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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 23 KB, 1280x710, request-network.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29236836 No.29236836 [Reply] [Original]

Very few people know this coin exists. 65M mcap and we've been experiencing steady growth this bull run (+220%).

>> No.29236981
File: 426 KB, 844x1500, 1_jF9tSA4hgYqR3IfPxbJAqA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shittiest team of all in the crypto ecosystem

>> No.29237034

That looks delicious, and I don't see a single pajeet.

>> No.29237065

i got diamond hands since ICO, the last announcements are the reason it pumped 50% again, still early for newfags like this >>29236981, it was 1$ once and is now only 0.10$

>> No.29237289

They have a working product that is already in use. It's not a PND so /biz/ doesn't care but this thing is about to have some serious gains in the coming year.

>> No.29237401

wtf are you talking about? Half the bros from 2017 remember this project as the one that ruined their portfolio.

Obviously you Req team retards hired a bunch of shillers to post here and on twitter. Too bad the Req memes were better in 2017.

Your project is a failure because you have no users and your French team is so lazy. Even Gil from Gilded has distanced himself from you.

While you are benefiting from an eth bull run, rest assured there are many people here who remember how much you lied and hyped your project. No wonder why you had the worst reputation from YCombinator Winter Batch 2017.

Newbs, stay away from this token. It’s been a long scam

>> No.29237498

lmfao at not a PND
you gonna have a tough time shilling this garbage in 2021
if you hold an ETH coin that didn't make a new higher prior to 2020 it's probably a dead shitcoin

>> No.29237578
File: 75 KB, 1242x735, 1612016857339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought at $0.40. I am still financially devastated. Fuck REQ and fuck France. It was between this and LINK at the time and I chose wrong.

>> No.29237711

This project got rekt hard in 2018. It was a biz favourite and went to shit because despite request network being used, token literally not needed and did nothing

Unless they've actually made the coin useful somehow it still seems worthless.

I would like to request my money back.

>> No.29237833

This was a scam in 2018, what changed ?

>> No.29237905

I'm unironically thinking that they hired to shill here as well. Maybe they think it's a good idea because of the Link meme.

This project is garbage, the team underdelivered during the last 3 years and it will not change now, from their Github page most of the people left the team and the main repo has almost no activity anymore.

>> No.29238154

>and we've been experiencing steady growth this bull run (+220%)
Are you a dev?
Grabbed my stack a few days ago.......

>> No.29238919

I made money back in 17/18. Cashed out early enough. It's useless but it might pump again. Who knows?

Nothing really makes sense anyhow. Take a cute logo and yolo. My lil pikachu doin sth

>> No.29239382
File: 67 KB, 720x720, z4qwO1OoKyM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Very few people know this coin exists

>> No.29239514


Bagholder detected. I Respect your hands though.

>> No.29239699

I bought in at like 7-10c after reading some medium article shilling. Watched it peak $1.25 or whatever and crash back down again, never took profit. Sold it sometime in 2018. Back a small bag last week and its up 20% since then. Not bad.

>> No.29240060

>It's useless
it doesn't have to be "useful", that's probably the dumbest shit in crypto. if it gets widely used there's no way it won't pump hard. forget about that usefulness crap, it's nothing but a scheme for early token holders to get way more than they actually deserve.

>> No.29240139

I REQuest my money back

Been holding these bags for 4 years