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29220400 No.29220400 [Reply] [Original]

Still not willing to get into crypto precisely because of this. Debunk this please.

>> No.29220477

so having a public ledger that can't be tampered is useless?

>> No.29220489

this has never been debunked and never will be because it is true, there isn't a single blockchain solution that has any merit whatsoever besides making secure digital goods but it doesn't require a token or coin

>> No.29220527
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Nobody cares whether or not you buy crypto. Now fuck off and let the rich people get back to shitposting.

>> No.29220551

Yes goy, how are we going to do quantitative easing with bitcoin?

>> No.29220560
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>> No.29220564

It's literally tamper proof registry of ownership and registry. That's why it's being used to track things like vaccinations and even purchases/ownership of land.
It's a registry solution, and an excellent one at that. Personal ID, purchases, Land, those things being in a permanent registry with the dates of purchases and transfers of ownership is much more efficient that having a physical deed, because even if the access is lost you can still see who its current owner is.

>> No.29220592

>decentralized, tamper-proof, p2p store and transfer of value
yeah i think it's useless

>> No.29220623


>> No.29220634

>article here: https://thecorrespondent.com/655/blockchain-the-amazing-solution-for-almost-nothing/84495599980-95473476
>discussion here:

>> No.29220636


Well, yeah.

>> No.29220715

this guy gets it, exactly this

thank you for explaining my sarcastic question posed, well said anon

>> No.29220730

I saw a good one for supply chain purposes on baby formula, because apparently the chinks like putting cement and other shit in theirs to bulk it out a bit, yum yum

>> No.29220866

Nah. Enjoy staying poor, asshole.

>> No.29220970

nothing to debunk there desu

>> No.29221013


>> No.29221053


>> No.29221074

Why should I give a fuck if intentionally ignorant retards don't want to do their own research.

>> No.29221099

Which bank paid this tranny to write this?

>> No.29221113

they really are subhuman

>> No.29221203

>paypal fucks me over due to my phone political opinions
>taxation fucks me over to redistribute my money so low iq criminals reproduce more than I do on my labor

but yeah, monero is just a solution looking for a problem guise, just forget crypto and embrace fiat and banks

>> No.29221219

>because even if the access is lost you can still see who its current owner is.
You debunked BTCs value with this. You almost admitted it to being worthless but can't because you're in a cult.

Let's hypothetically say you use the blockchain for land purchases. The owner of the land forgets how to access it. What happens to the land? Who owns the land? How does it get transfered?

You would have to remake the blockchain from scratch or modify it in such a way.


>> No.29221272


it's seeing some good commercial use, but I will agree a lot of people here seem to think it's going to run the entire world which doesn't seem feasible

>> No.29221286

keep seething we already see crypto being embraced by corporations

>> No.29221299

let's say you have a deed written on paper. and some idiot nigger cattle loses that piece of paper. what happens to the land? who owns the land? how does it get transferred? you would have to remake the paper from scratch or modify it in such a way. written contractual agreements utterly btfo!

>> No.29221431

The internet has no practical use. You can find any information you need at the library.

>> No.29221466

Retard, you can see the last transaction, so even if access is lost, you know who the last buyer, and therefore current owner, is.
The key there is that registry is NOT like bitcoin's where it's anonymous. EU governments are literally implementing that right now, you 2 digit IQ fucking amoeba.

>> No.29221493
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>The owner of the land forgets how to access the blockchain.
Then you're fucked, obviously, because nobody else on earth will know how to access a public ledger online by googling it or anything.

>> No.29221558

this desu
blockchain as a technology has applications for sure but you don't need tokens or coins for that.

>> No.29221720


look at them seethe

It will never be viable because humans make mistakes. You can't correct a blockchain.

>> No.29221775

Then you make sure it doesn't happen. You can make it part of the protocol to void a previous deed anyway.

>> No.29221784

>you know who the last buyer, and therefore current owner, is.
Yes and how do you transfer it once the access is lost? Remember, the blockchain is tamperproof. no one can modify who the current owner is, thus it just goes off into the void? But I thought you said it was tamperproof?

So which is it. Can an owner change if the access is lost?

