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29246026 No.29246026 [Reply] [Original]

Should poorfags even bother holding eth?

need some poorfag advice. Cant wage forever. I have made a 2x from just holding eth no stress involved but im feeling kind of dumb.....Could have just bought ADA.

>> No.29246073

Also, never received an answer for this, what is a low market cap for coins? anything not in the billions?

>> No.29246377


>Bitcoin Cash

>> No.29246452

$CORE/$DELTA will thrive in the bear market

Screenshot this.

>> No.29246511

bitcoin cash? why not just buy monero. And is polkadot just another ETH killer?

never heard of those mate

>> No.29246542


>> No.29246596
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We're still early. Ada is the comfiest hold.

>> No.29246698

my tranny friend from college holds this nd posts it in her story every week, that is why i did not buy

>> No.29246712

Bcash will never be real bitcoin

>> No.29246733

Monera is going to get assfucked by the cia/fbi/nsa, w/e - it's going to be singled out by policy makers and bankers and beaten to shit. it has no chance and is not a comfy hold. it's just a super libertarian coin but libertarians forget half their fantasies never come to fruition because most of society doesn't agree with their ideas. cryptocurrency is never going to provide complete anonymity. it's best feature is not 'oooh i can buy all these drugs', it's 'oooh i can buy/sell something from spain in/to america without it being a pain in the ass'

>> No.29246806

how does it feel being outsmarted by a tranny? dumb nigger

>> No.29246805

That's the point, bitcoin fucking sucks. can't do anything with it but make bankers and corpo's richer. also btc will never 10x again but bch might

>> No.29246985

Why not just use LTC if you want to do transactions? Faster and fees are low.

>> No.29247073

the answer is always chainlink
look at the log chart

>> No.29247079

>pic related based af

>> No.29247090

BCH and LTC are both decent bets for this reason. BCH has the added benefit of sucking some of it's meme status from BTC, and is easier to explain to normies. but both are fine

>> No.29247332

I should give BCH some more love. LTC and BCH are literally the only cryptos I have actually used as currency. I actually really dislike BTC because they refuse to address the scaling issue, goes completely against the white paper.

>> No.29247652

not good.

i have been thinking litecoin too

>> No.29247777

just do the math anon

>> No.29247954

checked, i cannot buy on binance. us or coinbase, im a stupid idiot who does not know how to buy anything that is not on those two exchanges, should i use something gay like etoro?

>> No.29248105

well that is the point of crypto m8

>> No.29249192


>> No.29249519

grt maybe

>> No.29249729

Iota. Thank me in a few months

>> No.29250014

serioulsly? just bought some ty

>> No.29250866


I'm not even holding LINK right now, but between those two coins, you have a BSA compliant network targeting global industry, that ports directly to the Etherium Network, and an oracle solution to integrate off-chain data into this network... and... they're already collaborating.

They've both been a bit anemic during this bull market, but I think these coins will be top 5 after the DeFi/foodcoin bubble bursts. So either leverage yourself in shitcoins now to get better position, or just buy in directly tbqh desu.

>> No.29251014

You're actually retarded if you think Cardano has the legs to get past 2025

>> No.29251526

People not invested in these "Crypto 3.0" ETH killer networks are gonna miss out in my opinion. ETH will be around for a good while to come (2-4 more years of dominance), but one or more of these projects WILL overtake it and you are beyond early at this point. Buy a bag and just forget about it.

>> No.29251565

what about etherisc?

i feel like HBAR is getting lumped into chainlink because people trust LINK

>> No.29251784

Ctrl+f dot


>> No.29251926
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shill me on dot?

>> No.29252262
File: 377 KB, 862x872, db2d3ki-998b7c8b-17c2-42fc-94bf-9cd36331cc69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent all those BNB gains on surgery?

>> No.29252436

I don't have much of an opinion on it desu. I've heard of these insurance coins and I think the idea is interesting. I don't necessarily think it's a bad idea to speculate on it if you've done your DD and feel good about it. It seems like they don't really have a strong use case until we start seeing crypto being more commonly used for day-to-day transactions.

>> No.29252623

so you hold HBAR but are not particularly bullish on it?

>> No.29253176

No need to shill, just look at gas fees and this fee situation won't change in near future.

>> No.29253338

And when I think of that, it's pretty ridiculous to shill something with MC hitting $34B.
Now it's just an investment advice.

>> No.29253603

so what is something with a low mc, that is a true project, that has traction? what is even considered a "low" MC

>> No.29253781

No, you don't understand. Dot is a obvious buy, it doesn't need shilling, you should just buy it.
It's almost like buying ETH at $40. Do you know max supply of ETH? And DOT? ...

>> No.29253793

>Should poorfags even bother holding eth?
No, just buy Link. Better returns.

>> No.29253866
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Follow what the rich are being shilled.

>> No.29253943

its so hard to stomach buying these at these fucking prices because i have just been watching them grow for the past 3 months waiting for an entrance i never took.

>> No.29254204

Have you seen that cap of some fag who cried that $30 (IIRC) for ETH is incredible price and it's too high?

>> No.29254402
File: 548 KB, 1652x1342, ethfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you won't buy DOT, at least do yourself a favor and don't fall for some obv defi get-rich-quick scheme that's shilled here 24/7, e.g. honking goose, etc.

>> No.29254829

kek wow biz has not changed a bit, besides the obvious inflation since 2017 because people think 30k is a lot

also i CANT buy DOT it is not on CB or binance us so i think im left with LINK or ATOM idfk

>> No.29255300

I'm bullish on it long term, just like I am LINK, but LINK has already seen an 180x, HBAR has only seen a 5x. I'm holding HBAR now because I am expecting huge upside on it eventually and would rather just sit on it than try to time it.

FWIW, I was hot for Hedera before I knew they were collaborating with Chainlink and I think their industry partners, general business practices, and the racial make-up of their team speaks volumes towards their legitimacy. Their partnerships are arguably strong than LINK's imo