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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 73 KB, 692x810, GOODBOI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29224086 No.29224086 [Reply] [Original]

This is it.

This is the BSC token that started it all on /biz/ a couple days ago, then everyone thought they could imitate it with their get rich quick versions by putting a pretty meme on it and obviously just trying to rug pull, which some of you dummies did and some didn't.

This is the only coin that lasted, and is still at a stabilized price. It's still early, start accumulating before it hits the ACTUAL MARKET.

This has less then 1500 wallets and no major whales. 12% is with the dev and even if he tried to "rug pull" he would have to make multiple trades due to the unavailable liquidity as a result of his amount. This coin burns 3% of all tokens in every transaction you make, then another 3% is redistributed to all holders of GBOI.

It's fucking GENIUS. Copycats tried to do the same thing, the problem is they thought it was as simple as creating "hurrr durr 3% burrn hurr 3% gain uhrr"

The devs knew that, so they actually spent some time and effort to work out the math's and distribution for an organic growth yet handsome gains.

Goodboi has
>persistent increase in unique wallet holders
>The devs are working around the clock
>3% token burn per transaction
>3% of all token burns are redistributed to hodlers

>No staking required to get staking rewards, simply just hodl in your wallet

>Cool community that's not just pajeetos trying to pump and dump on the price

>Actual thought out plan with a long term goal unlike all these flaky salesmen who were diseasing the board trying to capitalize of hard work, but that's capitalism baby so whatever

>Shit tonnes of memes and healthy community that aren't even concerned with just making gains as quick we can. There's morals involved in crypto and if you haven't realized that yet, it's probably why you're still poor..


>> No.29224280
File: 259 KB, 1042x669, red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a scam.

Admins have majority of coins. Dump on losers who buy in.

"Burning 5% and giving it back to users" is not worthy of a token. If you buy this you deserve to get dumped on.

>> No.29224325

lol weak FUD

>> No.29224350
File: 30 KB, 524x270, marketing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their only marketing is shilling to losers on /biz/ who cant spot a scam. They are literally just trying to dump on you.

>> No.29224373

Finally out of this hell thanks to that miracle 0.007 short pump

Fuck you and goodbye

>> No.29224595

dumb af


>> No.29224715

hate to tell you this but that image and description fits every fucking small coin on /biz/.

>> No.29224854


>> No.29225014

I'm buying more. price is holding well against the BNB dump.

>> No.29225138
File: 17 KB, 451x263, 14379283819617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BNB price correction has dropped all tokens by a lot, once that stops goodboi will pump like crazy thanks to weeb vtubers seeing korone and people that missed the dogecoin bus.

>> No.29225205

bought on dip, 100k stack here

>> No.29225681

big cock aura

>> No.29226005

based, ygmi

>> No.29226069

Realistically, how long are we holding for guys?

>> No.29226834

Until the whales finish dumping on the whole BSC market.

>> No.29227375

This got rugpulled waaaaay too hard on the first day, when the coin was valued $0.036 down to $0.007. It destroyed the coins momentum with no return.
I am glad I sold my bags (at loss) and already made the money back on other shitcoins. I thank god I did not get stuck bagholding this shit.

>> No.29227394

would suck your dick no homo

its just the whale pajeets who are trying to bank as much as they can but they're losing a shitload in fees + 3% token burn on every transaction so while the price may be driven for now, they actually did us a favor by increasing volume, price and burning off a shitload amount of tokens in the process.

Prices is only low because theyre selling the rest of whatever they may have and then it's an upward trend for a while, get in now.

Winners buy during the dips when no one else wants too, just take a moment to check it out.

>> No.29227627

Trash coin
"You give me usd/valuable crypto and I give you shitcoins I just created"

>> No.29227734

You keep coming to every post and saying this on repeat like a bot.

This didn't get rugpulled at all, not once not ever. It's literally impossible based on the count amount, percentage spread and burn ratio.