>> No.29221843

Pseudo-intellectual boomer FUD. An unknown amount of Monero, your argument is invalid.

>> No.29221892

The modern deed system can fix this by overrides. You can't override the blockchain.

>You can make it part of the protocol to void a previous deed anyway.
Oh so now you can modify the blockchain? Well well well.... I guess it's not as valuable as you thought.

>> No.29221922

so how do i transfer 10mm to japan on a friday evening

>> No.29221945

the amount of politicians shilling blockchain at the GME hearing made me really bullish. Sure some of them probably did it because it's the hip thing to pretend to be in support of to gain young voters. But I was still surprised.

>> No.29222034

You have to be playing dumb, if you're actually this retarded you will die poor and it'll be for a very good reason.
I'm not wasting my time on this.

>> No.29222038

>your central bank decides that you need low rates
guys I'll deposit my money in defi, at a better rate
>your central bank decides that you need high rates
guess I'll take a loan in defi, at a better rate
>your central bank decides to inflate cash
guess I'll just park my money in crypto which will adjust with inflation

>> No.29222142
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>I'm not wasting my time on this.

>> No.29222197

It’s only true insofar as there’s a third party everyone in the world can trust. This role has been filled by the US (and the UK to some extent) for the last several decades. But trust in the US is eroding, and China is untrustworthy. There is no safe haven anymore. The rule of law is slipping in the US and the rest of the world will follow. Crypto offers a trustless alternative. It has little use during a period of empire, but it’s essential after.

>> No.29222212
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Blockchain is rising now because of the defi sphere, that's why I usually check new projects. Not long ago, I found Baex(#baex), did you hear about it? That's a defi binary assets project with Yahoo Finance quotes source

>> No.29222237

>Debunk this please.
No. Stay poor, bitch!

>> No.29222256

Samantha Hydenstein

>> No.29222326

Then don't get rich, your problem faggot.

>> No.29222361

it's a way to automate currency
see those retards working to maintain an inefficient system? they'll lose their job because they'll be automated

it's also a nice fix for corruption and cheating among public entities
you have no idea where your tax goes at this moment, imagine if you could track it, well the technology exists now
also it will allow people to save without losing to inflation

>> No.29222373
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>> No.29222399
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>blockchain as a technology has applications for sure but you don't need to fund it

>> No.29222463

sozzle pls

>> No.29222476

This is beyond beyond beyond untrue. Quadratic funding and voting...smart contracts..that alone is enough to shape a generation. I’m not even a maxi! NFTs are already skyrocketing in value without normie attention. Append only tamper proof ledgers. Diamond solid transaction trust eliminating the need for bankers. huge Rent and Loan implications. I don’t understand why this doesn’t come across to midwits? Read quadratic funding primer and tell me you don’t see something there ?

>> No.29222479

what a stupid font

>> No.29222589

oh no you spotted the only flaw in the system. bitcoin surley will drop to zero now. unless your are retard.

>> No.29222624
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>the only way to fund anything blockchain-related is making a shitcoin

>> No.29222726
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>Can an owner change if the access is lost?
if you want, you can recreate whatever current system you use on the blockchain. Just have a central authority manage the private key. This is exactly equivalent to the current system with the added bonus of the data itself being incorruptible.

If you want, design your protocol to account for this. Or, live life without training wheels like a real man.

>> No.29222737

boomers destroyed western civilization

>> No.29222788

blockchain is revolutionary. It's just that, in the grand scheme of things, it's still incredibly fucking early. It's akin to the early internet. At the time it was easy to see it as a solution in search of a problem, and that internet just amounted to shitty plaintext pages with autistic rambling and some wingdings.
Right now it's still in the development phase. People are coming up with concepts and throwing things at the wall to see what sticks, while also still developing the underlying infrastructure that's necessary for any of this shit to work at all in the first place.

>> No.29222808

Any blockchain solution that tries to integrate something from the real world suffers the problem that somehow someone has to put the data from the real world into the blockchain and one ultimately has to trust that person.
That's why all these supply chain and smart contract shit is absolutely useless because the person registering the data into the blockchain can cheat and fuck it all up. Best part then is that you can't even change it because of "muh unchangeable ledger"

>> No.29222844
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>raising capital must be done such that (((banks))) and (((wall street))) get a cut of it

>> No.29222895

>This is exactly equivalent
No. If you lose the private key you are fucked. In the current system you can just do a SQL query and fix all the things...

