273686

this shit is like Beanie Babies, there's no way it's not a flash-in-the-pan fad. I could see a few serious art collectors clinging to a very small number of pieces, but normies will get bored with the concept fast.

>> No.29273794

whoops that's a booking email, nvm. if you want to send OP an invite tho, jayyy10437@gmail.com

>> No.29273887

I'm not concerned with that. see you in court.

>> No.29274197

don't listen to that bullshit, this is another kike scheme

>> No.29274216

Okay, just to further this: what's stopping me from right clicking, hitting "save as" minting my own version of it, and claiming I made it first but you uploaded it before me? or what's stopping me from minting another piece of artwork not already tokenized and claiming to be the original artist? It's anonymous so I can see someone doing this and just switching names/wallets when they're found out to do it again.

>> No.29274271

nothing at all. Yet, you'd be minting it from a new account, without any clout. Marketing is 99% of the game here, yours wouldn't even be seen.

>> No.29275294
File: 363 KB, 1265x1265, 1603405500354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retarded anon here, can someone explain to me what is all this?

>> No.29275552

you buy a digital image on a computer that contains code or something that says this is the original made by the artist, so it's the only "legitimate" copy. then you use it to launder money by saying it's worth half a mil, just like rich people currently do with regular art. that's my understanding.

>> No.29275677

How much eth gas does it cost to mint a token?

>> No.29275877

How the fuck do I larp as an art dealer? I wouldn't even know where to begin.

>> No.29275882

i get it thank you

>> No.29276002

just to finish, you then donate it to a charity to offset your gains, someone needs to set up a digital art museum and a /biz/ digital art appraiser

>> No.29276046

Is this done for music licensing at all. Where can I read about it if it’s being done. Think BAT but for music. Pay a fee to buy a licence. So you can sample a track or use it on YouTube or on an advertisement and not have to fuck around getting permission.

>> No.29276420

the original artist can sue you, I'm sure. If I post up a Frank Frazetta for $100,000 and it sells, I'm sure Frank can sue.

>> No.29276499

I'm an artist and I kind of want to make these. I was thinking Rare Wojaks or something. Any suggestions?

>> No.29276575

Checked. Too much. I paid like .03 ETH earlier today to mint one.
Also checked. By "larp as an art dealer" I just mean buying art and immediately putting it up for sale higher than you paid for it. That is how the big boy art dealers play the game in NYC. It's become a joke actually, you'll see an emerging painter sell a painting for a few grand, a few years later after the painting's been flipped several times, it shows up at auction for millions. These guys speculate on artwork like /biz/ does with crypto, and NFTs allow you to merge these two worlds here.

>> No.29276649

Checked. Lots of digits in this thread. Anyone can mint tokens on Rarible, but you'll definitely want to get verified if you can. Marketing is 99% of the game it seems here, so make some social media accounts and do the needful.

Also, you'll need ETH, gas fees are mad expensive. It cost me like .03 ETH to mint a token today, over $60 USD.

>> No.29276684

Based on people's answers ITT this is the kind of poorly thought out bullshit like what was here during the ICO craze of 2017
The retarded is just getting started...

>> No.29276741

I see, I see. At first I thought you meant set up a fake profile or something lol.

>> No.29276942

>It cost me like .03 ETH to mint a token today
That would force you to have to sell for more than .03 ETH, which seems expensive to pay for an unknown artist. Is this really worth doing? People on there are paying that much to buy digital art if they like it?

>> No.29277064

this would actually work if it were on BSC blockchain...

>> No.29277117

Go and check it out, the entire sales history of every artwork on Rarible is visible. There is definitely work selling, some it for .5 ETH, 1 ETH or more. Hell one guy on twitter was bragging about buying a "founding mint twerking Pepe" from an artist named Twerky Pepe for 7 whole ETH.

I completely agree and think the top is near for this cycle of crypto. Just want to cash in on this NFT art craze while I can. Feels silly not to as an artist.

>> No.29277182
File: 104 KB, 1080x1080, twerky pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A guy paid 7 ETH for 1/20 copies of this

>> No.29277193

nft is the next bsc before bsc is even over. not touching that shit with a ten foot pole, either you make a shit ton or u get burned

>> No.29277234
File: 101 KB, 857x800, PRTSCRN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.29277386

I spent $600 in gas uploading some shitty gifs lmao

>> No.29277588

Yeah between transfer fees and gas I'm out $200. Worth it for the memes desu

>> No.29277634

imagine paying $14000 to own 1/20 digital copies of a twerking pepe. Either absolutely genius and it'll be worth 1000 ETF eoy or completely retarded

>> No.29277852

Got a few NBA top shots

>> No.29278021

I'm tempting to try it. I have some art I could upload, but not sure anyone would buy it and those fees sound pretty expensive. I'm kind of a poorfag, so losing $200 would hurt a little.

I bought a pack of these street fighter NFTs. They were only available for 24hrs. I'm going to hold them for a while before trying to sell

>> No.29278037
File: 110 KB, 1180x585, 1613752692954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get the fuck outta here.

>> No.29278478

my sides!

>> No.29278600

Checked and definitely
Post address

>> No.29278828



>> No.29279822

I am an artist and animator
Is there currently any market to sell one of a kind gf to lonely weebs and coomers?

>> No.29279962

What is stopping me from just minting picassos for thousands of eth

>> No.29279968

I actually put a lot of effort making NFTs.
I do the 3D models in 3DS Max/Maya, I sculpt in Zbrush and render in Keyshot. Shit takes forever in my midrange PC.
I agree some of the NFT art out there is complete trash but some of us are trying, anon.

mfw 0 bids.

>> No.29280285


yep -- i spend a day making a track and recording it. bid doesn't even cover my gas. someone makes a screenshot of another artwork and it get's bid 2k.
life aint fair.

>> No.29280329

no, it has nothing to do with the "art", it's just a smokescreen for money laundering

>> No.29280338

lmao I made a track for that reef song contest, I also made original artwork.
A meme track of a nerd dubbing over an old serbian music video with no actual music or thought put to it won.
Such is life.
I still believe NFTs are the future for artists tho.

>> No.29280716


yeah same. the trouble is people don't assign the same price-value to music as visual art.

i'm not an unknown musician -- in fact, touring was my sole job for years before lockdowns hit. i posted my work out and got heaps of interest from people... but most people have never heard of crypto or nfts before and they think paying more than a few buck for a track is nuts. maybe 20$ for an album on vinyl if they really love it.

>> No.29280846

>it's just a smokescreen for money laundering
It's art then.

I've spent over 10k in records in the last 4 years. I love them.
Still, NFT is about digital ownership, and it does it way better than anything else currently available. Aside from bragging rights, I truly believe this is the future of digital media.
Props to you for being able to live from the music you do. In my country it's hard as shit because of nepotism and drugdealers taking over the scene, also I refuse to dicksuck promoters and I'm not very social. But I've had house parties with a thousand people dancing for over 6 hours while I spun sweaty records like crazy and it's the best feeling ever.

Man what I would do today for a great house party.

>> No.29280885

>Man what I would do today for a great house party.

tell me about it.

>> No.29281067

This is fucking retarded, atleast actual art can be used to decorate ones house as a status symbol. WTF do I have to show for purchasing one of these?

>> No.29281475

this shits gonna end worse than pokemon. if you want a girly thing just Bella your ARPA stakies until 10x.