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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 24 KB, 400x400, bpierce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29269248 No.29269248 [Reply] [Original]

The founder of Tether is involved with human trafficking and crimes against humanity. Tether is a fraudulent organization that is lying about it's audits and manipulating the market price of bitcoin.

>> No.29269294

Holy shit, based.

>> No.29269576

>The founder of Tether is involved with human trafficking and crimes against humanity

>> No.29269590

its honestly pathetic how this shit is allowed to keep going on unpunished. this planet really is a sick fucking place

>> No.29269630

>new people enter the market
>more money flows into crypto
>more demand for tether arise
>"we need to print more tether to match the demand"
That's all there is to it you low iq faggot

>> No.29269635

i hope when shit hits the fan you get a big fucking nigger fill you up with lead while shanking you at the same time and then lynch you while youre still conscious

>> No.29269680

>low iq
How ironic

>> No.29269709
File: 123 KB, 1080x1399, 1599267591848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i hope when shit hits the fan you get a big fucking nigger fill you up with lead while shanking you at the same time and then lynch you while youre still conscious

>> No.29269720

you got that order wrong faggot, because tether was the one that printed billions before anyone started caring about this market again. go kill yourself scumbag

>> No.29269738


>> No.29269809

market literally took a nose dive of 50% in a single day back in march before tether started printing billions to save it. go fucking kill yourself

>> No.29269839

that's I trust BUSD that's legit by NYC court and also that's why BNB will take over all of your shitcoins guys, centralized but too legit to be not a wished

>> No.29269868

Wrong, normies saved it when it reached the mainstream media and they could buy in cheap

>> No.29269889

So is the US of A
But you don't see us bitching about it
The CIA is biggest and most destructive terrorist organisation on the Planet.

>> No.29269920

That’s a man

>> No.29269964

100% yes. I worked at a tech startup which decided to go public through an ICO. I was their marketing VP and put a lot of work into making the company revenue generating (had been essentially pre-revenue before I came on) working on the whitepaper and preparing the pitch deck the executives could use to seek pre-sale fundraising. Then one day they came to me all happy and told me that they'd found an investor willing to put $10 million into the ICO and I was thrilled. Then they told me who it was: Brock Pierce. My heart sunk. Then they told me Brock wanted to meet me and the rest of the team before making the investment. Then they gave me the location for the meetup, it was an unironic satanic temple on the grounds of a property he owned (like literally advertised on facebook as being a satanic temple) during a solar eclipse (the one Trump stared at the sky during like a based retard). Then they also told me that they were really proud with the work I'd done and were willing to increase my pay by a lot, give me a big chunk of the ICO, hook me up with whatever car I wanted, get me a penthouse apartment very close to their office, and find me a "10/10" wife that matched whatever type I liked, but they had one request: that I convert to Judaism.

I ragequit the company and basically tech as an industry faster and harder than probably anyone else in tech ever has. I also refused any further compensation that I was entitled to and ended up donating the money I'd taken up to that point to a local church.
There's a lot of shit I'll do for money, but taking money from a guy who drugs and rapes kids at gunpoint a'int it. If I had gone to the meeting, it would have been to stab him in the neck with the pen he used to sign the deal Casino style until he was dead, sometimes I still wish I'd taken that option.

>> No.29269969

He does look kind of like a pedo honestly. No fud but he just had the face of a gay child molester. Not investment advice, buy and hold GME.

>> No.29270071
File: 39 KB, 1226x593, scamcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much do they pay you disgusting fucking shill?
any amount of money you are getting from defending this scam isnt gonna compensate whats gonna happen to you in your afterlife you disgusting rat

>> No.29270101

Holy shit David Spade?

>> No.29270146

Nice photoshop, but that proves nothing. You are wrong

>> No.29270248

Nice fanfic, Qoomer

>> No.29270282

>tfw snopes is yet to debonk this

>> No.29270310
File: 177 KB, 616x853, B3-AB749_0413PO_M_20180416181205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a weirdo conspiracy

>> No.29270362

>founder of Tether
you got any pics from google on this temple?

>> No.29270411

It's not fanfic and I'm not a qcumber. Right after this they started heavily promoting the ICO and EOS (brock's other shitcoin) and both eventually crashed into the fucking ground and left anyone who invested as a permabagholder. Someone from that team will probably read this and recognize who I am, I don't give a fuck, I know they read /biz/.

>> No.29270425
File: 20 KB, 268x322, C2FA22B3-B33C-4236-B182-A7B06A185294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joe dirt?

>> No.29270506

he's actually a good guy.
leave him out of this.

>> No.29270615

I'll dig and find them but here's brock pierce's pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/brockjpierce/

>> No.29270747

Seethe harder cuckold

>> No.29270984

Here's an article about his new temple in Puerto Rico, he moved from Santa Monica to Puerto Rico shortly after what I'm talking about happened:

>> No.29271119

hmmm interesting, did they tell you these things of all they promised via email/phone call? because you said you never went to the meeting

>> No.29271150

Yes. The stablecoin USDT has not been audited. They've been printing billions of tether out of thin air and wash trading the securities for BTC and ETH, then moving those cryptos over to other exchanges like Coinbase. The market cap for Tether is not based on actual dollars/liquidity entering the market. Everybody who has been paying attention knows this. But everybody is so greedy as long as bitcoin keeps going up, they look the other way. If you can get your money out *now* you better, because soon there won't be any way to cash out. There's not enough liquidity at any of these exchanges to allow even a percentage of a percentage of their customers to cash out. This is one of the reasons why people are having issues and it's only going to get worse.

Here is the [evidence](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoReality/comments/loab4l/heres_also_whats_happening_while_number_go_up/):

>> No.29271206

1. USDT's trading volume is approaching 3x its market cap (clearing indicating wash trading)

2. The owners of USDT also control Bitfinex and use it to swap USDT for cryptos - they run the casino and make the chips.

3. There has never been a formal audit of Tether. They originally claimed they were 1:1 backed with dollars, but then claimed they're not fully backed and have other "assets" as backing other than dollars. They're currently under investigation by the New York Attorney General's office because of this. There is zero accounting of how much actual fiat they have on hand.

4. USDT is the #3 crypto in terms of market cap. They are now printing USDT out of thin air in batches of anywhere from 300M to 1B every few days. There's no indication whatsoever that this amount of fiat is entering their accounts, and they have been rejected by all the major banks who don't want to be involved in the fraud.

5. The rising price of BTC does not correllate with the number of on-chain transactions. The number of on-chain transactions has not increased since 2017, yet the price of BTC has increased tremendously. This makes no sense whatsoever. If there was organic demand for Bitcoin, we would see an increase in blockchain transactions. We don't. All we see is a frenzy at certain exchanges involving BTC/ETH and USDT: wash trading to pump up the price.

At this point, in order to keep the bubble from bursting they have to keep pumping more and more Tether into the market. It's the most absurd, most obvious Ponzi fraud ever perpetrated, but so many people are hoping to get rich, they're looking the other way.

>> No.29271414

You understand people trade in and out of USDT to switch coins. Which explains the trading volume.

>> No.29271893

No in person, before the meeting with Brock. The only photos I saw of the place were on Brock's facebook which he doesn't have up anymore, but you can see photos of his new temple in Puerto Rico in that nypost article.

>> No.29272167

interesting, thank you for that. The place in puerto rico seems more like a former Freemason lodge turned into clubhouse. but i guess that could always be for show.
I'm definitely interested more in your story...any way to get more in depth with it?

>> No.29273245

Holy shit I just learned there's a problem child 3. Later guys I'm busy.