>> No.29222985
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>blockchain as a technology has applications
>but there shouldn't be any way to interface with the blockchain to use the applications

>> No.29223038

>If you lose the private key you are fucked
so store them in a vault. Or, store them in a sql database you mong. Equivalent.

>> No.29223045
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>if government X wants to implement a blockchain public ledger they will do so by buying my bags

>> No.29223121

>Or, store them in a sql database you mong.
so why use blockshit in the first place then if it changes literally nothing about the current security model?

>> No.29223187

it´s not useless, but it is massively overhyped. Blockchains make sense in very few situations. We´re in hype mania now.

t. 150 iq

>> No.29223273
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>tamper proof registry of ownership and registry.
So how does a tamper proof registry of a currency that is not stable in value and not scalable on a technological level valid to prove a point that it has no problem that it can solve?

>> No.29223298

crypto is just a massive game, farm shit, manipulate others, wait for the next tweet, buy and sell before others.. isn't it?

>> No.29223299

tamper-proof data, quicker, more secure

>> No.29223316

These might be liberal art students. Every accountant out there would love this technology.

Making a general ledger is a bitch by itself, and so many boomers still take so long on data entry. Might as well just cut the middle as much as possible and have a open ledger for auditors and internal staff to use.

>> No.29223447

It solves the problem of my net worth not being 8 figures.

>> No.29223457

>tamper-proof data
Just use a hash.


>more secure
But by using a hash already made it tamper-proof. Why is it more secure?

>> No.29223511
File: 782 KB, 888x894, 4D3F4E99-2EFE-4BA7-A0C2-4B17B9022E96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watching an asset go from worth literally $0.00 to $57,000 in the span of 12 years
an asset that requires no trust, YOU own it and only YOU can send it
no bank necessary to facilitate your transactions
no banks can use it to speculate with while “rewarding” you with near zero (or even negative) interest rates
no central bank eternally inflating your wealth away
you cannot be banned from using it
secure, fungible and mathematically designed to preserve your hard earned cash

if you've known about bitcoin for years and you're STILL fudding because you STILL do not understand why it has ANY worth at all, you are literal cattle
dumb useless fucking nigger cattle
you are a lower life form
you are worthless
you will never understand

>> No.29223522

with blockchain saving and blockchain lending, there's no need for retail banking. blockchain is so powerful and useful that (((the government))) is cracking down on innovators like SALT to protect (((the establishment))).

>> No.29223584

>Every accountant out there would love this technology.
Every accountant already has this technology.

Just ask your average accountant how they deal with booking entries in ERP-systems. They are not able to interfere with data entered, once it is entered. And the data inside is already secured with hashes in most ERP-systems.

>> No.29223703

>Still not willing to get into crypto precisely because of this.
nigga are you ok? Who cares about the technology behind, 90% people are here only because they want literally x1000 their money and yes it's possible but hard

>> No.29223815


You need money for your new project and you know that there's nothing more profitable than creating a coin which will make people want to spend their hard earned cash on something else.

So what do you propose?

>> No.29223887


i can call the company that makes the software that I use and have them purge the data

>> No.29223962


nice tryenstein

>> No.29223988

>90% people are here only because they want literally x1000
If 90% are in for x1000 and the system thrives only by people rushing to buy the asset, why should I buy when everyone is already talking about it?

And how is it different from a ponzi, if no genuine revenue from a product is trickling in?

>> No.29224035
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The said the exact same thing about the internet and e-commerce in the 90's

>> No.29224048

>i can call the company that makes the software that I use and have them purge the data

But how do you make the hashes add up again afterwards, if the hash is what makes it tamper-proof?

>> No.29224116

The problem is fiat currency the solution is bitcoin check and mate

>> No.29224149

whys she wearing a girdle under her pyjamas

>> No.29224204

It's the opposite, really. 99% of crypto projects are useless garbage designed to syphon money from gullible investors into "amazing tech solutions" that have no application and no paying customers - hence this thread. If you are in crypto to get rich that's fine but at least be honest about it.

