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29249147 No.29249147 [Reply] [Original]

I cant fucking believe it. How do I always pick the shittiest coins, or if they are good, sell them just before they moon. I made 10% profit during this bull market so far I will fucking kms, this is worse than losing all my money

>> No.29249610

Same. Sold ADA for something more short term only to watch it start flying again before the sun could even set

>> No.29249650

Don’t sell then retard

>> No.29249681

I am quitting crypto next week, I cant take the stress anymore I am absolutely cursed

>> No.29249919

It wont start mooning until I sell. There is a curse on me all my coins go down I am fucking curse cant take this shit anymore

>> No.29249979

I feel that, but honestly we're still very early for web 3 despite this bullrun, so you should probably just pick a project that has a place in the future and take a break

>> No.29250011


My fren

go into BNF

Platform launch in Q1

>> No.29250219

fuck off OP its impossible to have only made 10% this bull run
unless you were holding something retarded like OMG, DAI

>> No.29250447

I only made like 150%. Some people are x10 or more. Please share your reverse-advice anon.

>> No.29250558
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It is true, idiot niggers here kept telling me to buy low mc shitcoins because I had a low initial capital (2k$) but they just kept fucking falling one after an other (ones shilled here) If I just bought BTC, DOT, or anything else which had high market cap, I probably would have doubled my net worth so far but no, retarded greedy /biz/ niggers told me to take risks

>> No.29250565

How are people consistently 10x their portfolios in such short periods? Or is just a LARP?

>> No.29250672

I feel you anon as a poorfag that can't afford a coin loosing to much value I shit myself when I see somewhat large gains because I fear a pull back. I am retarded, laugh at me. Sold 2700 grt at 71 cents bought at 30 cents. Sold 120 Link at 5 dollars bought at 1.80. I learned my lesson finally anon, got in bancor at a good price and I aint fucking selling.

>> No.29250684

LARPs + shitcoin gambling. Not many people are brag about their 1k loss on some coin.

>> No.29250688


Every time you want to sell, sell everything except 10% of that coin, then never sell that remaining amount. Over time you will accumulate a very diverse portfolio this way and this rule will also prevent you from investing in trash you know won't be around in 10 years from now.

>> No.29250705

Buy monero and atom because I am about to sell them, meaning = they will moon soon

>> No.29250725

How long is your average hold, and what are you buying

>> No.29250780

Don’t get why people don’t take out their investment and let the rest ride

>> No.29250801

youre not supposed to buy blatant rugpulls or PND

>> No.29250815


Uh no ADA went 50x from March 2020 to now.
$1.00 / $0.02 = 50x

>> No.29250872

patience is the commodity of crypto friend. wait for something to have a above-average dump and then hop in. everything happens in waves even during a bear rally

>> No.29251057

Buy less and hodl anon, look for low mc coins and buy a little, forget about them you'll profit later

>> No.29251126

I wont buy anything anymore I wait 1-2 days until I can sell all of my 60% atom, and 40% monero (2k $ total) portfolio and never come back here again
I have been patient for 3 months and barely any return I dont have energy for this, crypto stole my life and for what? 100 dollars?

>> No.29251138

I bought into ASKO early and could've done more than double my initial, only took a bit over half though to cover my initial because I had a slight semblance of belief in the project like a retard. I understand the game a lot more now, though.

>> No.29251234
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how does this make you feel

>> No.29251347

I do this except also buy the good coins too late, or don't take profit before the dump. I literally cannot get anything right.

>> No.29251369
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>3 months

>> No.29251435

I want to be your apprentice. What say you

>> No.29251554

Just buy iota you cunts. Do some research if you think its a pajeet rug pull. Dont say I didn't tell you

>> No.29251562

I was financially ruined 2 times, whats so hard to believe?
Nothing. I am not a jealous person just exhausted

>> No.29251617
File: 1.70 MB, 308x224, 8F1E7E29-CF6E-49AD-8CBA-44EE61F46E06.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like OP, but I've made 50% being overly diversified. I'm open to suggestions, I have no positions and 15k to invest...maybe 3-4 coins? I'm sure I can at least double my money this bull run still...just need the right coins and exit.

>> No.29251619
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buy cake and bnb right now its on sale
set stop limits but not as a way to protect your loss during a pump, move it upward to protect you in case of a reversal as you look for the top (look for volumes increase/decrease for that)

>> No.29251681
File: 286 KB, 750x1334, 55355A9F-CDDE-4B55-B6C4-E96C2230E0CE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy charting tokens like MoonTools anon x10 my money on this and CHART$

>> No.29251738

just buy all the shit coins!

>> No.29251921
File: 560 KB, 750x1232, 1597125842017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because 2k is lunch money and being unable to hold for more than 3 months in middle of a bull market is ridiculously melodramatic.

>> No.29251980
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>> No.29252310

If I held the fucking shilled shitcoins I would be starving now. Yea, no

>> No.29252378

Yeah honestly wtf did you even buy that didn't get significant gains within 3 months? Everything fucking launched

>> No.29252632
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im selling my BNB now to buy ADA, i believe ADA will be 100$ one day

>> No.29252735

>ecause 2k is lunch money and being unable to hold for more than 3 months in middle of a bull market is ridiculously melodramatic.
Dont fall for the holding meme
I showed my pnl above and I rarely hold longer than 3 days most of the time i'm tethered and I just enter when I'm genuinely certain of a trade
all the holders of shit coins are missing out, falling in love with a coin = losing money
look up all the grt, link etc. generals that are still going with people feeding each other hopium when its crabbing with 0 breakthrough sign, thats literally bleeding opportunity cost

>> No.29252875
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You know what, fuck you. Several people in this thread have told you not to buy obvious PnD scams (obviously I'm not talking about XMR) already and it should be clear that I'm not referring to holding something retarded like TEND or McFucking Nigger coin. If you can't get it through your thick nigger skull that all you need to do if you don't want to dyor is buy BTC, ETH, and LINK and hold for several years and yet you still buy fucking pajeet shitcoins then you deserve to be poor because you are actually retarded. Get the fuck off this board cunt.
I can not even fathom crying over 2k dollars that you didn't even lose. Absolutely incredible.

>> No.29253173

>bought at 0.04
>didn't sell at 0.44
>bought dip on margin at 0.30
>forced liquidation at 0.16
i still don't understand shit

>> No.29253567

I feel you anon, yesterday I bought all in in some shitty bsc coin called Panda Yield or bboo. I bought at 19.53. Now it's at 13.83 lmao. This was after I bought bnb at 307 lol, i dont even have for the gas fees. fuck my life

>> No.29254272

I only started doing this "investing" game a few months ago, so ASKO taught me more basic things like about how to spot shillings/PnDs, how /biz/ functions, and other shit. I mainly fell for it due to the dOrg development angle and their relationship with GRT, which I'm a fanboy of

>> No.29254584

Just buy all the shit coins!

>> No.29254863

10% is great if you consider other investment options