It hit 0.036% for literally a BRIEF 5 minutes you fucking dickhead, what kind of argument is that? that was a huge random pump that lasted barely minutes

it didn't go down to $0.007 either
It was originally at 0.001% then it rose up to $0.007

It's only be around for less then 48 hours you spastic, what's wrong with you lol

okay boomer

>> No.29227751
File: 22 KB, 265x259, 1513221098312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you pajeet whales for giving us dirt cheap gbois, see you at the moon
oh wait, you won't be there

>> No.29227759

>its just the whale pajeets who are trying to bank as much as they can but they're losing a shitload in fees

lmao the cope

>> No.29227933

it's over faggots go back to your trannycord, nobody is taking your pathetic efforts seriously

>> No.29227991

weakest FUD i've ever seen

>> No.29228131
File: 53 KB, 696x922, moonmission.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes sire, let me pump your whale bags. Two more weeks. Trust the plan

>> No.29228228

All the other BSC tokens died except for this one and its still above profit but still at a dip.. im chilling

sitting on 80k cant complain

>> No.29228277

dont know how to tell you this but every shitcoin has its whales, this literally says nothing

>> No.29228408

you're literally begging anyone to bump this thread in your russian bot filled trannygram group every 5 minutes whining about how nobody is shilling hard enough. kinda sad.

>> No.29228458
File: 56 KB, 720x956, wynaut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compare it to Wynaut. Just take the L already and stop polluting /biz/ and trying to lure newfriends into your scam.

>> No.29228589

why the fuck would anyone buy this jesus christ

>> No.29228622

>one whale has nearly a quarter of the supply
That's even worse lol holy shit. the top 2 whales add up to the same %wise as the top 10 whales in GBOI, how the fuck are you using this as a talking point?
you seem really invested in this for a project you supposedly don't care about lol, quit stalking the telegram and go find some other coin to FUD.

>> No.29228730

The top 2 "whales" are are pancake swap lmao

>> No.29228831

>one whale has nearly a quarter of the supply
you're fucking retarded. good to know.

>> No.29228991

>all the other whales in wynaut are about the same %wise as in GBOI
>literally complaining about a single whale with 12% of the supply
you realize that there were way more whales at the start of the project and all of the dumped earlier on, and this is the last one left? you really think he won't dump the next chance he gets?
and you have a memecoin rent free in your head which is arguably worse

>> No.29229155

>rent free
It gets shilled on my /biz/, and since I already lost money on the scam, I am trying to prevent other people from losing money as well

>> No.29229215

no one's fault other than your own that you have weak hands and pulled out before the coin had a chance to moon. sucks to suck.

>> No.29229339


Wynaut got fucking dumped today so they got heavy bags


This is one of the last whales who is finally dying off from goodboi, and you can see all his txs, hes got almost 60 different bscs and hes just whale dumping

>> No.29229414

Yeah at this point people who buy these scams deserve to get dumped on.
>whales dump price 40%
>anon’s holdings go from 50k to 50.2k
>hahahahaha what a bunch of suckers they’re gonna make me rich with those sweet sweet divvies!!
>rinse and repeat until anons are down 95%
There is no saving them. All anons can do is ignore the shilling and put their resources into something worthwhile

>> No.29229463

such a shitty FUD post it couldn't even get the numbers right

>> No.29229597

>12% is with the dev and even if he tried to "rug pull" he would have to make multiple trades due to the unavailable liquidity as a result of his amount
anon, all this statement means is
>the dev has more than enough tokens to rugpull

>> No.29229698

>i have a gun to shoot you with but i don't have the bullets
lol good one

>> No.29230139

no you idiot, it means 12% is any different from someone with 2%, it will still have 3% burns of every transaction made, and there's not enough volume for the wales to sell what they want because everyone is still holding.

so they are forced to do small trades, giving them less reason to dump because of the burns

think about it, dummy

>> No.29230268

well more accurately it's:


>> No.29230484

>It's fucking GENIUS. Copycats tried to do the same thing, the problem is they thought it was as simple as creating "hurrr durr 3% burrn hurr 3% gain uhrr"
hurr durr RFI doesn't exist don't look at RFI and the hundreds of RFI clones

>> No.29230680

How many did you buy? How many are you holding now after divs? What was the price when you bought? What is the price now? Answer these with proof and if you’re in profit right now I’ll buy some myself and show proof

>> No.29230767

yeah, no shit people are losing money now, the whole market is correcting. thanks for the acute observation.

>> No.29230810

More like goodbye finance. Piece of shit, devs and whales keep dumping on holders

>> No.29231232
File: 103 KB, 750x1064, 81776F58-80E2-42D2-9185-74DC035EB088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the whole market is correcting
No, that’s just your shitty chinkjeet scam market

>> No.29231302

>the whole *BSC market
does this please you, ETHcuck? you can go back to paying $400 gas fees now.

>> No.29231926

>$400 gas fees
Just as delusional as expecting your BSC scam tokens to pump. Was gonna sage but I want other anons to see how retarded you guys are

>> No.29232038

lmao imagine being so mad that your shitty gas fee rape network is getting left in the dust by chinks that you FUD small projects