>> No.29224260
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Imagine being more wrong than someone called Negroponte

>> No.29224323

Sauce, p-please!

>> No.29224353

Its a solution to a problem that people causing it don't want it to solve.

>> No.29224357

The blockchain is in fact too dangerous to ((( banking and bankers))). We haven't even begun to see the inevitable crackdown.

>> No.29224475

Checked and kekked

>> No.29224517

This is the only thing that has kept me out of crypto in the past. The threat of government banning is real, although less likely now that companies and banks and investment firms are getting in.

>> No.29224520

Besides the ecommerce side he was basically correct.

>> No.29224553

I've been feeding your posts into my GPT 3 /biz/ bot and pasting the replies. Thank you for your help.

>> No.29224667

I was first turned onto Bitcoin in 2009, was interested in it as a novel software project.... pulled core down from GitHub.... mined for a minute. Deleted everything. Spent the next 8 years viewing it bitterly from this same mind set.... it’s a ponzi, a solution in search of a problem. Thought I missed out on easy money since it was about $1. At some point the switch flipped for me though and I realized it didn’t matter. It’s not going away. It’s a new type of commodity now, the value it brings is our ability to trade and ride the hype cycles. It carries the dreams of an entire generation at this point. It would be foolish to continue to underestimate the worlds hunger for something like Bitcoin. 100k is not a meme

>> No.29224797

because the data cannot be altered without knowledge of the private key. If a malicious actor alters the data on a node, it will not survive into future iterations of the chain as a result of failing to meet consensus.
Even if you wanted to store private keys in a SQL server like a retard, you could of course have control over access of keys with users and permissions etc.
You also don't need to pay anyone to maintain the servers, software, security, etc. Even if you emulate this legacy way of doing things by storing keys in sql, it'd just be easier and lower cost to operate.

>> No.29224863


I’m an accountant at a Big 4 firm who implements new systems. Blockchain provides no value to accounting because there is no benefit in distributing your accounting data to a public ledger, in what fucking universe do you want extremely sensitive data in anything except an intranet. Data doesn’t need to be accurate but it sure as shit better be private until it doesn’t need to be

>> No.29225007

there's a significant amount of overhead involved in the operation of with legacy systems, which in many cases are merely 1-1 digital simulations of even older physical processes, that you're failing to consider, probably because you don't work with them, in which case I'm not going to spoonfeed you any more.

>> No.29225008
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Look niggers, I'm getting tired of reading this retarded fucking dribble. Decentralized Finance will change the world.
You don't have to trust anyone with your money. The safety of your money is guaranteed by the law of code. Does code have bugs sometimes? Yes. Is it reasonable to assume at some point in the future certain protocols will have 0 exploitable bugs? Also yes. There's no need to worry about whether or not Robinhood is going to restrict your ability to purchase a certain asset. Synthetix will allow you to purchase tokenized stocks no matter what. 24/7 365 days a year
>No barriers to entry (Geographic, Economic, Age-based, Country Infrastructure etc)
Individuals in certain countries do not currently have the ability to purchase the same assets as those in other countries. DeFi allows anyone, anywhere, with any level of infrastructure in their country (Assuming an internet connection exists) to be involved in the exact same kind of investments as everyone else on the planet.
>Higher Yields
Because there is no centralized middle-men DeFi allows for higher yields than most if not all traditional investments. Source? Go check Aave or any other leading DeFi protocol and compare it to CeFi. This is one of the most important advantages of DeFi. If yields were not higher, it wouldn't make sense to those with access to robust infrastructure and trustworthy traditional investment opportunities to get involved with DeFi.
Current financial systems are hilariously slow. When I withdraw money from Coinbase to my bank account it can take hours at best, and days at worst - depending on my withdrawal method. DeFi transaction occur in minutes at worst right now (and we can all agree that they are slow and expensive relative to what they will be with proper scaling solutions in place). But even with current scaling issues, DeFi is faster than current financial systems with regards to end to end settlement of transaction.

>> No.29225216

But the data cannot be changed without knowing it immediately, if the hashes dont add up anymore anyways. I dont need a blockchain with it, just a merkle tree. Which is already in use e.g. in most ERP-systems.

