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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29263703 No.29263703 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.29263717

weird to think i sold my free 2 x 400 for a PS5

>> No.29263804

You and 90% of the posters on /biz/.
I can’t be mad at you though, shitskins have historically failed the marshmallow test. It’s in your DNA

>> No.29263847

Isold 3/4 if my stack and now wishing it was for more than 2.5k

But fuck it lets go baby

>> No.29263882

nah i sold mine i think for 4-5 each. I'm not mad. I made pretty good gains as well. I wish UNI holders luck although I'm not sure if I'd be holding at this point. I think I used it to buy PNK, made gains there, put it in Parsiq, and I can't complain now since that was at 1 cent a parsiq.

I'm betting on bancor over Uni though.

>> No.29263960
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nah I sold mine two weeks ago for 16k, to this id have 23k now

>> No.29263987

Thanks friend, now I feel bad for ribbing on you, I’m sure you’ll make it too. I also was in PNK but I got out of it after it crabbed forever. I hope it does well and makes you money. We’re all gonna make it

>> No.29264043

I just read you moved your pnk, I’m a retard.
That was a smart move. Pnk is doing shit

>> No.29264069

You failed the test.
You’re not supposed to sell until it’s $10k usd/uni

>> No.29264122
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no worries friend. my entire portfolio has done great in the last year. I only fault people who sell at the bottom but with UNI it's a different case. I'm just surprised it went up this far despite all the pajeet 400 dumps. Pretty wild to me. No offense taken, I hope we all make it too. Except BSV holders. Fuck those guys.

Yeah, it's unfortunate because PNK is a really cool project too but it's just not going anywhere while Parsiq was ready for takeoff. It was a rough holding period for a few months but think I made the right call.

>> No.29264136
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i sold 800 for $1.50 each

>> No.29264239

i sold my 3x400 for 30k and bought BNT

>> No.29265518

>this thing

Thanks for using non gendered language. You're gonna make it OP.

>> No.29265633

Holding one stack, the other sold at 4.5 bucks for ETH, LINk, and BTC

>> No.29266205
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I bought them. Thanks