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File: 21 KB, 1819x610, iota_logo - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2926259 No.2926259 [Reply] [Original]

>but my quadrillion coins

IOTA is not creating a human to human economy. It's creating a machine to machine IOT economy. It's an entirely separate, entirely new, massive, massive thing.

80 billion IOT connected devices are projected by 2030. 80 billion. How big will that machine to machine economy be? If 5 percent of them use IOTA as their machine to machine currency, holders are rich.

Partnerships already in place with Bosch, Cisco, VW, Satoshipay. Bosch already producing IOTA chipsets in upcoming IOT hardware. That's the news, not the rumor. The rumor is IOTA will announce ternary computing soon. Think about that.

It's coming, anons. Hope you can see it on the way.

>> No.2926288

why does the iota symbol look like a toilet? oh right, because you're flushing your money down the toilet if you buy it. thanks for reminding me!

>> No.2926326

>It's coming anons
I know it's coming but my ass is afraid of WHEN? 2 months?

>> No.2926336

>my ass is afraid of the toilet.
well that's a big shocker, pajeet.

>> No.2926356

it's too big for most people to think of, by the time people start buying, it'll be too late.

That's why so many retards didn't buy bitcoin when it was 100 USD and all left, people didn't understand what they were getting.

IOTA's biggest challenge is showing the market. It'll be super easy to prove in 5 years, but people lack the vision. Use cases are the only way to persuade people who don't understand the no fees part.

>> No.2926359
File: 70 KB, 752x552, IMG_5507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were pajeet I'd have a rent-free room in grandma's house and wouldn't be spending my meals on shitcoins

>> No.2926379
File: 432 KB, 1600x1200, 1030449-nitori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like the idea of IOTA, its basically combining the best from blockchain and hyperledger technology

def worth to throw a couple hundred bux at and forget about for a few years DESU

>> No.2926386

i absolutely love Iota, its my biggest holding, but where did you read about Bosch producing the chip? Yes theyre making a new factory and the JINN chips are under NDA. So that technically is a rumor, even though im banking on it also being true. if you have an article please post

>> No.2926398

At least try harder when you want to FUD.

>> No.2926416

ohhh you want to lecture me do you? feel free to explain why they're pushing out a new whitepaper next spring. why does iota need a new whitepaper? what issues are they hiding that need to be completely reworked?

>> No.2926438

makes sense to invest in a coin that has a new whitepaper coming out 6+ months from now?

>> No.2926448

you are a literal retard. go but some signatum you gypsy faggot

>> No.2926454

i don't need a predictive market to tell me iota is going nowhere.

>> No.2926463

This is what an ACTUAL pajeet looks like

>> No.2926465

Their OG whitepaper trailed off to mathematical rambling because the minds behind the project are literally too smart for normies, so they're making it easier for the lay people to understand

This is shitty FUD. Address the technology of IOTA; why do you think it will fail?

>> No.2926469

maybe it is, maybe it isnt. the fact remains, your a fucking retard. hopefully you never actually research Iota so theres one less faggot millionaire

>> No.2926478

Their whitepaper was pure rambling period, full of inconsistencies, looks like a shitty draft written overnight for the most part

>> No.2926495

Maybe because they knew that they're on to something big and don't give a shit about explaining it holistically, lel

Anyways, it's getting redrafted by people that can actually write normally. Did you see Ethereum's first whitepaper? It was very similar in the sense of being very roughly written

>> No.2926499

Hey >>2926259 answer the goddamn question >>2926386
where did you read about Bosch producing the chip?

>> No.2926500

Wow you are a massive faggot. At least put some effort into your fudding

>> No.2926505


>> No.2926506

So literally /ark/

>> No.2926518

you can eat a bag of dicks. i've saved at least 14 retards from wasting their 10 dollar investment funds.

>> No.2926558

you wrote nothing that would save anyone from investing in anything. all you did was comment about the whitepaper. this is just sad thatwould you even think that. you are truly autistic

>> No.2926569


But really, dont buy this shitcoin

>> No.2926590

i have more of an effect on the market than your toilet coin ever will, pajeet. just keep pretending it's going to pull you out of the gutter; it won't. hahahhahhahh

>> No.2926730

this. you said it best, brother.

>> No.2926746
File: 9 KB, 1042x179, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really nigger? Put more effort in your samefagging

>> No.2926781

says the retard putting her money into iota and hoping it makes her rich rather than going outside and getting a job. adorable.

>> No.2926789

haha wow this it too fucking funny. go back to jerking off you worthless inbred. He thinks he can affect the market then proves once again he is a retard by replying to himself. keeps getting better

>> No.2926810

2 months ago this wouldn't even get replies. you have no idea how lost you are.

>> No.2927061

Why isnt this on bittrex?

>> No.2927310

its a pajeet coin

>> No.2927327

The creators appear to be Scandinavian

>> No.2927333

stfu im trying to buy cheap

>> No.2927535

I have 1 GIOTA, is it enough?

>> No.2927563

Depends in your level of patience. If you wait 5-10 years, yeah.

>> No.2927597


>> No.2927601

yeah that's where I'm waiting at, until 1 Iota is 0,01$ approx.