And how would a blockchain remove the need for IT-security, servers and software?

>> No.29225274

Exactly my point.

>> No.29225434

I'd already consider use of a merkle tree synonymous with block-chain in a non-technical discussion. Probably even in a technical one, that's basically what a merkle tree is.
you'd only need a fully-decked out consensus-reaching system on top of that if you have to reconcile data between multiple parties and agencies.

>> No.29225622

Patient data is already being stored and transmitted on the blockchain through secure encryption. I look at the adoption of blockchain as how it must have been like during the transition from paper documents to computers.

>> No.29225645
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If you were yield farming on Bella scooping up some sweet profits with zero effort you'd see the advantages. But heyho, I don't have time to explain it for you.


>> No.29225720

>Decentralized Finance will change the world.
It has not in the past decade.
In this time, it failed to adress the core issues in a timely manner.
Decentralized finance will not work, if you dont try to change the underlying system. Which means you either need try to become a politician and change it or conduct a coup.

And conservatives are not willing to change it, Trump, Bolsonaro etc. had proven this in those past years.

>> No.29225784


>> No.29225857

Yes, what good is a financial system that cannot be (((rigged)))? Do you really think the elites want their financial transactions to be public? Of course not. Crypto has another decade left..tops. By then the elites would have rolled out their own version of BTC or another coin and then regulated crypto to death so it becomes worthless

Anon...its over (soon). Just take the black pill

>> No.29225869

I can’t wait until boomers are wheeling piles of cash in wheelbarrows down the street.

>> No.29225929


>> No.29225939

Wait until the dollar isn't the world's standard anymore. I think the US will be more willing to adopt it then. Right now, we're in a unique position of literally being able to print money with basically no inflation because of being the world's standard currency.

>> No.29225944
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>Adding an arbitrary time limit on the success of DeFi
What are you even on about anon? DeFi has only just begun. $1B TVL to $43B TVL in the last year alone.
There is no requirement to change underlying systems. It's happening right now, people are storing their value in decentralized finance via smart contracts.

>> No.29225994

>I'd already consider use of a merkle tree synonymous with block-chain in a non-technical discussion.

But this is is exactly how a modern ERP-system already works behind the scenes. If you try to meddle with the numbers behind it, many people will know it immediately.

And considering cryptography is still not able to be broken, it is at least as secure as your average blockchain with coins or tokens on it.

>> No.29226042

> I have edgy opinions that the government doesn't like and choose to express them out-loud or in the view of the public

Cattle that leave the herd are the first to be killed. Remember goy, think as you like but act like others

>> No.29226085

Just ruined this hypnotizing video for me. Thanks, I guess.
You a gril by the way?

>> No.29226195

>NFTs are already skyrocketing in value without normie attention
Money laundering through art has always been popular with the elites.

>> No.29226214

Once upon a time I was a naive retard like you. However, MasterCard and Visa have too much power, and it's pretty much impossible for anyone to compete with these duopolies, which is where crypto comes in. A lot of blockchain hype is just woo-woo bullshit, but blockchain-based currencies are legit and are a threat to the man (otherwise, they wouldn't be targeted so harshly by regulators.)

>> No.29226285

Isn't VeChain (VET) already utilizing blockchain in a real world scenario leveraging the ability to ensure the goods purchased are legit and untampered? Even WalMart uses them...

>> No.29226391

>Wait until the dollar isn't the world's standard anymore.
But who with a significant amount of power would want it or let it actually happen without actively preventing it?

Russia? They are the cheap store of raw materials for China. They would like to be more, but they are at best a regional power and the dog on the leash of China.
And China? They go down the drain, if the USD collapses. A significant amount of the debt in USD is held by China.
The EU? The biggest market in the world will not kill the biggest currency in the world.

And what else is left of the political powers or markets in the world?
The Arabs?

>> No.29226481


>> No.29226509

Afaik link solves this

> t. Nolinker

>> No.29226525
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this is like trying to argue adoption of cloud-infrastructure versus in-house servers. Cloud wins because it became easier to set up, cheaper and better because of the inherent efficiency, etc. That companies are already using bits and pieces of a fully-formed blockchain system is only proof that blockchain tech is where we're heading.

