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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 17 KB, 611x167, genesim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29234386 No.29234386 [Reply] [Original]

What makes your hands start trembling and makes you think about selling everything and walking away? For me it's this fucking boomer right here.

>Just bought $300k of shitcoin! Thought you should know!
>Not investment advice tho, DYOR
>Buy Cardano, it's still cheap! Nobody can afford a bitcoin anymore!
>Not investment advice tho
>Line go up! I'm a genius! It'll go up more, it's the future! Buy now!
>But seriously, DYOR, not financial advice
>(Buy now!)

I hate this normgroid niggerfaggot so much.

>> No.29234531

Matt Sorum from Guns n Roses owns Cardano & Justin Roiland from Rick and Morty. Celebrities love Cardano! And more importantly, they LOVE Charles!

>> No.29234650

you screenshot that on a 15-year old linux installation? wtf

>> No.29234771

Based if true

Yeah the hack celebrities plus elon musk shilling his bags is pretty cringe. Mr poorfolio might realistically hit 50k if this continues for a few more weeks though so it's hard to look away. So many newfrens on /biz/ too. Where are they coming from?

>> No.29234825
File: 396 KB, 544x408, 1607036806845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>financial advice (not financial advice)

>> No.29234911

This is how retards unironically think.
45,000,000,000 Cardano supply.

>> No.29235039

This is the weirdest one by far. His followers are just completely bewildered. This is going to be very bloody.

>> No.29235123

I bet you are a Link anus licker.

>> No.29235191
File: 321 KB, 860x1054, 1605671640558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I own that, too.

>> No.29235209

Such a comfy feel on that screenshot. Love it

>> No.29235250

I bet that if he were to shill your shitcoin Link you would all be very happy.
Why are Link owners such loser faggots?

>> No.29235350

based gene

>> No.29235515

do you think he does it on purpose? he's a turbokike, he has to know, just to fool the goyim

>> No.29235844

What I would prefer anyone do is shill coins on their fundamentals so it attracts people who are interest in the tech and in longholding. All he's very transparently doing when he shills based on 'price' (as if that means anything) and his belief that line go up is attracting tons of get-rich-quick retards so he can pump shit and dump on their heads. And the more of this that goes on at this point in the hype cycle, the sooner things destabilize and we fall back into another 3 year bear winter.

I don't like Cardano but I wouldn't give a fuck about him shilling it if he focused on the substantive pluses that the platform has (whatever they are... white team, peer review, low fees? IDK)

>> No.29235923

Some faggot paid him. You can also pay celebrities to mention you on IG. he does not own any crypto

>> No.29235976

He's getting paid by CZ and Hoskinson to shill. Pretty pathetic and a bad look for the projects desu.

>> No.29236120

I hear Cardano is basically ETH 2.0 and isn't fully decentralized. Other than the large market cap why isn't this a good shitcoin. I'm up slightly so not sure if I should hold or sell.

>> No.29236283

>what are decimals

>> No.29237570


I for one where at /smg/ till I decided to jump on the DOGE train and doubled my spare money.

Let me get shilled into GRT and took more Profits.

I never made this much money without knowing fuck all about what I was doing.

So where do I start to actually learn anything about serious crypto trading? Ist ADA worth a buy?