Many of the advantages are too fine-grained and technical for you to even realize they exist (considering the point of designing software is to create this illusion. I click button and $ goes from A to B—the UX is an abstraction—the underlying programming is nowhere near as simple and there are countless engineering discussions, tradeoffs, strategies etc that have to be had to do anything).

Also the best argument in favor of crypto is because people want the future. I like biking more than cars, in cities travel by bike is even faster, cheaper, more convenient to park etc. People still buy cars. Smartphones are shitty little computers with no keyboard and a small screen, and there's almost nothing important you're doing on a smartphone that you can't wait and hour until you're sitting at your computer to do. Smartphone are still smartphones. Crypto will succeed because it "feels" like the future and people have spent their entire lives being conditioned to respond to branding like that—only in this case the branding is not necessarily the result of an ad campaign or effort but is inherent to the tech itself.

>> No.29226641

Imagine confusing cryptography with security

Youre braindamaged

>> No.29226676

>Synthetix will allow you to purchase tokenized stocks no matter what. 24/7 365 days a year
This is an assumption. The only reason this is possible is because there are no regulations. Blockchain only remains useful as long as the government doesn't interfere with it. All of the benefits gained from using blockchain technology can be easily removed with a pen stroke. See: governments cracking down on privacy coins. Sure you can choose to ignore the regulations and keep purchasing privacy coins but they aren't going to do you much good if you can't purchase anything with them (outside of the black market) or convert them back into a form of currency that's accepted by the system.

It's over retards. You cannot win unless you remove the jews at the top. You'd think by now you'd understand that governments around the world really do not want you to make it. Some of you got lucky because you were early adopters so you were already grandfathered in, but the ladder is slowly being pulled up after you by the governments. The only reason governments allow you to remain wealthy is because they can still stick their hands in your pockets via taxes. You faggots will have to cash out at some point, and when you do, that's when they will shave shekels off the top of your profits. You cannot HODL forever.

>> No.29226742

>This is an assumption.

You can already buy tokenized stocks on Synthetix, 24/7/365.

>> No.29226840

It is useless because functionally, the blockchain is just a big SQL database with higher latency and added complexity. Plus, it's more expensive.

There is barely anything that actually *needs* thr blockchain to work. Why would companies place all their data on public systems that can be modified by third parties anyway?

>> No.29226842

Re-read my post and respond without cutting off words that make the argument.
>...will allow you to purchase NO MATTER WHAT. 24/7 365 days a year

>> No.29226852

More m9ney has been investen in blockchain research than AI.

>> No.29226872

>They go down the drain, if the USD collapses. A significant amount of the debt in USD is held by China.
This is actually the reason why economists prefer inflation over deflation, it basically gives you interest-free loans, or even self-paying loans.

>> No.29226915

Synthetix is a DEX, you moron.

>> No.29227029

Waving arms without knowing my background? C'mon, you all try to defend a technology you claim to be the next steam machine.

Try to acually do it, not waive your hands around saying buzzwords like the regular normie you all detest so much.

How about you try to explain why blockchains will be "more secure"?

>> No.29227172

There are some companies offering voting systems based on the blockchain.

They still have all the same limitations and caveats of regular digital voting (mainly, verification of votes, trust issues, etc.)
>smart contracts
Which are used solely to produce PnD tokens.

>> No.29227641

>This is actually the reason why economists prefer inflation over deflation, it basically gives you interest-free loans, or even self-paying loans.

If we talk about inflation, we can press the fact into a formula.

The amount of debt owned by the chinese will lower itself by 1/(1+inflation in %) each year.

Assuming it stays the same it was in the past couple decades and China does not add any, the amount of debt will be half of the current amount in just about 30 years. And this is not accounting the fact that the US and Japan are the biggest trade partners of China, who both hold an even way bigger amount of debt in USD and would be completely destroyed by it collapsing.

Assuming the USD will collapse anytime within our life span is absolutely ridiculous.

>> No.29227707

Almost nothing in the universe matters. In fact, almost nothing is matter to begin with. The phrase is meaningless